(2008 SCHEME)
                           B.Tech Degree Course – 2008 Scheme
1. Conditions for Admission
Candidates for admission to the B.Tech degree course shall be required to have passed the
Higher Secondary Examination, Kerala or 12th Standard V.H.S.E., C.B.S.E., I.S.C. or any
examination accepted by the university as equivalent thereto obtaining not less than 50% in
Mathematics and 50% in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry/ Bio- technology/ Computer
Science/ Biology put together, or a diploma in Engineering awarded by the Board of
Technical Education, Kerala or an examination recognized as equivalent thereto after
undergoing an institutional course of at least three years securing a minimum of 50 % marks
in the final diploma examination subject to the usual concessions allowed for backward
classes and other communities as specified from time to time.
2. Duration of the course
i) The course for the B.Tech Degree shall extend over a period of four academic years
comprising of eight semesters. The first and second semester shall be combined and each
semester from third semester onwards shall cover the groups of subjects as given in the
curriculum and scheme of examination
ii) Each semester shall ordinarily comprise of not less than 400 working periods each of 60
minutes duration
iii) A candidate who could not complete the programme and pass all examinations within Ten
(10) years since his first admission to the B.Tech programme will not be allowed to continue
and he has to quit the Programme. However he can be readmitted to the first year of the
programme if he/she satisfies the eligibility norms applicable to the regular candidates
prevailing at the time of readmission.
3. Eligibility for the Degree
Candidates for admission to the degree of bachelor of technology shall be required to have
undergone the prescribed course of study in an institution maintained by or affiliated to the
University of Kerala for a period of not less than four academic years and to have passed all
the examinations specified in the scheme of study
4. Subjects of Study
The subjects of study shall be in accordance with the scheme and syllabi prescribed
5. Evaluation
Candidates in each semester will be evaluated both by continuous assessment and end
semester University examination. The individual maximum marks allotted for continuous
assessment and University examination for each subject is as prescribed by the scheme of
5.1 Continuous Assessment (C.A)
The marks awarded for the continuous assessment will be on the basis of the day-to-day
work, periodic tests (minimum two in a semester) and assignments (minimum of three – one
each from each module). The faculty member concerned will do the continuous assessment
for each semester. The C.A. marks for the individual subjects shall be computed by giving
weight age to the following parameters.
Subject                   Attendance        Tests                Assignments/
                                                                 Class Work
Theory Subjects                20%                 50%                       30%
Drawing                        20%                 40%                       40%
Practical                      20%                 40%                       40%
Project Work                               Work Assessed by Guide – 50%
                           Assessed by a three member committee out of which one member
                                                  is the guide – 50%
The C.A. marks for the attendance (20%) for each theory, practical and drawing shall be
awarded in full only if the candidate has secured 90% attendance or above in the subject.
Proportionate reduction shall be made in the case of subjects in which he/she gets below 90%
of the attendance for a subject. The CA marks obtained by the student for all subjects in a
semester is to be published at least 5 days before the commencement of the University
examinations. Anomalies if any may be scrutinized by the department committee and the
final CA marks are forwarded to the university within the stipulated time.
5.2. End Semester University Examinations
 i)     There will be University examinations at the end of the first academic year and at the
        end of every semester from third semester onwards in subjects as prescribed under
        the respective scheme of examinations. Semester classes shall be completed at least
        10 working days before the commencement of the University examination.
 ii)    The examination will be held twice in an year – April/May session (for even
        semester) and October/November session (for odd semester). The combined 1st and
        2nd semester is reckoned as equivalent to an even semester for the purpose of conduct
        of examination and the University examination will be held during April/May.
        However VII and VIII Semester examination will be conducted in both the sessions.
        This schedule will not be changed
 iii)   A student will be permitted to appear for the university examination only if he/she
        satisfies the following requirements
        a. He/she must secure not less than 75% attendance in the total number of working
            periods during the first year and in each semester thereafter and shall be
            physically present for a minimum of 60% of the total working periods. In
            addition, he/she also shall be physically present in at least 50% of total working
            periods for each subject
        b. He must earn a progress certificate from the head of the institution of having
            satisfactorily completed the course of study in the semester as prescribed by these
        c. It shall be open to the Vice-Chancellor to grant condonation of shortage of
             attendance on the recommendation of the head of the institution in accordance
             with the following norms
        d. The attendance shall not be less than 60% of the total working periods
        e. He/she shall be physically present for a minimum of 50% of the total working
        f. The shortage shall not be condoned more than twice during the entire course
        g. The condonation shall be granted subject to the rules and procedures prescribed
             by the university from time to time.
        h. The condonation for combined 1st and 2nd semesters will be reckoned as a single
             condonation for attendance purposes.
 iv)    A student who is not permitted to appear for the University examinations for a
        particular semester due to the shortage of attendance and not permitted by the
        authorities for condonation of shortage of attendance shall repeat the semester when
        it is offered again. This provision is allowed only once for a semester.
 v)     The university will conduct examinations for all subjects (Theory, Drawing &
 vi)    The scheme of valuation will be decided by the chief examiner for theory / drawing
 vii)   For practical examinations, the examiners together will decide the marks to be
        awarded. The student shall produce the certified record of the work done in the
        laboratory during the examination. The evaluation of the candidate should be as per
        the guidelines given in the syllabus for the practical subject.
6. Letter Grades
For each subject in a semester, based on the total marks obtained by the student in the
University examination and Continuous assessment put together a letter grade (S,A+, A, B+,
B, C+, C, D, E and F) will be awarded. All letter grades except ‘F’ will be awarded if the
marks for the University examination is 40 % or above and the total mark (C.A marks +
University Exam mark) is 50 % or above. No absolute mark will be indicated in the grade
card. Letter grade corresponding to total marks (C.A marks+ University Exam mark) and the
corresponding grade point in a ten-point scale is described below.
% of Total marks                                 Letter         Grade    Point Remarks
                                                 Grade          (G.P)
(C.A marks + University Exam mark)
90 % and above                                   S              10               Excellent
85 % and above but less than 90%                 A+             9
80 % and above but less than 85%                 A              8.5
75 % and above but less than 80%                 B+             8
70 % and above but less than 75%                 B              7.5
65 % and above but less than 70%                 C+             7
60 % and above but less than 65%                 C              6.5
55 % and above but less than 60%                 D              6
50 % and above but less than 55%                 E              5.5
Below 50% (C.A + U.E) or                         F              0                Failed
below 40 % for U.E only
7. Grade Point Average (GPA) and Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA)
Grade point average is the semester wise average points obtained by each student in a 10-
point scale. GPA for a particular semester is calculated as per the calculation shown below.
          ∑ Credit × GP obtained for the subject
                      ∑ credit for subject
Cumulative Grade point Average (CGPA) is the average grade points obtained by the
students till the end of any particular semester. CGPA is calculated in a 10-point scale as
shown below.
            ∑ Credits for semester × GPA obtained for the semester
                             ∑ credits for the semester
GPA and CGPA shall be rounded to two decimal points. The Grade card issued to the
students shall contain subject number and subject name, credits for the subject, letter grades
obtained, GPA for the semester and CGPA up to that particular semester. In addition to the
grade cards for each semester all successful candidate shall also be issued a consolidated
statement grades. On specific request from a candidate and after remitting the prescribed fees
the University shall issue detailed mark to the individual candidate.
8. Minimum for a pass
a)       A candidate shall be declared to have passed a semester examination in full in the first
         appearance if he/she secures not less than 5.5 GPA with a minimum of ‘E’ grade for
         the all individual subject in that semester.
b)       A candidate shall be declared to have passed in an individual subject of a semester
         examination if he/she secures grade ‘E’ or above.
c)       A candidate who does not secure a full pass in a semester examination as per clause
         (a) above will have to pass in all the subjects of the semester examination as per
         clause (b) above before he is declared to have passed in that semester examination in
9. Improvement of Grades
 i) A candidate shall be allowed to re-appear for a maximum of two subjects of a semester
    examination in order to improve the marks and hence the grades already obtained subject
    to the following conditions
      a)    The candidate shall be permitted to improve the examination only along with next
            available chance.
      b)    The candidate shall not be allowed to appear for an improvement examination for
            the subjects of the VII & VIII semesters
      c)    The grades obtained by the candidate for each subject in the improvement chance
            he has appeared for or the already existing grades – whichever is better will be
            reckoned as the grades secured.
            First & Second semester will be counted as a single chance and they can improve a
            maximum of three subjects
ii) A candidate shall be allowed to repeat the course work in one or more semesters in order
     to better the C.A. marks already obtained, subject to the following conditions
     a) He/she shall repeat the course work in a particular semester only once and that too at
         the earliest opportunity offered to him/her.
     b) He/she shall not combine this course work with his/her regular course work
     c) He/she shall not be allowed to repeat the course work of any semester if he has
         already passed that semester examination in full
     d) The C.A marks obtained by the repetition of the course work will be considered for all
iii) A candidate shall be allowed to withdraw from the whole examination of a semester in
accordance with the rules for cancellation of examination of the University of Kerala.
10. Classification of Successful candidates
i) A candidate who qualifies for the degree passing all the subjects of the eight semesters
    within five academic years ( ten consecutive semesters after the commencement of his/her
    course of study) and secures not less than 8 CGPA up to and including eighth semester
    (overall CGPA) shall be declared to have passed the B.Tech degree examination in FIRST
ii) A candidate who qualifies for the degree passing all the subjects of the eight semesters
    within five academic years ( ten consecutive semesters after the commencement of his/her
    course of study) and secures less than 8 CGPA but not less than 6.5 CGPA up to and
    including eighth semester shall be declared to have passed the B.Tech degree examination
iii) All other successful candidates shall be declared to have passed the B.Tech Degree
    examination in SECOND CLASS
iv)Successful candidates who complete the examination in four academic years (Eight
    consecutive semesters after the commencement of the course of study shall be ranked
    branch-wise on the basis of the CGPA in all eight semesters put together. In the case of a
    tie in the CGPA the total marks of the students who have got same CGPA shall be
    considered for finalizing the rank. Students who pass the examination in supplementary
    examination are also covered under this clause
11. Educational Tour
a) The students may undertake one educational tour preferably after fourth semester of the
     course and submit a tour report
b) The tour may be conducted during the vacation / holidays taking not more than 5 working
     days, combined with the vacation / holidays if required. Total number of Tour days shall
     not exceed 15 days.
c) The tour period shall be considered as part of the working periods of a semester
12. Revision of Regulations
The university may from time to time revise, amend or change the regulations, curriculum,
scheme of examinations and syllabi. These changes unless specified otherwise, will have
effect from the beginning of the academic year / semester following the notification of the
                                              University of Kerala
                 Scheme of study for the B.Tech Degree in Civil Engineering
                                                 ( 2008 scheme)
                                          Combined I and II Semesters
                                             (Common for all branches)
                                                            Weekly load,
Course     Name of subject                                                     Max        Exam     Exam  Credits
No                                                                             sessional  Dur      max
                                                                               marks      Hrs      marks
                                                            L     T     D/P
08.101     Engineering Mathematics                          2     1     0      50         3        100   6
08.102     Engineering Physics                              2     1     0      50         3        100   6
08.103     Engineering Chemistry                            2     1     0      50         3        100   6
08.104     Engineering Graphics                             1     0     2      50         3        100   6
08.105     Engineering Mechanics                            2     1     0      50         3        100   6
08.106     Basic Civil Engineering                          2     1     0      50         3        100   6
08.107     Basic Mechanical Engineering                     2     1     0      50         3        100   6
08.108     Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering     2     1     0      50         3        100   6
08.109     Basic Communication and Information              2     1     0      50         3        100   6
08.110     Engineering Workshops                            0     0     2      50         3        100   4
           Total                                            17    8     4      500                 1000  58
     The subject 08.109 will be handled by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering,
                                                  Third Semester
       Course     Subject                              Credit L T P/D       Sessional        University
         No:                                                                  Marks           Exam.
                                                                                          Hrs. Marks
       08.301     Engineering Mathematics                4     3 1 -            50         3       100      150
       08.302     Mechanics of Structures                4     3  1  -          50          3      100      150
       08.303     Fluid Mechanics- I                     4     3  1  -          50          3      100      150
       08.304     Concrete Technology                    3     2  1  -          50          3      100      150
       08.305     Surveying I                            4     3  1  -          50         3       100      150
       08.306     Engineering Geology                    4     3  1             50          3      100      150
       08.307     Building Technology &                  4     2  -  2          50         3       100      150
       08.308     Practical Surveying – I                2     - - 2            50          3      100      150
                           Total                        29    19 6 4           400                 800     1200
                                         Fourth Semester
  Course No: Subject                        Credit L T P/D Sessional Marks University Exam. Total
                                                                            Hrs.    Marks
    08.401   Engineering Mathematics – III     4    3 1 -         50         3       100     150
    08.402   Humanities                        3    3 - -         50         3       100     150
    08.403   Structural Analysis - I           4    3 1 -         50         3       100     150
    08.404   Fluid Mechanics – II              4    3 1           50         3       100     150
    08.405   Surveying II                      5    3 2 -         50         3       100     150
    08.406   Building Planning & Drawing       5    1 - 4         50         3       100     150
    08.407   Strength of Materials Lab.        2    - - 2         50         3       100     150
    08.408   Fluid Mechanics Lab.              2    - - 2         50         3       100     150
                                              29 16 5 8          400                 800    1200
                                          Fifth Semester
   Course  Subject                              Credit L T P/D   Sessional     University   Total
     No:                                                          Marks          Exam.      Marks
                                                                             Hrs. Marks
   08.501  Engineering Mathematics - IV           4     3 1 -       50        3       100    150
   08.502  Design of Reinforced Concrete          5    3 2 -        50        3       100    150
   08.503  Structural Analysis – II               5     3 2 -       50        3       100    150
   08.504  Transportation Engineering - I         4     3 1 -       50        3       100    150
   08.505  Urban Planning and Architecture        4     3 1         50        3       100    150
   08.506  Elective I                             3     3 - -       50        3       100    150
   08.507  Practical Surveying II                 2     - - 2       50        3       100    150
   08.508  Concrete Lab.                          2     - - 2       50        3       100    150
                      Total                      29    18 7 4      400                800   1200
                                         Sixth Semester
Course No: Subject                            Credit L T P/D    Sessional   University Exam. Total
                                                                 Marks                       Marks
                                                                             Hrs.    Marks
  08.601   Design of Steel Structures            5     3  2 -      50         3       100     150
  08.602   Geo-technical Engineering – I         4     3  1 -      50         3       100     150
  08.603   Water Resources Engineering           4     3  1        50         3       100     150
  08.604   Transportation Engineering - II       4     3  1        50         3       100     150
  08.605                                         4    3   1 -      50         3       100     150
           Programming and Numerical
  08.606   Elective – II                         4     3 1 -       50         3       100     150
  08.607   Transportation Engineering Lab.       2     - - 2       50         3       100     150
  08.608   Computer Aided Design &               2     - - 2       50         3       100     150
           Drafting Lab.
                    Total                       29    18 7 4      400                 800    1200
                                       Seventh Semester
  Course Subject                                 Credi L T P/D    Sessional       University  Total
   No:                                             ts               Marks           Exam.    Marks
                                                                               Hrs. Marks
  08.701  Advanced Structural Analysis              5    3  2 -       50          3     100    150
  08.702  Design of Hydraulic Structures            5    3  - 2       50          4     100    150
  08.703  Geotechnical Engineering – II             4    3  1 -       50          3     100    150
  08.704  Environmental Engineering - I             4    3  1 -       50          3     100    150
  08.705  Elective – III                            4    3  1 -       50          3     100    150
  08.706  Environmental Engineering Lab.            2    -  - 2       50          3     100    150
  08.707  Geotechnical Engineering Lab.             2    -  - 2       50          3     100    150
  08.708  (a) Seminar & Project                     3    -  - 3      100                       100
          (b) Survey Camp& Industrial Training
                                                   29 15 5 9         450                700
                     Total                                                                    1150
                                           Eighth Semester
 Course Subject                                     Credit L T P/D Sessional  University Total
   No:                                                              Marks       Exam.    Marks
                                                                             Hrs. Marks
 08.801     Design & Drawing of Reinforced            4    2 - 2      50      4     100   150
            Concrete Structures
 08.802     Design & Drawing of Steel Structures      4     2 - 2     50      4     100   150
 08.803     Environmental Engineering - II            4     3 1 -     50      3     100   150
 08.804     Quantity Surveying and Valuation          3     3 - -     50      3     100   150
 08.805     Construction Management                   3     3 - -     50      3     100   150
 08.806     Elective - IV                             3     3 - -     50      3     100   150
 08.807     Elective - V                              3     3 - -     50      3     100   150
            Project , Viva &Industrial Visit
 08.808                                               5     - - 5    100            100   200
                         Total                       29    19 1 9    450            800  1250
List of Electives
Elective-I (Vth semester)
08.506.1 Modern Construction Materials
08.506.2 Geomatics
08.506.3 Free Surface Flow
08.506.4 Environmental Science and Management
08.506.5 Advanced concrete technology
Elective-II (VIth Semester )
08 606.1 Soil Exploration
08 606.2 Solid Waste Management
08 606.3 Wave Hydro dynamics
08 606.4 Advanced Computational Methods
08 606.5 Traffic Engineering
08 606.6 Valuation of Real Properties
08 606.7 Sustainable Development
08.606.8 Hydrology & Water Resources
08.606.9. Nano Science & Nano Technology
08 606 10 Natural Disaster Management
08.606.11Communicative English and Technical Writing
Elective-III (VIIth Semester )
08 705.1 Theory of Elasticity
08.705.2. Earth Dam Engineering
08.705.3 Deep Foundations
08.705.4 Structural Analysis for Dynamic Loads
08.705.5 Wind loading on structures
08.705.6 Air quality Management
08.705.7 Personnel Management
08.705.8 Design of Offshore Structures
08.705.9 Urban water Management and Environmental Hydraulics
08.705.10 Pre-stressed Concrete
08.705.11 Highway and Airfield Pavement Materials
08.705.12 Artificial Intelligence Methods
Elective-IV (VIIIth Semester )
08.806.1 Design of Steel Concrete Composite structures
08.806.2 Design of Port, Harbour and Coastal structures
08.806.3 Design and Construction of pavements
08.806.4 Advanced Foundation Engineering
08.806.5 Finite Element Methods
08.806.6 Probabilistic Methods in Civil Engineering
08.806.7 Ground Water Engineering
08.806.8 Repair & Rehabilitation of Structures
08.806.9 Ground Improvement
08.806.10 Earthquake resistant design of structures
08.806.11 Environmental Impact Assessment
08.806.12 Instrumentation for Engineering Measurements
Elective-V (VIIIth Semester )
08.807.1 Geotechnical earthquake Engineering
08.807.2 Foundations on Expansive Soils
08.807.3 Industrial Waste Water Management
08.807.4 Design of Bridges
08.807.5 Transportation Planning
08.807.6 Materials Management
08.807.7 Optimization Techniques in Engineering.
08.807.8 Irrigation and drainage Engineering
08.807.9 Transportation system management
08.80710 Reinforced Earth
08.807.11 Industrial Structures
08.807.12 Geo Environmental Engineering
08.807.13. Systems engineering for civil engineers
                        Syllabus for Combined I&II Semester
                      08-101 ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS- 1
    L-T-P : 2-1-0                                                                                 Credits: 6
                                                   MODULE- 1
Applications of differentiation:– Definition of Hyperbolic functions and their derivatives- Successive
differentiation- Leibnitz’ Theorem(without proof)- Curvature- Radius of curvature- centre of curvature-
Evolute ( Cartesian ,polar and parametric forms)
Partial differentiation and applications:- Partial derivatives- Euler’s theorem on homogeneous functions-
Total derivatives- Jacobians- Errors and approximations- Taylor’s series (one and two variables) - Maxima and
minima of functions of two variables - Lagrange’s method- Leibnitz rule on differentiation under integral sign.
Vector differentiation and applications :- Scalar and vector functions- differentiation of vector functions-
Velocity and acceleration- Scalar and vector fields- Operator ∇ - Gradient- Physical interpretation of gradient-
Directional derivative- Divergence- Curl- Identities involving ∇ (no proof) - Irrotational and solenoidal fields
– Scalar potential.
Laplace transforms:- Transforms of elementary functions - shifting property- Inverse transforms- Transforms
of derivatives and integrals- Transform functions multiplied by t and divided by t - Convolution
theorem(without proof)-Transforms of unit step function, unit impulse function and periodic functions-second
shifiting theorem- Solution of ordinary differential equations with constant coefficients using Laplace
Differential Equations and Applications:- Linear differential eqations with constant coefficients- Method of
variation of parameters - Cauchy and Legendre equations –Simultaneous linear equations with constant
coefficients- Application to orthogonal trajectories (cartisian form only).
Matrices:-Rank of a matrix- Elementary transformations- Equivalent matrices- Inverse of a matrix by gauss-
Jordan method- Echelon form and normal form- Linear dependence and independence of vectors- Consistency-
Solution of a system linear equations-Non homogeneous and homogeneous equations- Eigen values and eigen
vectors – Properties of eigen values and eigen vectors- Cayley Hamilton theorem(no proof)- Diagonalisation-
Quadratic forms- Reduction to canonical forms-Nature of quadratic forms-Definiteness,rank,signature and
1. Kreyszig; Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 8th edition, Wiley Eastern.
2. Peter O’ Neil ; Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Thomson
3. B.S.Grewal ; Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers
4. B.V.Ramana; Higher Engineering Mathematics, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2006
5. Michel D Greenberg; Advanced Engineering Mathematics,Pearson International
6. Sureshan J, Nazarudeen and Royson; Engineering Mathematics I, Zenith Publications
                                     08.102 ENGINEERING PHYSICS
           L-T-P: 2-1- 0                                                                      Credits: 6
Oscillations and Waves
Basic ideas of harmonic oscillations – Differential equation of a SHM and its solution. Theory of damped
harmonic oscillations. Quality factor. Theory of forced harmonic oscillations and resonance. Types of waves.
One dimensional waves – Differential Equation. Harmonic waves. Three dimensional waves - Differential
Equation and solution. Plane waves and spherical waves. Energy in wave motion. Velocity of transverse waves
along a stretched string.
Electromagnetic Theory
Del operator – grad, div, curl and their physical significance. Concept of displacement current. Deduction of
Maxwell’s equations. Prediction of electromagnetic waves. Transverse nature of electromagnetic waves. E and
H are at right angles. Poynting’s theorem (qualitative only)
Physics of Solids
Space lattice. Unit cell and lattice parameters. Crystal systems. Co-ordination number and packing factor with
reference to simple cubic, body centered cubic and face centered cubic crystals. Directions and planes. Miller
indices. Interplanar spacing in terms of Miller indices. Super conductivity - Meissner effect. Type-I and Type-II
superconductors. BCS theory (qualitative). High temperature superconductors. Applications of superconductors.
Introduction to new materials (qualitative) -Metallic glasses, Nano materials, Shape memory alloys, Bio
                                                   MODULE- II
Interference of Light
Concept of temporal and spatial coherence. Interference in thin films and wedge shaped films. Newton’s rings.
Michelson’s interferometer. Determination of wave length and thickness. Interference filters. Antireflection
Diffraction of Light
Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction. Fraunhofer diffraction at a single slit. Fraunhofer diffraction at a circular
aperture (qualitative). Rayleigh’s criterion for resolution. Resolving power of telescope and microscope. Plane
transmission grating. Resolving power of grating. Grating equation. X-ray diffraction. Bragg’s law.
Polarization of Light
Types of polarized light. Double refraction. Nicol Prism. Retardation plates. Theory of plane, circular and
elliptically polarized light. Production and analysis of circularly and elliptically polarized light. Polaroids.
Induced birefringence. Photo elasticity – isoclinic and isochromatic fringes – photo elastic bench
Special Theory of Relativity
Michelson-Morley experiment. Einstein’s postulates. Lorentz transformation equations (no derivation).
Simultaneity. Length contraction. Time dilation. Velocity addition. Relativistic mass. Mass energy relation.
Mass less particle.
                                                  MODULE – III
Quantum Mechanics
Dual nature of matter. Wave function. Uncertainty principle. Energy and momentum operators. Eigen values
and functions. Expectation values. Time Dependent and Time Independent Schrodinger equations. Particle in
one dimensional box. Tunnelling (qualitative).
Statistical Mechanics
Macrostates and Microstates. Phase space. Basic postulates of Maxwell-Boltzmann, Bose-Einstein and Fermi-
Dirac statistics. Distribution equations in the three cases (no derivation). Bosons and Fermions. Density of
states. Derivation of Planck’s formula. Free electrons in a metal as a Fermi gas. Fermi energy.
Einstein’s coefficients. Population inversion and stimulated emission. Optical resonant cavity. Ruby Laser,
Helium-Neon Laser, Carbon dioxide Laser (qualitative). Semiconductor Laser (qualitative). Holography. Fiber
Optics - Numerical Aperture and acceptance angle. Types of optical fibers. Applications.
     1. Sears & Zemansky ; University Physics. XI Edn.,; Pearson
     2. Frank & Leno; Introduction to Optics. III Edn., , Pearson
    3.   J.C. Upadhyaya; Mechanics., Ram Prasad & Sons
    4.   David J Griffiths; Introduction to Electrodynamics, III Edn, , Pearson
    5.   M Ali Omar; Elementary Solid State Physics., Pearson
    6.   S O Pillai; Solid State Physics., New Age International Publishers
    7.   John R Taylor, Chris D Zafiratos & Michael A Dubson; Modern Physics for Scientists and Engineers.
         II Edn, Prentice Hall of India
    8.   Eugene Hecht; Optics. IV Edn, Pearson
    9.   Robert Resnick ; Introduction to Special Relativity., John Willey and Sons
    10.  Richard L Libboff; Introduction to Quantum Mechanics. IV Edn, Pearson
    11.  Donald A Mcquarrie; Statistical Mechanics., Vivo Books
    12.  Mark Ratner& Daniel Ratner; Nanotechnology.
    13.   T.A. Hassan et al; A Text Book of Engineering Physics., Aswathy Publishers, Trivandrum
    14.  B. Premlet; Advanced Engineering Physics , Phasor Books, Kollam.
    1. Newton’s Rings – Determination of wave length.
    2. Air Wedge – Diameter of a thin wire
    3. Spectrometer – Plane transmission grating – wavelength of light.
    4. Spectrometer – Refractive indices of calcite for the ordinary and extraordinary rays.
    5. Laser – Diffraction at a narrow slit.
    6. Laser – Diffraction at a straight wire or circular aperture.
    7. Michelson’s interferometer – Wavelength of light.
    8. Michelson’s interferometer – Thickness of thin transparent film.
    9. Polarization by reflection – Brewster’s law.
    10. Computer stimulation – superposition of waves.
    11. Computer stimulation – study of E & H. (Gauss’ law & Ampere’s law)
Pattern of Question Paper
         University examination is for a maximum of 100 marks, in 3 hour duration. The syllabus is spread in 3
    modules. The question paper will consist of two parts (A and B).
         Part A contains short answer questions for 40 marks. This part contains 10 questions without any
    choice, each of 4 marks (uniformly taken from all modules).
         Part B contains long answer questions for 60 marks. From each module, this part contains 3 questions
    out of which 2 are to be answered, each of 10 marks. Long answer questions from all the 3 modules will
    form 60 marks.
                               08.103 ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY
                L-T-T: 2-1-0                                                              Credits: 6
Electrochemistry - Electrodes- Electrode potential- Origin of electrode potential- Helmholtz double layer-
Nernst equation and application- Reference electrodes- Standard hydrogen electrode- Saturated calomel
electrode- Quinhydron electrode-Determination of PH using these electrodes- Concentration cells- Fuel cells-
Secondary cells- Lead acid cell- Nickel cadmium cell- Lithium-ion cell. - Coductometric and Potentiometric
titrations (acid base, oxidation reduction and precipitation titrations). (12hrs)
Corrosion and its control- Theories of corrosion (chemical corrosion and electrochemical corrosion)- Galvanic
series- Types of corrosion (Concentration cell corrosion, Stress corrosion, Galvanic corrosion) - Factors
affecting corrosion (nature of metal and nature of environment) and different methods of corrosion control
(corrosion inhibitors, cathodic protection). (5hrs)
Protective coatings- Metallic coatings- Chemical conversion coatings- paint (4hrs)
Nano materials- Introduction-Classification-preparation (laser abrasion technique and sputtering technique)-
Chemical method (reduction)-Properties and Applications of nano materials-Nano tubes-Nano wires.
Water treatment- Types of hardness- Degree of hardness- Related problems- Estimation of hardness- by
EDTA method- Sludge and scales in boilers- Priming and foaming- Boiler corrosion-Water softening methods,
Lime-soda process, Ion exchange methods-Internal treatments (colloidal, carbonate, phosphate and calgon
conditioning)- Domestic water treatment- Methods of disinfection of water-Desalination process (Reverse
osmosis, electro dialysis- Distillation). (12hrs)
Environmental damages and prevention- Air pollution- CFCs and ozone depletion- Alternative refrigerents-
Green house effect-Water pollution- BOD and COD- Waste water treatment- Aerobic - Anaerobic and USAB
processes. (3hrs)
Thermal methods of analysis-Basic principles involved in Thermo gravimetry, Differential thermal analysis
and applications. (2hrs)
Spectroscopy- Molecular energy levels-Types of molecular spectra- Electronic spectra (Classification of
electronic transitions- Beer Lamberts law, Vibrational spectra (mechanism of interaction and application),
Rotational spectra (Determination of bond length and application). NMR spectra (Basic principle,
chemical shift, spin-spin splitting)
Chromatography- General principles- High performance liquid chromatography- Gas chromatography. (2hrs)
Polymers- Classifications- Mechanism of polymerization (Addition, free radical, cationic, anionic and
coordination polymerization)- Thermoplastics and thermosetting plastics-Compounding of plastics-Moulding
techniques of plastics (Compression, Injection, Transfer and Extrusion moulding)-Preparation, properties and
uses of PVC, PVA, PMMA, Nylon, PET, Bakelite, Urea formaldehyde resin- Silicon polymers- Biodegradable
plastics. Elastomers- structure of natural rubber- vulcanization- synthetic rubbers (Buna-S, Butyl rubber and
Neoprene) (12hrs)
Organo electronic compounds -Super conducting and conducting organic materials like Polyaniline,
polyacetylene and [polypyrrol and its applications. (2hrs)
Fuels- Calorific value- HCV and LCV-Experimental determination of calorific value-Theoretical calculation of
calorific value by Dulong’s formula - Bio fuels -Bio hydrogen and Bio-diesel (5hrs)
Lubricants- Introduction-Mechanism of lubrication- solid and liquid lubricant- Properties of lubricants-
Viscosity index- flash and fire point- cloud and pour point- aniline value. (4hrs)
Cement- Manufacture of Portland cement- Theory of setting and hardening of cement (2hrs)
1.        Estimation of total hardness in water using EDTA.
2.        Estimation of chloride ions in domestic water.
3.        Estimation of dissolved oxygen.
4.        Estimation of COD in sewage water.
5.        Estimation of available chlorine in bleaching powder.
6.      Estimation of copper in brass.
7.      Estimation of iron in a sample of heamatite.
8.      Determination of flash and fire point of a lubricating oil by Pensky Marten’s        apparatus.
9.      Potentiometric titrations.
        Preparation of buffers and standardisation of PH meter.
        Determination of molarity of HCl solution PH-metrically.
12.     Determinations of PH using glass electrode and quinhydron electrode.
    1. H.A. Willard, L.L. Merrit and J.A. Dean ;”Instrumental methods of analysis’
    2. A.K. De ; “Environmental Chemistry”
    3. K.J.Klauhunde; ”Nanoscale materials in chemistry”
    4. B.R. Gowariker ; “Polymer science”
    5. B.W.Gonser ; “Modern materials”
    6. V.Raghavan; “Material Science and engineering. A first course”
    7. L.H. Van Vlack ; “Elements of Material science and Engineering”
    8. J.W.Goodby ; “Chemistry of liquid crystals”
    9. S.Glasstone ; “A text book of physical chemistry”
    10. P.C. Jain; ‘Engineering Chemistry”
    11. Juhaina Ahad ; “Engineering Chemistry”
    12. Shashi Chawla ; “A text book of Engineering Chemistry”
    13. R. Gopalan, D.Venkappayya & S. Nagarajan ; “Engineering Chemistry”
    14. J.C. Kuriakose and J. Rajaram ; “Chemistry of Engineering and Technology volume I & II”
    15. R.N Goyal and Harmendra Goeal; “Engineering Chemistry”, Ane Students                      Edition,
                               08.104 ENGINEERING GRAPHICS
L- T-D: 1-0-2                                                                      CREDITS: 6
INTRODUCTION:                Introduction to technical drawing and its language. Lines, lettering, dimensioning,
           scaling of figures, symbols and drawing instruments. (1 sheet practice)
                                                    MODULE 1
PLAIN CURVES:                Conic sections by eccentricity method. Construction of ellipse: (i) Arc of circles
        method (ii) Rectangle method (ii) Concentric circles method. Construction of parabola (i) Rectangle
        method (ii) Tangent method. Construction of hyperbola (i) Arc of circles method (ii) given ordinate,
        abscissa and the transverse axis (iii) given the asymptotes and a point on the curve. Construction of
        Tangent and Normal at any point on these curves
MISCELLANEOUS CURVES:                 Construction of Cycloid, Epicycloid and Hypocycloid, Involute of a circle.
           Archimedian spiral, Logarithmic spiral and Helix. Construction of Tangent and Normal at any point
           on these curves
PROJECTION OF POINTS AND LINES: Types of projections, Principles of Orthographic projection.
         Projections of points and lines. Determination of true length, inclination with planes of projection and
         traces of lines.
                                                    MODULE II
PROJECTION OF SOLIDS:                 Projection of simple solids such as prisms, pyramids, cone, cylinder,
         tetrahedron, octahedron, sphere and their auxiliary projections.
SECTIONS OF SOLIDS: Types of cutting planes, section of simple solids cut by parallel, perpendicular and
         inclined cutting planes. Their projections and true shape of cut sections.
DEVELOPMENT OF SURFACES:                       Development of surfaces of (i) simple solids like prisms, pyramids,
         cylinder and cone (ii) Cut regular solids.
                                                    MODULE III
ISOMETRIC PROJECTION:                 Isometric scale, Isometric view and projections of simple solids like prisms,
         pyramids, cylinder, cone sphere, frustum of solids and also their combinations.
INTERSECTION OF SURFACES: Intersection of surfaces of two solids as given below.
        (i) Cylinder and cylinder
        (ii)Prism and prism.
        (iii) Cone and Cylinder
(Only cases where the axes are perpendicular to each other and intersecting with or without offset.)
PERSPECTIVE PROJECTION: Principles of perspective projection, definition of perspective terminology.
         Perspective projection of simple solids like prisms and pyramids in simple positions.
CAD: Introduction to CAD systems, Benefits of CAD, Various Soft wares for CAD, Demonstration of any
         one CAD software.
General Note:
                  (i) First angle projection to be followed
                  (ii) Question paper shall contain 3 questions from each module, except from CAD. Students
                  are required to answer any two questions from each module.
               (iii) Distribution of marks
                          Module -I 2 x 16 = 32
                          Module -II 2 x 17 = 34
                          Module III 2 x 17 = 34
   1. Luzadder and Duff ; Fundamentals of Engineering Drawing
   2. N. D. Bhatt ; Engineering Drawing
   3. K. Venugopal ; Engineering Drawing and Graphics
   4. P.S. Gill; Engineering Graphics
   5. P.I. Varghese; Engineering Graphics
   6. K.R. Gopalakrishnan; Engineering Drawing
   7. Thamaraselvi; Engineering Drawing
   8. K.C. John; Engineering Graphics
   9. K.N. Anil Kumar; Engineering Graphics
08.105                                ENGINEERING MECHANICS
       L-T-P: 2 - 1 – 0                                                                               Credits: 6
                                              MODULE I (20 HRS)
Idealizations of Mechanics- Elements of vector algebra
Statics of rigid bodies-Classification of force systems- principle of transmissibility of a force- composition and
resolution- Resultant and Equilibrant of coplanar concurrent force systems-various analytical methods- - Lami’s
theorem, method of resolution- Conditions of equilibrium-
Moment of a force, couple, properties of couple- Varignon’s theorem- Resultant and equilibrant of coplanar
non-concurrent force systems- Conditions of equilibrium. Equilibrium of rigid bodies-free body
diagrams.(simple problems)
Types of supports - types of beams - types of loading- Support reactions of simply supported and overhanging
beams under different types of loading.
Forces in space, equations of equilibrium, Vector approach.
Friction-Laws of friction-angle of friction- cone of friction- ladder friction- wedge friction.
                                              MODULE II (20 HRS)
Properties of surfaces- centroid of composite areas- Theorems of Pappus-Gouldinus- Moment of inertia of areas,
Parallel and perpendicular axes theorems- Radius of Gyration- moment of inertia of composite areas.
Dynamics: Kinematics-Combined motion of translation and rotation-instantaneous centre, motion of
link, motion of connecting rod and piston, wheel rolling without slipping.
Relative velocity - basic concepts-analysis of different types of problems
Kinetics- Newton’s laws of translatory motion- D’Alembert’s principle- Motion of lift- Motion of connected
                                             MODULE III (20 HRS)
Work, Power and Energy - Work-Energy principle-Impulse, Momentum.
Collision of elastic bodies-Law of conservation of momentum-Direct and oblique impact between elastic bodies
and impact with fixed plane.
Curvilinear motion- D’Alembert’s principle in curvilinear motion- Mass moment of inertia of rings, solid discs
and solid spheres (no derivations required)Angular momentum-Angular impulse.
Kinetics of rigid bodies under combined translatory and rotational motion – work – energy principle for rigid
Centrifugal and centripetal forces – motion of vehicles on curved paths in horizontal and vertical planes – super
elevation – stability of vehicles moving in curved paths (qualitative ideas only).
Simple harmonic motion – vibration of mechanical systems - basic elements of a vibrating system – spring
mass model – undamped free vibrations – angular free vibration – simple pendulum.
     1. Beer & Johnston, “Vector Mechanics for Engineers – Statics and Dynamics”, Tata Mc-Graw Hill
          Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, 2005.
     2. Irving. H. Shames, “Engineering Mechanics”, Prentice Hall Book Company, 1966.
     3. Timoshenko S. & Young D. H., “Engineering Mechanics”, Mc-Graw Hill –International Edition
     4. Popov, “Mechanics of Solids”, Pearson Education,2007
     5. Kumar K.L., “Engineering Mechanics”, Tata Mc-Graw Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi,
     6. Rajasekaran S. & Sankarasubramanian G., “Engineering Mechanics”, Vikas Publishing House Private
          Limited, New Delhi, 2003.
     7. Tayal A K, “Engineering Mechanics- Statics and Dynamics” , Umesh Publications, Delhi,2004
     8. Benjamin J., “Engineering Mechanics”, Pentex Book Publishers and Distributors, Kollam, 2008
Question For University Examination:- Part A – 8 compulsory questions covering entire syllabus, 5 marks each.
(5 x 8 = 40) Part B – Three questions of 10 marks from each module, out of which two should be answered (10
x 2 x 3 = 60).
                              08.106 BASIC CIVIL ENGINEERING
L-T-P: 2- 1 - 0                                                                               Credits: 6
                                                   MODULE I
Surveying: Object and Principles of Surveying.
Linear Measurements: Direct measurements - Tape & chain only - Ranging out survey lines-Taking
measurements of sloping ground - Errors - Tape correction (problems).
Levelling: Levelling instruments - Level (Dumpy Level, Tilting Level ) Levelling Staff. Measurements in
levelling - Temporary adjustments of a level, holding the staff, reading the staff - Principles of leveling -
recording measurements in the field book - reduction of level - height of collimation method only (simple
Contour maps (Brief description only). Computation of areas - Mid ordinate rule, average ordinate rule,
Trapezoidal rule, Simpson’s rule (examples)- Introduction to Distomat, Total Station & GPS (Brief description
                                                      MODULE II
Building construction: Selection of site for buildings - types of buildings - Components of buildings.
Foundation: Different types - Spread footing, Isolated footing, Combined footing, Mat foundation ̧ Pile
foundation (description only).
Safe Bearing Capacity of Soil: Importance of determination of the Safe Bearing Capacity of Soil (brief
description only).
Super structure: Masonry - stone masonry, brick masonry –Types- desirable qualities of stone and brick.
Partition: Materials used for making partition - plywood, particle boards & glass.
Doors, windows & ventilators : Types - materials used for the construction of doors and windows - wood, steel
& Aluminium.
Plastering: Mortar – properties - Preparation of Cement mortar
Painting: Preparation of surfaces for painting - plastered, wood and steel surfaces- Types of paint - enamel,
emulsion & distemper. Flooring: Types - mosaic tiles, ceramic tiles, marble, granite and synthetic materials.
Roofing: Selection of type of roof -flat roof, sloping roof -Concrete roof, tiled roof. Selection of roof covering
materials. GI Sheet , AC Sheet, PVC Sheet
                                                   MODULE III
Concrete: Ingredients- cement, aggregate, and water. Qualities of ingredients (brief description only).
Tests on Cement - consistency, initial and final setting times. Compressive strength -IS Specifications.
Aggregates – desirable qualities of fine and coarse aggregates
Plain Cement Concrete (PCC): preparation-proportioning-mixing of concrete.
Steel-common types used in construction- Mild Steel, HYSD Steel and their properties.
Reinforced Cement Concrete (RCC)-advantages of RCC over Plain Cement Concrete.
Elementary ideas on pre-cast and pre-stressed concrete constructions.
Building services – vertical transportation – stairs – types, escalators and elevators, ramps (brief description
only). Plumbing services- brief description of water supply and sewage disposal arrangements for residential
     1. Adler R., Vertical Transportation for Buildings, American Elsevier Publishing Company, New
     2. B.C Punmia, “Surveying & Leveling” Vol. – I, Laxmi publications(P) Ltd,N.Delhi, 2004
     3. Rangwala., Building Materials,Charotar publishing house, 2001
     4.   Rangwala, “Building Construction” , Charotar Publishing House., 2004
     5.   S.K. Roy, “Fundamentals of Surveying” Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi.2004
     6.   Rangwala.,“Water Supply and Sanitary Engineering”, Charotar Publishing House. 1990
     7.   Moorthy, “Building Construction”, Modern Publishing House distributor., 1957
     8.   Jha and Sinha, “Construction and Technology”
    9.    Narayanan and Lalu Mangal ,”Introduction to Civil Engineering”Phasor Books,Kollam.
    10. Santha Minu, “Basic Civil Engineering” Karunya Publications,Trivandrum
Note: The question paper will consists of two parts. Part I and part II.
Part I is Compulsory covering the entire syllabus, for 40 marks. It contains 8 questions of 5 marks each.
Part II is to cover 3 modules. There will be three questions of 10 marks from each module, out of which two
should be answered .
                             08.107 BASIC MECHANICAL ENGINEERING
L-T-P/D : 3-1-0                                                                                       Credits: 6
                                                          MODULE I
Thermodynamics : Basic concepts and definitions of Zeroth law, First law, Second law of thermodynamics- concept of
reversibility and entropy. p-v and T-s diagrams
Air cycles: Carnot, Otto and Diesel cycles-Air standard efficiency (simple problems)
IC Engines: Working and comparison of two stroke and four stroke petrol and diesel engines - general description of
various systems using block diagrams – air system, fuel system, ignition system and governing system. A brief
description of CRDI, MPFI, GDI and Hybrid Vehicles
Steam boilers: Classification – Cochran boiler, Babcock and Wilcox boiler, Benson boiler- fluidized bed combustion,
                                                         MODULE II
Principles and fields of application of - compressors - reciprocating and centrifugal, blower, pumps- reciprocating,
centrifugal and jet pumps, steam and hydraulic turbines- impulse and reaction, gas turbine cycles- open and closed
Elementary ideas of hydro electric, thermal and nuclear power plants
Refrigeration & Air Conditioning: Refrigerants, CFC free refrigerants. Vapor compression refrigeration system, Comfort
and Industrial air conditioning-typical window air conditioning unit (general description only).
                                                         MODULE III
Mechanical Power transmission systems: Belt, rope and gear drives-types, comparison and fields of application-velocity
ratio-slip (simple problems) friction disc, single plate clutch, gear trains (no derivations).
Manufacturing processes: Elementary ideas of casting, forging, rolling, welding, soldering and brazing
Machining processes- turning, taper turning, thread cutting, shaping, drilling, grinding, milling (simple sketches and short
Non conventional machining - Electro discharge machining (EDM) and Electro chemical machining (ECM)
Principle, application and advantages of C N C machine
     1. Spalding and Cole, “Engineering Thermodynamics”
     2. Gill, Smith and Zuirys, “Fundamentals of IC Engines”
     3. Amstead, Ostwald and Begeman, “Manufacturing processes”
     4. Crouse, “Automobile Engineering”
     5. Roy and Choudhary, “Elements of Mechanical Engineering”
     6. Hajra Choudhary, “Workshop Technology”
     7. R K Bensal, “Fluid mechanics and machines”
     8. J Benjamin, “Basic Mechanical Engineering”
Note: Lectures are to be supplemented by demonstration in laboratories.
Note: The question paper will consist of two parts. Part I is to be compulsory for 40 marks. This may contain 10
questions of 4 marks each. Part II is to cover 3 modules. There can be 3 questions from each module (10 marks each) out
of which 2 are to be answered.
     L-T-P:2–1-0                                                                                    Credits 6
                                                    MODULE – I
Elementary concepts - Kirchoffs laws - Magnetic Circuits - MMF, field strength, flux density, reluctance –
problems in series magnetic circuits. Review of electromagnetic induction - Faradays laws, Lenz's law -
statically induced and dynamically induced emf - self and mutual induction - inductance.
Alternating current fundamentals - generation of alternating currents – waveforms - frequency - period - average
and rms values - form factor. Phasor representation of alternating quantities - rectangular polar and exponential
Analysis of simple ac circuits – concept of impedance and admittance - phasor representation - j notation -
power and power factor in ac circuits - active and reactive components. Solution of RL, RC and RLC series
Three phase systems - generation of three phase voltage - star and delta connection - relation between phase and
line values of voltage and current - phasor representation - three wire and four wire systems.
Measurement of power in three phase circuits ( two wattmeter method). Measurement of energy – working of
1-phase energy meter.
                                                   MODULE – II
Transformers - Principle of operation - EMF equation - constructional details of single phase and three phase
Methods of bulk generation of electric power. Block schematic of layout of generating stations - hydroelectric,
thermal and nuclear power plants. Renewable energy sources - solar, wind, tidal, wave and geothermal energy.
Bulk transmission of electric power - typical electrical power transmission scheme - need for high transmission
voltage - substations - substation equipments. Primary and secondary transmission and distribution systems
Different methods of wiring for LT installations. Schematic layout of LT switchboards. Earthing of installations
- necessity of earthing - plate and pipe earthing. Protective fuses, MCBs, ELCBs and switches.
Working of incandescent lamps, -fluorescent lamps, energy efficient lamps
                                                   MODULE – III
Diodes - PN junction diodes,. V-I characteristics, dynamic & static resistance, principle of working and V-I
characteristics of Zener diode, principle of Photo diode, Solar cell, & LED.
Rectifiers & power supplies - block diagram description of a dc power supply, circuit diagram & working of
half-wave & full wave rectifier, final equations of Vrms, Vdc, ripple factor and peak inverse voltage in each
case, principle of working of series inductor and shunt capacitor filters. Working of simple zener voltage
Power devices – V – I characteristics and applications of SCR and Triac Working principle of UPS and SMPS
Transducers – Resistance strain guage, thermistor, LVDT
1. V.N. Mitlle, “Basic Electrical Engineering”, Tata McGraw Hill, 1990.
2. DP Kothari, LJ Nagrath, “Theory and Problems of Basic Electrical Engineering”, Prentice Hall of India,
3. B.L. Thereja, “A Text Book of Electrical Technology”, Volume I, S Chand & Co, New Delhi, 1992.
4. Francis M Fernandez, “A Basic Course in Electrical Engineering”, Rajath Publishers, Ernakulam.
5. TP Imthias Ahmed, B. Premlet, “Introduction to Electrical Engineering”, Phaser Books, Kollam
6. Gopakumar, “Introduction To Electronics and Communications”, .Phasor Books, Kollam
7. Millman and Halkias, "Integrated Electronics: Analog and digital circuits and systems", McGraw-Hill
     Book Co
8. Edward Hughes, “Electrical and Electronic Technology”, Pearson Education, 2002.
9. ML Soni, PU Guptha, US Bhatnagar and A Chakrabarthy, “A Text Book on Power System Engineering”,
    Dhanpath Rai & Sons, New Delhi 1997
10. N.N.Bhargava, “Basic Electronics and Linear Circuits”, Tata McGraw Hill
11. Rangan C.S., Sarma G.R., and Mani V.S.V., "Instrumentation Devices and Systems", Tata McGraw Hill,
12. Muhammad H. Rashid, “Power Electronic Circuits, Devices and Applications”, Pearson education, Asia
Note : The question paper will consist of two parts. Part – A is to be compulsory for 40 marks (10 questions of 4
marks each). Part-B is to cover 3 modules for 60 marks. (50% choice- One out of two or two out of four from
each module).
             L – T – P: 2-1-0                                                                Credits: 6
                                        MODULE 1(Qualitative Treatment)
(a) Bipolar junction transistors: NPN & PNP transistors, structure, typical doping, working of NPN transistor,
concepts of common base, common emitter & common collector configurations, current gain of each, input &
output characteristics of common emitter configuration, comparison of three configurations with reference to
voltage & current gain, input & output resistances and applications. (6 hrs)
(b) Field effect Transistors : basic principles of JFET, MESFET and MOSFET, comparison with BJT. (3 hrs)
(c) Amplifiers & Oscillators: circuit diagram & working of common emitter amplifier, function of each
component in the circuit, need of proper biasing, frequency response, voltage gain and 3dB bandwidth, concepts
of class A, B, AB and Class C power amplifiers, circuit diagram & working of push pull amplifiers, concepts
of feedback, working principles of oscillators, circuit diagram & working of RC phase shift oscillator (7 hrs)
(d) Integrated circuits: advantages of ICs, analog and digital ICs, functional block diagram of operational
amplifier, ideal operational amplifier, use as inverting amplifier, non inverting amplifier, summing amplifier,
integrator and comparator. (4 hrs)
(e) Digital ICs: logic gates, realization of logic functions, principle of combinational and sequential logic
circuits, flip flop (JK), logic families: TTL and CMOS Logic (No internal diagram) (4 hrs)
(f) IC fabrication: purification of silicon, crystal growth, wafer preparation. unit process: oxidation, diffusion,
ion implantation, epitaxy, deposition, photolithography. (4 hrs)
                                        MODULE 2 (Qualitative Treatment)
(a) Measurements: principle and block diagram of analog and digital multimeter, working principle of CRT,
block diagram of CRO, measurements using CRO, principle of digital storage oscilloscope, principle and block
diagram of function generator.         (5hrs)
(b) Radio communication: principle of AM & FM, wave forms, bandwidths, block diagrams of AM & FM
transmitters, principle of AM &FM demodulation, comparison of AM & FM, principle &block diagram of
super heterodyne receiver.             (4 hrs)
(c) Color television: TV Standards, interlaced scanning, block diagram of PAL TV transmitter & receiver,
basic principles of cable TV, CCTV system, basic principles of HDTV, basic principles of LCD & Plasma
displays. (5 hrs)
(d) Radar and navigation: principle of radar and radar equation, block schematics of pulsed radar, factors
affecting range, applications of radar in measurements and navigation. (4 hrs)
(e) Satellite communication: microwave frequency bands, concept of geo-stationary satellite, frequency bands
used, satellite transponder, block diagram of earth station transmitter & receiver, advantages of satellite
communication, principle of Global Positioning System(GPS). (3 hrs)
(f) Optical communication: block diagram of the optical communication system, principle of light
transmission through fiber, concepts of Single Mode and Multi Mode optical fiber, working principle of source
(semiconductor Laser) & detector ( PIN,APD), advantages of optical communication. (5 hrs)
                                        MODULE 3 (Qualitative Treatment)
(a) Computer Architecture: functional units: basic concept of ALU- data path and control, memory
hierarchy, caches, main memory, virtual memory, operating systems, microprocessors - functional block
diagram of 8085 (9 hrs)
(b) Data communication: overview, analog and digital data transmission, transmission media, digitization of
wave forms, PCM , digital modulation techniques- ASK, PSK, FSK, basic concepts of error detection , parity
checking.              (6hrs)
(c) Mobile communication: basic principles of cellular communications, concepts of cells, frequency reuse,
principle and block diagram of GSM,principle of CDMA, WLL & GPRS technologies. (4hrs)
(d) Internet Technology: concepts of networking: client - server computing, IP addresses, domain names,
network interface unit - modem, switching technologies- circuit switching and packet switching,
LAN,MAN,WAN &World wide web, network topologies, communication protocols- TCP/IP, Introduction to
web languages-HTML ,XML, internetworking concepts, network devices- basic principles of router, bridge,
switch, network security- Firewall. (7 hrs)
    1. Santiram Kal, Basic Electronics – Devices, Circuits and IT fundamentals, PHI
    2. Louis.E.Frenzel, Principles of Electronic Communication Systems, TMH
    3. William Stallings, Wireless Communications and Networks, Pearson Education.
    4. M.Moris Mano, Computer Architecture, PHI
    5. Neil H E Weste, Kamran Eshraghian, Principles of CMOS VLSI design – A system perspective, Pearson
         Education [Module 1(f)]
    6. David A. Bell, Electronic Instrumentation and Measurements, PHI .[Module 2(a)]
    7. N N Bhargava, D C Kulshreshtha, S C Gupta, Basic Electronics & Linear Circuits, TMH
    8. ITL Education Solution Ltd., Introduction to Information Technology, Pearson Education, 5th edition,
    9. R.R. Gulati, Monochrome and Colour Television, New Age International [Module 2 (c)]
    10. K Gopakumar, Introduction to Electronics & Communication , 3rd edition, 2008,Phasor Publisher’s,
This subject shall be handled by faculty of Dept.of Electronics and Communication in the Colleges.
Question Paper :
The question paper shall consist of two parts. Part I is to cover the entire syllabus, and carries 40 marks. This
shall contain 10 compulsory questions of 4 marks each. Part II is to cover 3 modules, and carries 60 marks.
There shall be 3 questions from each module (10 marks each) out of which 2 are to be answered.
                      08.110 ENGINEERING WORKSHOPS
    L - T-P: 0-0-2                                                          CREDITS: 4
A. Carpentry:
            Study of tools and joints. Practice in planning, chiseling, marking and sawing. Joints – Cross
            joint, T joint, Dove tail joint.
B. Fitting:
            Study of tools, Practice in filing, cutting, drilling and tapping. Male and female joints, Stepped
C: Sheet Metal Work:
            Study of tools. Selection of different gauge GI sheets for jobs. Practice on riveted joints.
            Preparing tube joints, frustums, trays and containers.
D. Plumbing:
            Study of tools. Details of plumbing work in domestic and industrial applications. Study of
            pipe joints, cutting, threading and laying of pipes with different fittings using PVC pipes. Use
            of special tools in plumbing work.
E: Foundry:
            Study of tools. Preparation of sand, moulding practice and demonstration of casting.
F. Welding:
            Study of welding machines. Straight line practices, Making of Butt joint, T joint and Lap joint.
G: Smithy:
            Study of tools. Demonstration on forging of square prism, hexagonal bolt, T bolt and Eye bolt.
H: Machine Tools:
            Study and demonstration on working of machine tools. Lathe and Drilling machine.
            NOTE: For the university examination the student shall be examined in sections A, B, C, D
            and E only.
                                    Syllabus for III Semester
08. 301                     ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS-II                                   L    T       P/D   Cr
                                                                                         3    1       0     4
Module I
Multiple Integrals: Double Integrals (Cartesian only).Change of order of integration. Area enclosed by plane
curves.Triple integrals.Volume of solids.
Vector integration: Line and surface and volume integrals. Green’s theorem in the plane.Stokes theorem and
Gauss divergence theorem (no proof).
Module II
Fourier series: Fourier series of periodic functions of period 2∏ and 2l. Dirichlet’s condition for convergence.
Odd and even functions. Half range expansions.
Fourier Transforms: Fourier integral theorem(no proof)-Fourier transforms- Fourier sine and cosine transforms ,
inverse Fourier transforms, properties
Module III
Partial differential equations: Formation of PDE. Solution of Lagrange’s linear equation. First order nonlinear
equations-standard forms -Homogeneous PDE with constant coefficients.
Application of PDE: Derivation of one dimensional Wave and Heat equations. solution by separation of
variables. Boundary value problems in one dimensional Wave and Heat equations.
1.Advanced Engineering Mathematics : Kreyszig, 8th wiley.
2. Advanced Engineering Mathematics : Peter O Neil, Thomson
3. Higher Engineering Mathematics :B.S.Grewal,Khanna
4. Higher Engineering Mathematics :B.V.Ramana, Mc Graw Hill
5. Advanced Engineering Mathematics :Michel D Greenberg, Pearson
Question Paper: Duration: 3 hours
Note: The question paper shall consists of two parts.
Part A ( 40 marks) Ten compulsory questions of 4 marks each.
Part B ( 60 marks) Student must answer one out of two from each module .Each question
carries 20 marks.
                                                                                           L     T      P/D    Cr
08.302                           MECHANICS OF STRUCTURES
                                                                                           3     1      0      4
Module I
Rigid and deformable bodies – Type of external loads – Self weight – Concept of internal stresses – Normal
stress and shear stress – Concept of strain – Normal strain and shear strain – Constitutive relation – Hooke’s law
– Poisson’s ratio – Stress-strain diagram – Working stress – Deformation of axially loaded bars of constant and
varying section – Principle of superposition – Composite sections – Elastic constants - Relationship between
elastic constants – Temperature stresses – Stress on inclined plane for axial and biaxial stress fields – Principal
stresses and strains – Mohr’s circle of stress .
Module II
Analysis of pin-jointed plane frames by the method of joints and sections.
Introduction to analysis of beams - Concept of bending moment and shear force - Relationship connecting
intensity of loading, shear force and bending moment – Shear force and bending moment diagrams for
cantilever, simply supported and overhanging beams for different loadings such as point load, UDL, uniformly
varying load and applied moment –Theory of simple bending – Limitations – Flexural Rigidity - Bending stress
distribution in beams of different cross-sections – Moment of resistance – Composite beams – Beams of
uniform strength - Shear stress distribution in beams of different cross-sections – Introduction to shear centre
and shear flow (concept only – no numerical examples).
Module III
Theory of columns – Short columns – Direct and bending stresses in short columns - Kern of section - Pressure
distribution of dams and retaining walls – Torsion of solid and hollow circular shafts – Power transmission –
Closely coiled and open coiled helical springs – Stresses in thin cylindrical and spherical shells – Stresses in
thick cylindrical shells – Compound cylinders – Wire wound cylinders.
Strain energy – Strain energy due to normal stress, shear stress and bending stress – Instantaneous stresses and
strains due to suddenly applied and impact loading.
     1. Junarkar S. B. and Shah S. J., Mechanics of Structures, Vol. I, Charotar Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.,
          New Delhi.
     2. Egor P. Popov Engineering Mechanics of Solids, Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi.
     3. Timoshenko S.P. and J.M. Gere, Mechanics of Materials, CBS Publishers & Distributors, New Delhi.
     4. James M. Gere, Mechanics of materials, Thomson Books, New Delhi.
     5. Crandall S. H., Dahl N. C. and Lardner T. J., An Introduction to the Mechanics of Solids, McGraw Hill
          International, Tokyo.
     6. Singh D. K., Strength of materials, Ane Books India, New Delhi.
     7. Punmia B.C., Ashok kumar Jain and Arun kumar Jain, Mechanics of materials, Laxmi Publications(P)
          Ltd, New Delhi.
Question Paper: Duration: 3 hours
The Question paper contains Part A and Part B.
Part A carries 8 compulsory questions (short answer questions) covering the entire syllabus and is for 40 marks.
Part B is for 60 marks. There will be two questions from each module. The candidate has to answer one
question out of two.
Note: No charts, tables, codes are permitted in the Examination hall .If necessary relevant data shall be given
along with the question paper by the question paper setter.
08. 303                                      FLUID MECHANICS –I                                     L     T       P/D    Cr
                                                                                                    3 1           0      4
Module I
Review of Fluid properties, Classification of fluids, Newtonian and Non Newtonian
fluids.(No questions to be asked)
Fluid statics: Fluid pressure, variation of pressure in a fluid, measurement of pressure using manometers-simple
manometers, differential manometers, pressure measurement using mechanical gauges. Pressure head forces on
immersed plane and curved surfaces. Pressure distribution diagram for vertical surfaces, Practical application of
total pressure –Dams and gates.
Buoyancy and Floatation: Buoyant force, stability of floating and submerged bodies, metacentre and metacentric
height, analytical and experimental determination of metacentric height
Kinematics of fluids: Methods of describing fluid motion, Lagrangian and Eulerian methods, Types of fluid
flow, steady and unsteady flow, uniform and non-uniform flow, one, two and three dimensional flow, laminar
and turbulent flow, rotational and irrotational flow, stream line, path line, streak lines, conservation of mass,
equation of continuity in one, two and three dimensions, (Derivation in Cartesian co-ordinate system)
Module II
Acceler Introduction to structural analysis – Concept of determinate, indeterminate structures and stability –
deflection of beams – Moment-curvature relation – Load-deflection differential equation – Slope and deflection
of beams by the method of successive integration – Macaulay’s ation of fluid particle, convective and local
acceleration, circulation and vorticity, velocity potential, stream function, equipotential lines, flow net, uses of
flow net.
Factors influencing motion: Euler’s equation of motion and integration of Euler’s equation of motion along a
streamline, Bernoulli’s Equation, Energy and Momentum correction factors, vortex motion, free and forced
vortex. Applications of Bernoulli’s equation, Pitot tube, Venturimeter and orifice meter .
Pipe flow: Major and minor energy losses, Darcy- Weisbach equation, hydraulic gradient and total energy line,
pipe connecting reservoirs-pipes in series, pipes in parallel, equivalent pipe, siphon, transmission of power
through pipes, nozzles and nozzle diameter for maximum power transmission.
Module III
Flow through orifices: Different types of orifices, Flow over a sharp edged orifice, Hydraulic coefficients –
Experimental determination of these coefficients, flow through large rectangular orifice, Flow through
submerged orifices, flow under variable heads, time of emptying.
Flow through mouthpieces: Types of mouthpieces, flow through an external mouthpiece, flow through
convergent divergent mouthpiece, flow through internal mouthpiece.
Flow over weirs: Types of weirs flow over rectangular sharp crested weir, Francis formula, Flow over a
trapezoidal weir, Cipolletti weir, broad crested weir, submerged weirs, proportional weir, time of emptying
through weirs.
Viscous flow: Laminar flow through circular pipes, Hagen Poiseuille equation, Reynolds experiment. Laminar
flow between two stationary parallel plates.
Boundary layer theory-no slip condition, boundary layer thickness, boundary layer growth over long thin plate,
laminar, turbulent boundary layer, laminar sub layer, Momentum integral equation of boundary layer (no
derivation), Blasius boundary layer equations for laminar and turbulent boundary layer, computation of drag on
a flat plate. Separation of boundary layer.
     1. P.N.Modi &S.M.Seth,‘Hydraulics & Fluid Mechanics,’S.B.H Publishers & Distributors,NewDelhi
     2. JohnK.Vennard&Robert L.Street,‘Elementary Fluid Mechanics’,John Wiley and Sons, New York.
     3. Streeter, V.L and Wylie, E.B , ‘Fluid Mechanics’, McGraw Hill Series.
     4. Dr.D.S.Kumar, S.K,‘Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power Engineering’, Kataria & Sons, New Delhi.
     5. A.K. Jain , ‘ Fluid Mechanics’ Khanna Publishers.
     6. Douglas, ‘Fluid Mechanics’, 4/e Pearson Education.
     7. S.Narasimhan ‘A first course in Fluid Mechanics’ University Press(India) Pvt.Ltd (2006)
     8. Zoeb Husain ‘Basic Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulic Machines’ B S Publications (2008)
     9. Dr. R. K. BansalA Textbook of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines,Laxmi Publications
     10. Subramanya,K. , Theory and Applications of Fluid Mechanics, Tata McGraw-Hill
Question Paper:
The Question paper contains Part A and Part B.
Part A carries 8 compulsory questions (short answer questions) covering the entire syllabus and is for 40 marks. Part B is
for 60 marks. There will be two questions from each module. The candidate has to answer one question out of two.
Note: No charts, tables, codes are permitted in the Examination hall .If necessary relevant data shall be given along with the
question paper by the question paper setter.
08. 304                         CONCRETE TECHNOLOGY                                         L   T        P/D    Cr
                                                                                            2   1        0      3
Module I
Materials:-Cement – Ingredients, Chemical composition, basic properties of cement compounds,
Hydration of cement- heat of hydration, physical properties of Portland cements, Indian standard tests and
specification, various types and grades of cement, storage of cement
Aggregates:- Classification of aggregates based on size, shape, unit weight and its geological origin.
Characteristics of aggregates – Strength of aggregate, particle shape and texture, specific gravity, bulk density,
porosity, moisture content of aggregate, bulking of fine aggregate, deleterious substance in aggregate,
soundness of aggregate , alkali- aggregate reaction , sieve analysis:- grading curves, fineness modulus, grading
requirements, grading of fine and coarse aggregates, zoning, IS tests and specification for aggregates for
Water: - Quality of mixing water, effect of impurities in water on properties of concrete.
Admixtures:- Functions and classification of admixtures, factors influencing the dosage of different
admixtures- IS specification for admixtures for concrete.
Module II
Properties of fresh concrete:- Water/ Cement ratio and its significance in fresh concrete- workability- different
methods for assessing workability according to IS Specification, factors affecting workability, requirements of
workability for various work, segregation, bleeding, setting, hardening, strength development.
Process of manufacture of Concrete:- Mix proportion and grade of concrete, Various types of batching,
mixing, transporting, placing, compacting, curing and finishing of concrete. Joints in concreting – construction
and expansion.
Special concrete (Brief discussion only): Lightweight concrete, High strength concrete, Polymer concrete,
fiber reinforced concrete, Fero-cement, Ready mixed concrete.
Formwork for concrete:- Materials used for formwork- formwork for beams, columns, slabs.
Module III
Properties of Hardened concrete:- Strength of concrete- factors influencing the strength of concrete, Stress
and strain characteristics of concrete, I S tests for assessing the performance of hardened concrete, Effect of
creep, shrinkage and temperature. Durability of concrete, factors affecting durability - permeability, chemical
attack, sea water attack and air entrainment
Non-destructive testing of concrete:-Rebound hammer and ultrasonic pulse velocity testing
Mix Design:- Quality Control - Factors causing variations in the quality of concrete -statistical quality control,
quality management in concrete construction, Proportioning of concrete mixes- factors influencing the choice of
mix proportions, General principles of concrete mix deign by IS Method, Importance of trial mixes and
adjustment of ingredients of concrete.
1 A.M.Neville, Concrete Technology- Pearson Education
2 A.M.Neville, Properties of Concrete 4/e, Pearson Education
3 Peurifoy R.l & Ledbetter W.B, Construction planning & Methods, MGH Publishers.
4 M.S.Shetty, Concrete Technology , S I Chand & Company.
5.Gambhin M.L., Concrete Technology, Tata McGraw Hill
6.Krishna Raju N., Design of Concrete Mixes, CBS publishers
7 A. R. Santhakumar, Concrete Technology , Oxford University Press,India(2006)
Question Paper: Duration: 3 hours
The question paper consists of Part A and Part B.
 Part A is for 40 marks. There will be 8 compulsory short answer questions of 5 marks each covering entire
.Part B is for 60 marks. There will be two questions from each module. The candidate has to answer one
question of 20 marks from each module.
Note: No charts, tables, codes are permitted in the Examination hall .If necessary relevant data shall be given
along with the question paper by the question paper setter.
08 . 305                                  SURVEYING - I                                   L    T       P/D   Cr
                                                                                          3    1       0     4
Module I
Compass Surveying – Prismatic Compass only – Bearing of survey lines – Method of booking – Magnetic dip
and declination – Local attraction – Latitude and departure – Traverse, adjustment of closing error by different
methods – Traverse Computation – Omitted measurements and area Computation from latitude and departure.
Plane table Surveying – Accessories of plane table equipment and their uses – Setting up of plane table,–
method of plane tabling – radiation, intersection, resection and traversing – Two and three point problems –
their practical application and methods of solution – Advantages and disadvantages of plane table surveying –
errors in plane table – precaution to be taken.
Module II
Leveling – Principles of leveling – Methods of leveling – Spirit leveling, Booking and Reducing levels –
Profile leveling, Reciprocal leveling – cross sectioning- Curvature and refraction – Sensitiveness of bubble tube
.– Difficulties in leveling – errors in leveling, Precise leveling
Contouring – Contour interval – Characteristics, method of contouring – Contour gradient – uses.
Volumes – Methods of computations – Prismoidal and Trapezoidal formula – Prismoidal correction – Curvature
corrections for volumes Mass diagram – Construction of mass diagram – Characteristics of mass diagram- lead
and lift – Calculation of reservoir capacity – Uses of mass diagram.
Module III
Theodolite Surveying – Instrument - various types – principle – Temporary adjustment- Measurement of
horizontal and vertical angles – errors in theodolite surveying
Tacheometric Surveying – Principles – Methods – Stadia System – Fixed and Movable hair methods –
Methods with staff held vertical and normal– Determination of instrument constants. Tangential system
Hydrographic Survey-Sounding-Different methods of locating sounding -Three point problem- analytical
     1.   Prof. T.P.Kenetkar & Prof. S.V.Kulkarni - Surveying and Levelling , Pune Vidyarthi Griha
     2.   Dr. B.C.Punmia , Ashok kumar Jain & Arun Kumar Jain - Surveying , Laxmi publications (P)Ltd
     3.   R.Agor - A Text book of Surveying and Levelling, Khanna Publishers, 2005
     4.   S.K.Duggal - Surveying Vol. I & II, Tata Mc Graw Hill Ltd ,2006.
     5.   Moffitt - Surveying, 10/e Pearson Education, 2006.
     6.   Alak De - Plane surveying, S. Chand & Company Ltd, 2006.
Question Paper: Duration: 3 hours
The Question paper contains Part A and Part B.
Part A carries 8 compulsory questions (short answer questions) covering the entire syllabus and is for 40 marks.
Part B is for 60 marks. There will be two questions from each module. The candidate has to answer one
question out of two.
Note: No charts, tables, codes are permitted in the Examination hall .If necessary relevant data shall be given
along with the question paper by the question paper setter.
08 . 306                          ENGINEERING GEOLOGY
                                                                                            L   T      P/D     Cr
                                                                                            3 1        0       4
Module I
 Scope of Geology in Civil Engineering and scope of Geological Engineering Subdivisions of Geology.
Exogenous and Endogenous geological processes and their relevance in civil engg. Interior of the Earth.
Basic concepts of Continental drift hypothesis and Plate tectonics theory.
Soil genesis-Weathering : Factors , agents , types , products and engineering significance of weathering.
 Soil profile , Geologic classifications of soils, Soil erosion and Soil conservation measures.
Rivers : Erosion , transportation and deposition. Major Erosional and Depositional Landforms
Oceans : Coastal landforms , Marine erosion and Coastal protection.
geological hazards: Landslides – Types , causes and prevention ; Landslides of Kerala Earthquakes –
Terminology and classifications , Safety factor
Module II
Definition and physical properties of minerals.
Physical properties and Chemical composition of : Quartz , Feldspars (Orthoclase , microcline and plagioclase) ,
Micas ( Biotite and Muscovite) , Amphibole (Hornblende only) , Pyroxenes ( Augite and Hypersthene) , Olivine
, Sillimanite , Garnet , Talc , Gypsum , Calcite , Dolomite , Clay minerals ( Kaolinite only )
Genetic divisions of rocks , rock cycle.
Brief account of texture , structure and classifications of igneous , sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. Brief
study of Granite , Gabbro , Dolerite , Basalt , Pegmatite, Sandstone , Limestone , Shale , Granulite , Gneiss ,
Schist , Slate , Marble and Quartzite . rock types of Kerala . Engineering properties of rocks used as site rocks ,
building stones and aggregates
Module III
Attitude of rocks and Geological structures – strike and dip , Brunton compass. Terminology ,classification and
engineering significance of Folds , Faults , Joints and Unconformities.
Major geological factors to be considered in the construction of Dams and Reservoirs , Tunnels , Building
foundations , Bridges and Transportation routes. Hydrogeology-occurrence of ground water-types of aquifers.
Geophysics: Electrical resistivity seismic refraction methods.
Geoinformatics-Basic principles of Remote sensing , Geographic Information Systems and Global Positioning
1 Anji Reddy ( 2001 ), Text book of Remote sensing and Geographic Information Systems BS Publications.
2. Chenna Kesavulu ( 1993) Text book of Engineering Geology , Macmillan , India           .
3. Parbin Singh ( 2001 ) Engineering and General Geology, Kataria and Sons.
4. Venkat Reddy ( 1995) Engineering Geology for Civil Engineers - Oxford IBH.
5. Krynine and Judd (2001), Principles of Engineering Geology and Geotechnics , Cbs Publishers
6. KVGK Gokhale Principles of Engineering Geology, B S Publications (2005)
Question Paper: Duration: 3 hours
The question paper consists of Part A and Part B.
 Part A is for 40 marks. There will be 8 compulsory short answer questions of 5 marks each covering entire
Part B is for 60 marks. There will be two questions from each module. The candidate has to answer one
question of 20 marks from each module.
Note: No charts, tables, codes are permitted in the Examination hall .If necessary relevant data shall be given
along with the question paper by the question paper setter.
08 . 307            BUILDING TECHNOLOGY AND DRAWING                                          L     T      P/D   Cr
                                                                                             2 0          2     4
Module I
Building stones – Building stones - properties and uses of granite and laterite stones
quarrying- Dressing of stones, Stones masonry – Various types of masonry (Review only)
Brick masonry - Bricks - Classifications , dimensions as per ISS, strength requirements - different tests as per
ISS. Brick bond - English, Flemish bond 1, 11/2 brick walls, load bearing walls.
Timber :- Characteristics of good timber- properties and uses - seasoning of timber, different methods for
seasoning of timber- common defects - treatment of timber - strength requirements - tests as per ISS -
commonly used timber for building construction.
Tiles :- flooring & Roofing tiles – specifications, common tests as per ISS. (Review only)
Reinforcing steel :- Common types used in construction. Mild steel rods HYSD and TMT, steels- properties
and its uses- strength requirements and test as per ISS, structural steel - different shapes - strength requirements
-Applications. (Review only)
 Aluminium alloy- properties and it uses- strength requirements
Module II
Scaffolding, Shoring and Underpinning: Scaffolding – parts of scaffolding – types of scaffolding – points to
be kept in view of scaffolding – shoring – types of shoring – underpinning – methods of underpinning timbering
of trenches. Doors, windows & ventilators - various types. Hardware fittings.
Stairs: - different types and its components, Arches lintels and weather Shades- various types
Construction equipment:- Earth moving equipment, Excavators, Bulldozer, Power shovels, Dumper, Rollers
and Compactors, Aggregate Crushers. Pile Driving equipment .
Module III (Drawing)
General – Study of IS codes of practice on building drawing, Symbols for various materials
Doors, Windows And Ventilators – Sectional plan, Sectional elevation, Front view and joint details of doors –
Panelled, Glazed and flush, Glazed wooden windows and ventilators.
Roofing - Elevation and joint details of lean-to roof, coupled and collar roof, King post, Queen post trusses with
A.C. and tile roofing – Steel (French) roof truss with A.C. sheet roofing
Stairs – Plan and sectional elevation of RCC of Dog legged stairs.
RCC lintel and sunshade – longitudinal and cross section.
Footing- Isolated and combined footing
      1 Chudley, Construction Technology Vol. 1,2,3 & 4
      2. Rangawala, Building Materials, Charotar Publishing House.
      3. Rangawala, Building Construction, Charotar Publishing House.
      4 Jah & Singha, Construction and Technology
      5. Shaw and Kale Building Drawing, , Tata McGraw Hill
      6.Arora and Bindra ,A Textbook of Building Construction, Dhanpat Rai & Sons, New Delhi.
      7. Balagopal T.S. Prabhu, Building Drawing and Detailing, Spades Publishers, Calicut.
      8. Barry, Building Constructions, Vol. I , II & III , ELBS Publications.
      9. Sharma & Kaul , A Textbook of Building Construction , S. Chand & Co., New Delhi.
      10.McCay , Building Construction , Vol. I , II & III , ELBS Publications.
Note: Minimum 8 sheets must be drawn
Question Paper: Duration: 3 hours
 Part A carries 4 compulsory questions (short answer questions) covering Modules I and II and is for 20 marks.
 Part B is for 40 marks. There will be two questions each from Modules I and II. The candidate has to answer
 one question out of two.
 In Part C (Drawing) , there will be two questions carrying 40 marks each from Module III. The candidate has
 to answer one question in full.
1. Question for Part C (Drawing) should be set such that the student will be able to complete the drawing
within one hour duration. No charts, tables, codes are permitted in the examination hall. If necessary,
relevant data shall be given along with the question paper by the question paper setter.
 2. For the calculation of sessional marks this paper is to be considered as a drawing paper.
                                                                                  L     T     P/D Cr
08 . 308                   PRACTICAL SURVEYING (I)
                                                                                  0     0     2   2
1. Chain survey & compass survey– Study of instruments , ranging etc.             - 1 class.
2. Plane table survey – Radiation, intersection, traversing ,
   two point problem, Three point problem etc                                      - 4 class.
3. Levelling – H.I. method Rise and fall method                                    - 3 class.
4. Theodolite survey study of instrument, measurement of
   Horizontal angle, problems in distance only                                      - 2 class
5. Study of Instruments: Electronic Theodolite, Automatic Levels, Distance meter,
   Subtense bar, Planimeter ,minor instruments etc.                                 - 1 class
6. Class test                                                                       - 2 class
Note: University examination from Plane table survey and levelling only
     Duration 3 Hours,                  Max . Marks 100
                                   Syllabus for IV Semester
                                                                                         L    T      P/D  Cr
08. 401                     ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS-III
                                                                                         3    1      0    4
                                       (C M P U E H B N )
Module I
Complex Differentiation: Limits ,continuity and differentiation of complex functions. Analytic functions-
Cauchy Reimann equations in Cartesian form (proof of necessary part only) properties of analytic functions-
harmonic functions. Milne Thomson method
Conformal mapping:The Transformations w=1/ z , w=z2 , w=z+1/ z , w=sin z ,w=cos z ,Bilinear
Module II
Complex Integration:Line integral- Cauchy’s integral theorem-Cauchy’s integral formula. Power series-radius
of convergence-Taylors and Laurents series-zeros and singularities –Residues and residue theorem. Evaluation
of real definite integrals-

∫ f (sin θ, cosθ ) dθ , ∫ f (x ) dx                       f (z ) on the real axis (proof of theorems not
                                         with no poles of
Module III
Numerical Techniques: Errors in numerical computation-solution of algebraic and transcendental equations by
bisection method, regula false method, Newton- Raphson method. Solution linear systems by Gauss elimination
and Gauss-Seidal method. Newtons forward and backward interpolation formula. Lagranges interpolation
formula.Numerical integration. Trapezoidal and Simpson’s rule. Numerical solution of ODE Taylor series
Eulers method, Runge Kutta methods(derivation of formulae not required for the above methods.)
1.Advanced Engineering Mathematics,Peter v. O’neil (Thomson)
2. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Erwin Kreyzig (Wieley Eastern)
3. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Greenberg(Pearson)
4.Higher Engineering Mathematics. B.S Grewal (Khanna Publishers)
5. Higher Engineering Mathematics B.V Ramana (Tata Mc Graw hill)
6. Numerical Methods with programming in C T.Veerarajan and T.Ramachandran
7.Introductory methods of numerical analysis. S.S.Sastry
Question Paper: Duration: 3 hours
Note: The question paper shall consists of two parts.
Part A ( 40 marks) Ten compulsory questions of 4 marks each.
Part B ( 60 marks) Student must answer one out of two from each module .Each question
carries 20 marks.
                                                                                             L   T       P/D    Cr
 08 . 402                                        HUMANITIES
                                                                                             3   0      0       3
                                                  (C T A F R H B )
                                PART-I ECONOMICS (2periods/week)
Module I
     Definition of Economics – Basic Concepts Goods – Choice of techniques – Production possibility curve
     National Income concepts - GNP – GDP – NNP – Per Capita Income – Three Sectors of the Economy –
     Primary – Secondary, Tertiary Sector – Significance of Money.
     Meaning of Demand and Supply – Types of demand – Determinants of Demand – Demand forecasting
     Production function – Law of Variable proportion – Returns to scale - Least cost combination of inputs –
     Cost concepts – Cost output relationship
 Module II
     Inflation – causes of inflation – measures to control inflation – Demand – Pull inflation – cost push inflation
     – effects of Inflation – effects of inflations comparison between inflation and deflation
     India’s Economic crisis in 1991 – New economic policy – Global Financial meltdown in 2008 –
     Applicability of Keynesian Theory to UDC’S.
     Stock Market and present scenario – Industrial sector past and present – Industry Analysis – Electronics –
     Chemical – Automobile – FMCG Industry.
     Environment and Development – Basic Issues – Sustainable Development and Environmental Accounting –
     Population – Resources and the Environment – Poverty and the Environment – Growth versus the
     Environment – The Global Environment .
                                   PART II - ACCOUNTANCY (1period/week)
Module III
Book- Keeping and Accountancy -Elements of Double Entry -Book- Keeping-rules for journalizing -Ledger
accounts –Cash book-Banking transactions – Trial Balance- Method of Balancing accounts- the journal proper
(simple problems).
Final accounts: Preparation of trading and profit and loss Account- Balance sheet (with simple problems) -
Introduction to Accounting packages (Description only)
    1.    K.K Dewett, ‘Modern Economic theory’, S.Chand &Co.
    2.    Michael-Todaro, ‘Economic Development’, Addison Wesley Longman Ltd.
    3.    Mohinderkumar Sharma, ‘Business Environment in India’.
    4.    D.M .Mithani. ‘Money,Banking, International Trading and Public finance’, Himalaya publishing
    5.    Rudder Dutt and K.P.M.Sundaran,Indian Economy, S.Chand & Co.
    6.    Hal R Varian- Intermediate micro Economics, W.W.Norton & Co.
    7.    Koutsiannis (second edition) Micro Economics
    8.    Batliboi - Double Entry book Keeping
    9.    Dr K.G. Chandrasekharan Nair - A Systematic approach to Accounting
University question:
Note: Part I and Part II to be answered in separate answer books.
Part – I. Economics
          Part A – 30 Marks (short answers) covering entire syllabus (3x10=30)
          Part B – 40 marks (50% choice one out of two or two out of four from each module)
Part – II. Accountancy
          Three questions covering entire syllabus out of which two questions have to be answered (2x15=30)
                                                                                            L    T      P/D    Cr
08 . 403                        STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS - I
                                                                                            3    1      0      4
Module I
Introduction to structural analysis – Concept of determinate, indeterminate structures and stability – deflection
of beams – Moment-curvature relation – Load-deflection differential equation – Slope and deflection of beams
by the method of successive integration – Macaulay’s method – Principle of superposition. Slope and deflection
of beams with non-uniform flexural rigidity - Moment-area method and Conjugate beam method.
Introduction to energy methods – Strain energy and complementary energy – Castigliano’s theorems -
Application of theorem to statically determinate beams and rigid-jointed plane frames. Introduction to structural
analysis – Concept of determinate, indeterminate structures and stability – deflection of beams – Moment-
curvature relation – Load-deflection differential equation – Slope and deflection of beams by the method of
successive integration
Module II
Principle of virtual work and its application to statically determinate beams, rigid-jointed frames and pin-jointed
frames – Visual integration of virtual work equation – Clark-Maxwell’s reciprocal theorem – Betti’s theorem –
Principle of minimum total potential energy - Arches – Behaviour and types of arches – Analysis of three
hinged arches – Axial force, shear force and bending moment in circular and parabolic three hinged arches –
Analysis of three dimensional pin-jointed frames by the method of tension coefficients.
Module III
Elastic stability of slender columns – Euler’s formula for long columns with different end conditions –
Limitations of Euler’s formula – Rankine’s formula – Columns subjected to eccentric loading.
Influence lines – Influence line diagram for reactions, shear force and bending moment in simply supported and
cantilever beams and overhanging beams – Moving loads – Maximum effects under distributed loads, two
concentrated loads and series of concentrated loads – Absolute maximum shear force and bending moment –
Shear force and bending moment envelope – Equivalent uniformly distributed load – Influence lines for member
forces in statically determinate trusses.
     1. Junarkar S.B.&Shah S.J ‘Mechanics of Structures’, Vol.II, Charotar Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New
     2. Devdas Menon, Structural Analysis, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi.
     3. Reddy C. S., Basic Structural Analysis, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
     4. Norris, C. H. and Wilbur J. B., Elementary Structural Analysis, McGraw Hill, New York.
     5. Hibbeler R. C., Structural Analysis, Pearson Education, New Delhi.
     6. Ghali A., Neville A. M. And Brown T. G., Structural Analysis – A unified classical and matrix
          approach, Spon Press, London and Newyork.
Question Paper:Duration: 3 hours
The question paper consists of Part A and Part B.
Part A is for 40 marks. There will be 8 compulsory short answer questions of 5 marks each covering syllabus.
Part B is for 60 marks. There will be two questions from each module. The candidate has to answer one
question of 20 marks from each module.
08. 404                               FLUID MECHANICS II                                  L    T       P/D      Cr
                                                                                          3    1       0       4
Module I
Flow in open channels-types of channels, types of flow, geometric elements of channel section, velocity
distribution in open channels, uniform flow in channels, Chezy’s equation ,Kutters and Bazin’s equations,
Mannings formula, Most economic section for rectangular, trapezoidal and triangular channels. Condition for
maximum discharge and maximum velocity through circular channels ,computations for uniform flow, normal
depth, conveyance of a channel section, section factor for uniform flow.
Specific energy, critical depth, discharge diagram, Computation of critical flow, Section factor for critical flow.
Specific force, conjugate or sequent depths, hydraulic jump, expression for sequent depths and energy loss for a
hydraulic jump in horizontal rectangular channels, types of jump, length of jump, height of jump, uses of
hydraulic jump.
Module II
Gradually varied flow, dynamic equation for gradually varied flow, different forms of dynamic equation,
classification of surface profiles, Backwater and drawdown curves, characteristics of surface profiles in
prismatic channels. Computation of length of surface profiles, direct step method.
Dimensional analysis and model studies-dimensions, dimensional homogeneity ,methods of dimensional
analysis, Rayleigh method, Buckingham method, dimensionless numbers, Similitude. geometric, kinematic and
dynamic similarities .Model laws-Reynold’s and Froude model laws, scale ratios, types of models, distorted and
undistorted models, scale effect in models.
Momentun equation and its applications-linear momentum equation , application to one dimensional flow-
forces on bends- momentum equation for steady flow –the moment of momentum equation .
Module III
Hydraulic Machines-Impulse momentum principle, impact of jets, force of a jet on fixed and moving vanes.
Turbines-classification and comparison of velocity triangles for Pelton wheel and reaction turbines(Francis and
Kaplan),work done and efficiency, characteristic curves, specific speed, draft tube-different types, penstock,
surge tank-types, cavitation in turbines.
Pumps-Centrifugal pumps-types, work done, efficiency, minimum speed, velocity triangle for pumps, specific
speed, priming, characteristic curves, multi- stage pumps.
Reciprocating pumps, working of a reciprocating pump, types, work done in single acting and double acting
pumps, coefficient of discharge, slip, effect in velocity due to acceleration and frictional resistance, indicator
diagram, separation in suction and delivery pipes, air vessels, work saved by air vessels, rate of flow into and
from air vessels.
     1 .P.N.Modi & S.M.Seth,‘Hydraulics &Fluid Mechanics’,SBH Publishers&Distributors, NewDelhi.
     2. V.L Streeter. and E.B Wylie, “Fluid Mechanics’’, Mc Graw Hill Series.
     3. Dr.D.S Kumar ,’’Fluid Mechanics and Fluid power Engineering’’-,S.K.Kataria & Sons,New Delhi.
     4. K.Subramanya ‘Open Channel Hydraulics’. Tata Mc Graw Hill Series
     5. Douglas,’’Fluid Mechanics ‘’,4/e Pearson Education.
     6. Dr. R. K. Bansal ‘A Textbook of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines’,Laxmi Publications
     7. V.T.Chow, ‘Flow through Open Channels’, Mc Graw Hill Series
     8. K.G.Rangaraju, ‘Flow through open channels’ Tata Mc Graw Hill
     9. M. Hanif Chaudhry, ‘Open channel Flow’ Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi
Question Paper: Duration: 3 hours
The question paper consists of Part A and Part B.
Part A is for 40 marks. There will be 8 compulsory short answer questions of 5 marks each covering syllabus.
Part B is for 60 marks. There will be two questions from each module. The candidate has to answer one
question of 20 marks from each module.
08 . 405                             SURVEYING - II                                         L    T        P/D Cr
                                                                                            3    2       0    5
Module I
Triangulation – General Principles – Order of triangulation –triangulation figures – Selection of base line –
connecting the base line to the main net work – base line measurement and correction – intervisibility of
stations – Scaffolds and signals – Satellite Stations – triangulation computations – reduction to centre.
Theory of errors – Types – theory of least squares – weighting of observations – most probable value –
application of weighting – computations of indirectly observed quantities – Method of normal equations –
conditioned quantities – station adjustment – figure adjustment.
Module II
Curves:- Elements of simple and compound curves - Method of setting out - obstacles – Reverse curve –
Transition curve – length of curve – Characteristics – Elements of cubic Parabola, true spiral and cubic spiral –
Length of combined curve – Vertical curve – types – properties of parabola – highest and lowest point – Length
of vertical curve
Field Astronomy- Terrestrial latitude and longitude, Celestial Sphere-Astronomical triangle, Co-ordinate
Module III
Photogrammetry – Terrestrial and Aerial photogrammetry– heights and distances from photographic
measurement – flight planning -Vertical Photograph – Geometry and scale of vertical photographs – Ground
coordinates from vertical photographs- Relief displacement – Planimetric mapping from vertical photos –
different methods- Stereoscopy and parallax – Different types of stereoscopes - Photomaps and Mosaics.
Electro magnetic distance measurement (EDM) – Principle of EDM -Types of EDM instruments – Distomat
– Total Station – Principle – procedure and Surveying using Total Station – Data retrieval and processing
    1.Satheesh Gopi ,Madhu .N & Sathikumar. R -Advanced Surveying , Pearson Education ,2004
     2. Prof. T.P.Kenetkar and Prof. S.V.Kulkarni - Surveying and Levelling , PuneVidyarthi Griha
     3. Dr. B.C.Punmia , Ashok kumar Jain & Arun Kumar Jain - Surveying , Laxmi publications (P)Ltd
     4. R.Agor - A Text book of Surveying and Levelling, Khanna Publishers, 2005
     5. S.K.Duggal - Surveying Vol. I & II, Tata Mc Graw Hill Ltd ,2006.
     6. Moffitt - Surveying, 10/e Pearson Education, 2006.
     7. Alak De - Plane surveying, S. Chand & Company Ltd, 2006.
 Question Paper: Duration: 3 hours
The question paper consists of Part A and Part B.
Part A is for 40 marks. There will be 8 compulsory short answer questions of 5 marks each covering entire
Part B is for 60 marks. There will be two questions from each module. The candidate has to answer one
question of 20 marks from each module.
Note: No charts, tables, codes are permitted in the Examination hall .If necessary relevant data shall be given
along with the question paper by the question paper setter.
                                                                                              L    T        P/D Cr
08. 406                        BUILDING PLANNING AND DRAWING
                                                                                              1    0        4   5
Module I
Detailed discussion on Building bye - laws.
Elements of Computer Aided Drawing-Lines-Curves-Geometric shapes-Text-Dimensioning
Setting Out of Building , Computation of Plinth Area, Carpet Area, Covered Area ratio, Floor Area Ratio,
Computation of storage capacity of rain water harvesting system as per norms, CRZ rules
Preparation of working drawings (from line sketches or from specifications) of different types of buildings
         (i) Single storeyed buildings with flat roof, pitched roof and partly pitched and partly flat roof
         (ii) Two–storeyed and multi–storeyed buildings
         (iii) Public utility buildings like hostel, hospital, library etc. and
         (iv) Industrial building.
Preparation of lay- out plan of house drainage for a given building.
Preparation of site plans and service plans as per building rules.
Preparation of working drawings from specifications for different types of culvert namely - slab culvert and box
Using a computer software (AutoCAD/ Micro station etc.) draw the plan, section and elevation of a residential
     1. National Building Code of India
     2. Kerala Municipal Building Rules
     3. Building Drawing- Shaw and Kale, Tata McGraw Hill.
     4. Balagopal T.S. Prabhu - Building Drawing and Detailing, Spades, Calicut
Note 1: The student should know the local (Panchayath/Corporation) building rules and should be in a position
to prepare sketch design for clients and submission drawing for approval. As a term paper, at the end of the
semester, each student should design and prepare a submission drawing in tracing paper for a proposed
residential building.
Note 2: Minimum 10 sheets must be drawn, out of which at least 2 should be computer print-outs on building
details. In the distribution of sessional mark, 25% weightage in marks for class work should be given to
the term paper mentioned in Note1. and 25% for drawings using computer software.
University exam pattern: Duration – 3 hrs.
The question paper shall consist of two parts .
Part A – Compulsory 4 short answer questions covering the entire portion for 20 marks.
Part B – Two questions carrying 80 marks each covering Module II. Students should answer any one question
in full.
08. 407            STRENGTH OF MATERIALS LAB                                               L    T      P/D Cr
                                                                                           0    0      2   2
1   Study of UTM, Torsion, Hardness and Impact Testing Machines
2   Test on M S, Tor steel
3   Shear test on M S Rod
4   Torsion test on M S Rod
5   Torsion test using Torsion Pendulum on M S, Aluminum and Brass wires.
6  Izod and Charpy Impact Test
7  Hardness tests (Rockwell and Brinell)
8  Spring test (open and close coiled)
9  Bending test on wood
10 Determination of E of wood and steel and verification of Clark Maxwell’s Law of Reciprocal Deflection
Examinations : Duration 3 Hours,                        Max . Marks 100
08. 408                    FLUID MECHANICS LAB                                             L    T      P/D Cr
                                                                                           0    0      2   2
1. Study of pipe fitting, plumbing tools, water meters, current meters, manometers and pressure gauges
2. Study and Experiment on orifices, mouthpieces, notches, orifice meter and venturimeter.
3. Study and Experiment on reciprocating and centrifugal pumps
4. Study and Experiment on Hydraulic turbines.
Note : Sufficient experiments shall be given depending upon the facilities available in the laboratory
Examinations : Duration 3 Hours,                        Max . Marks 100
                                    Syllabus for V Semester
 08.501                 ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS – IV                                L    T    P/D      Cr
                                                                                    3    1     0       4
                                            (C M P U)
Module I
          Discrete and continuous random variables and their probability distributions - Probability distribution
(density) functions - Distribution functions - Mean and Variance - Simple problems. - Binomial, Poisson,
uniform and exponential distributions - Mean and Variance of the above distributions - Normal distribution -
Properties of normal distribution - Computing probabilities using Binomial, Poisson, uniform, exponential and
normal distributions
Module II
          Curve fitting - Principle of least squares - Fitting a straight line - Fitting a parabola - Linear
correlation and regression - Karl Pearson’s coefficient of correlation - Sampling distributions - Standard
error - Estimation - Interval estimation of population mean and proportions ( small and large samples) -
Testing of Hypothesis - Hypothesis concerning a mean, Equality of means - Hypothesis concerning one
proportion, difference of two proportions.
Module III
          Linear programming - Formation of LPP - graphical solution - General linear programming
problem - Slack and surplus variables - Standard form - Solution of LPP - basic solution - Basic feasible
solution - Degenerate and non-degenerate solutions - Optimal solution - Solution by simplex method -
Artificial variables - Big-M method - Canonical form of LPP - Duality in LPP - Properties of primal and
dual optimal solutions - solution using duality
  1. T. Veerarajan, Probability and Random Processes, TMH
  2. Richard A. Johnson, Probability and statistics for engineers, Pearson
  3. G. Hadly, Linear Programming, Addison Wesley
  4. Ravindran, Philips, Solberg, Operations Research, Wiley
  5. Dr.B.S.Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers
Question Paper:
The question paper shall consist of two parts. Part A (40 marks) shall contain 10 compulsory questions of 4
marks each. PartB (60 marks) will have 3 modules . There shall be 2 questions from each module (20 marks
each) out of which one is to be answered
                                                                                         L   T      P/D     Cr
                                                                                         3   2       0      5
Module I
Introduction to different design philosophies. Principles of Working Stress and Limit State methods (Limit State
method in detail), Analysis of singly and doubly reinforced beams of rectangular, and flanged sections. Design
for bending, compression, shear and torsion – Design of singly and doubly reinforced beams of rectangular and
flanged sections. Limit State of Serviceability – Deflections and cracking.
Module II
Design of slab spanning in one direction and two directions .Design of continuous beams. Staircases – Design of
straight flight and dog-legged staircases. Columns-Interactions curves- Design of short columns and long
columns with axial loads, uniaxial moment and biaxial moments- Use of SP–16 Charts.
Module III
Footings- Design of Isolated footings- axial and eccentric loading- Design of Combined footings- rectangular
and trapezoidal footings. Pre-stressed Concrete – General principles- systems of prestressing- Losses in
Prestress. Analysis of prestressed beams of rectangular and I sections, slabs.
     1. P.C.Varghese, ‘LimitState Design of Reinforced Concrete’,PrenticeHall of India Ltd
     2. N.Krishnaraju,‘Structural Design and Drawing - Reinforced Concrete and Steel’, Universities Press
     3. Ashok K Jain ,’Reinforced Concrete Limit State Design .Nem Chand Brothers, Roorkee
     4. Unnikrishna Pillai & Devadas Menon, Reinforced Concrete Design, Tata McGraw- Hill
     5. S.N.Sinha, Reinforced Concrete Design Tata McGraw- Hill
     6. N.Krishnaraju, Prestressed Concrete Tata McGraw- Hill
     7. H. Mehra and V. N Vazirani, Limit State Design, Khanna Publishers
Question Paper: Duration : 3 hours
The question paper consists of Part A and Part B.
Part A is for 40 marks. There will be 8 compulsory short answer questions of 5 marks each covering the entire
Part B is for 60 marks. There will be two questions from each module. The candidate has to answer one
question of 20 marks from each module.
Use of IS 456:2000; IS 1343 and Interaction curves for columns are permitted in the examination hall.
                                                                                             L   T       P/D    Cr
08. 503                              STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS -II
                                                                                             3   2       0      5
Module I
Concept of static indeterminacy and their determination in beams, rigid-jointed frames and pin-jointed frames -
Statically indeterminate beams - Analysis of fixed beams by moment-area method – Effect of rotation and
settlement of supports - Analysis of continuous beams by the theorem of three moments – Effect of settlement
of supports – Introduction to force method of analysis – Method of consistent deformation and its application to
indeterminate beams, rigid-jointed plane frames, pin-jointed plane frames and two-hinged arches – Effect of
lack of fit and temperature change in pin-jointed plane frames - Influence lines for statically indeterminate
structures – Müller-Breslau principle – Influence line diagrams for various force components in propped
cantilever and two span continuous beams.
Module II
Concept of kinematic indeterminacy and their determination in beams, rigid-jointed frames and pin-jointed
frames - Kinematically indeterminate beams – Introduction to displacement method of analysis – Slope-
deflection method for beams and rigid jointed plane frames (with and without sway) including frames with
sloping legs – Effect of settlement of supports – Moment Distribution method for beams and rigid jointed plane
frames (with and without sway) – Effect of support settlement – Kani’s method for beams and rigid jointed
plane frames of different geometry (with and without sway) – Introduction to approximate methods of analysis
for multistoreyed frames - Substitute frame method – Cantilever method – Portal method (No numerical
examples in approximate methods)
Module III
Introduction to Structural Dynamics – Dynamic systems and loads – D’Alembert’s principle – Systems with
single degree of freedom – Equation of motion - Free vibration and forced vibration – Undamped and damped
free vibration – Logarithmic decrement – Response of single degree of freedom systems subjected to harmonic
loading – Single degree of freedom systems subjected to support motion such as earthquake ground motion –
formulation of equation of motion.
     1.   Junarkar S. B. and Shah S. J., Mechanics of Structures, Vol. II, Charotar Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.,
          New Delhi
     2. Devdas Menon, Structural Analysis, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi.
     3. Reddy C. S., Basic Structural Analysis, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
     4. Anand A. S., Theory of Structures, Indeterminate Structural Analysis, Sathyaprakasan, NewDelhi.
     5. Wang C. K., Indeterminate Structural Analysis, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
     6. Norris, C. H. and Wilbur J. B., Elementary Structural Analysis, McGraw Hill, New York.
     7. Hibbeler R. C., Structural Analysis, Pearson Education, New Delhi.
     8. Ghali A., Neville A. M. And Brown T. G., Structural Analysis – A unified classical and matrix
          approach, Spon Press, London and Newyork.
     9. Mario Paz, Structural Dynamics – Theory and Computation , CBC Publishers and distributors, New
     10. Clough R W. and Penzien J. Dynamics of Structures, Mc-Graw Hill, Newyork
     11. Anil K.Chopra, Structural Dynamics- Theory and Applications to Earthquake Engineering, Pearson.
Question paper: Duration : 3 hours
The question paper consists of Part A and Part B.
Part A is for 40 marks. There will be 8 compulsory short answer questions of 5 marks each covering the entire
Part B is for 60 marks. There will be two questions from each module. The candidate has to answer one
question of 20 marks from each module.
Note: No charts, tables, codes are permitted in the Examination hall .If necessary relevant data shall be given
along with the question paper by the question paper setter.
                                                                                          L   T       P/D    Cr
08.504             TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING – I                                         3   1       0      4
Module I
Introduction- Classification and characteristics of transportation modes- Comparison of railway and highway
Railway track- Alignment-requirements of good alignment-Factors in selection of good alignment.
Requirements of an ideal permanent way- capacity of a railway track- Gauges in railway track- selection-
uniformity of gauge-railway track cross-sections-coning of wheels
Rails-functions-requirements-types-length of rails-rail joints-welding of rails-advantages. Defects in rails-
remedial measures-wear on rails-failure of rails-creep of rails.
Sleepers-Functions-requirements-timber, metal and concrete sleepers-sleeper density
Rail fixtures and fasteners-purpose and types-modern elastic fastenings.
Geometric design of tracks-Necessity-gradients-grade compensation on curves-radius and degree of a curve-
super elevation-cant deficiency-equilibrium speed-safe speed on curves-negative super elevation-necessity of
providing transition curve-length of transition curve- widening of gauge on curves
Module II
Traction and tractive resistances-Comparison of tractions-Tractive resistances-train resistances-resistance due
to track profile, resistance due to starting and acceleration, wind resistance-Hauling capacity of a locomotive-
Tractive effort of a locomotive-Problems
Points and Crossings-Necessity-Left and Right hand turn outs-switches-types- crossings. Design of turn outs.
Track junctions-Types (General awareness only). Design of crossovers between parallel tracks-Design of
diamond crossing.
Signalling-Objectives-Classification and characteristics, types
Control systems of train movement-ATC, CTC only-Track circuiting -Interlocking of signals and points–
necessity and functions -Methods-mechanical, electrical methods
Stations and yards-Classification of railway stations, platforms, loops, sidings, station yards, passenger yards,
level crossings
Modern trends on railways-modernization of traction , track , trends in track vehicles (general awareness only)
Module III
Tunnelling- Necessity of tunnels, size and shape of tunnels-Construction systems of tunnels-vertical shaft
system, pilot tunnel system-Methods of construction in rocks-full face method, heading and benching method,
drift method. Methods of tunneling in soft grounds-liner plate method, compressed air method-Removal of
excavated materials. Tunnel lining- necessity, objects, materials (General awareness only)
Ventilation and Drainage of tunnels
Harbours- Classification-Requirements of commercial harbour-typical layout with general features-factors
controlling harbour size-location and width of entrance-Stevenson’s formula for entrance width-Depth of
harbour and approach channel-shape of harbour. Meteorological phenomena-Wind, tides, Waves-wave
parameters, fetch, Characterestics of wave, Stevenson’s formula, Wave action-Coastal currents-littoral drift
Breakwater-classification- forces acting on breakwater construction. Marine facilities- wharf, pier, fenders,
dolphins, aprons, transit shed, warehouse, (General awareness only). Docks- functions-wet and dry docks-
floating dry dock- lock gates (General awareness only). Navigational aids- beacons-buoys-lighthouse-light ship-
moorings-off shore moorings. Dredging-types-choice of dredger
    1. Rao.G.V,Principles of Transportation and Highway Engineering, Tata McGraw Hill
    2. Mundrey J.S, Railway Track Engineering, Tata McGraw Hill
    3. Srinivasan ,R, Harbour, Dock and Tunnel Engineering, ,Charotar Publishing house
    4. Quinn,A.D,Design and Construction of Ports and Marine structures,Tata McGraw Hill
Question Paper: Duration: 3 hours
The question paper consists of Part A and Part B.
Part A is for 40 marks. There will be 8 compulsory short answer questions of 5 marks each covering entire
syllabus. Part B is for 60 marks. There will be two questions from each module. The candidate has to answer
one question of 20 marks from each module.
Note: No charts, tables, codes are permitted in the Examination hall .If necessary relevant data shall be given
along with the question paper by the question paper setter.
                                                                                            L   T       P/D     Cr
08.504               URBAN PLANNING AND ARCHITECTURE                                        3   1       0       4
Module I
Architecture: definition–factors influencing architectural development. Principles of architecture: Contrast,
proportion, scale, balance, rhythm, character, colour and unity. Indian architecture: A brief study of the
architecture of Buddhist, Hindu and Indo- Islamic period. Kerala architecture: Traditional temple and domestic
architecture of Kerala. Contributions of Laurie Baker to Kerala architecture. Modern architecture: Contributions
of Le Corbusier and Frank Lloyd Wright to modern architectural philosophy.
Module II
Basics of planning: Evolution of towns – problems of urban growth – demography - rural – urban migration –
beginning of town planning acts – ideal towns – garden city movement – concept of new towns and
conservative surgery - comprehensive planning of towns. Basics of town planning surveys – Land use surveys
and analysis – Socio-economic surveys. Development plans – Regional planning – Zoning and subdivision
regulation – FSI/FAR – Neighborhood planning – planning principles – site planning – site selection criteria for
housing development – types – site analysis.
Module III
Basic concepts of sustainable habitat – goals for sustainable development – global initiatives for sustainable
development – resource based planning – urban infrastructure planning in sustainability context – urban growth
and sustainability of water resources – socio-economic development and sustainable planning – sustainable new
Introduction to the concept and issues of Sustainable Architecture – basic concepts of Green Buildings – energy
efficiency in buildings( brief description only ) – resource conservation and sustainable construction – various
rating systems for the assessment of sustainability - Indian systems TERI GRIHA, LEED India rating –
Sustainable building practices in India.
   1. Ernest Pickering, Architectural Design, John Wiley & Sons.
   2. G.K. Hiraskar, The great ages of World Architecture, Dhanpat Rai Publications, New Delhi, 2003.
   3. Sir Banister Fletcher, A history of Architecture, Taraporevala.
   4. Percy Brown, Indian Architecture – Buddhist and Hindu Periods, Hardcover.
   5. Percy Brown, Indian Architecture _ Islamic Period, D.B. Taraporevala
   6. Balagopal T.S.Prabhu,.A. Achyuthan, Vastuvidyapravesika A Text Book of Vastuvidya, Vastuvidya
       Pratisthanam Calicut.
   7. Arthur B. Gallion, Urban Pattern, D.Van Nostrand CD. Inc.
   8. Pelic Hall , Urban and Regional Planning Routledge, London and New York. 2002
   9. Lewis Keeble , Principles and Practices of Town Planning, Estates Gazette, London
   10. R. Ramachandran , Urbanization and Urban System in India
   11. Rob Krueger, David Gibbs ‘Sustainable Development’, Guilford Press, 2007
   12. Andrews Blowers, Planning for a Sustainable Environment- Guilford Press
   13. S.C Agarwala, Architecture and Town Planning, Dhanpat Rai Publications, New Delhi
   14. Chen, K., Energy Management in Illuminating Systems, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida. 1999.
   15. Allard, F., 1998. Natural Ventilation in Buildings: A Design Handbook, James & James, London
   16. Ghosh, S, Solar Architecture and Planning, Centre for Built Environment, Calcutta.
   17. Frey, H. W., Designing the City: Towards A More Sustainable Form, E & FN Spon, London,1999.
   18. Roelofs, J., Greening Cities: Building Just and Sustainable Communities, Bootstrap Press, New York.
   19. B.C.Bose, “Integrated approach to sustainable Development”, Rajat Publications, Delhi
   20. Laurie Baker’s, “Chamoli Earthquake hand book”, Costford.
   21. Fuller Moore, “Environmental control systems Heating, Cooling, Lighting”. McGraw Hill, Newyork.
   22. Caring A.Langston, Grace K.C.Ding, “Sustainable practices in built environment”, Butterworth
       Heinmann Linacre House Jordanhill Oxford.
   23. R.N.Trivedi, “Environmental Sciences”, Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd, New Delhi.
Question Paper: Duration 3 hours
The question paper consists of Part A and Part B. Part A is for 40 marks. There will be 8 compulsory short answer
questions covering entire syllabus.
Part B is for 60 marks. There will be two questions from each module. The candidate has to answer one question of 20
marks from each module.
                                                                                          L   T     P/D      Cr
08. 506.1. Elective -1          MODERN CONSTRUCTION
                                                                                          3   0      0       3
Module I
Review of properties, specifications, manufacturing methods, tests and uses of building materials like stones,
ceramic materials and concrete- special concretes for specific purposes like lightweight concrete, ready mixed
concrete, high performance concrete, self compacting concrete. Metals-steel and aluminium, timber and
bituminous materials.
Module II
Recent developments in the use of glass, plastics, asbestos, wood products, adhesives, polymer composites and
composite materials- definition, characteristics, classifications based on structure and matrices. Smart
composites- advantages and limitations. History, production and areas of application of the above materials.
.Module III
Materials for thermal and acoustic insulation- properties-decorative finishes. Construction materials from
industrial waste and recycled materials-areas of applications-
innovation in materials technology
      1. Michel S.MamloukandJohnPZaniewski’,MaterialsforCivilandConstructionEngineers’,PrenticeHall
      2. L. Reed Brantley and Ruth T Brantley, ‘Building Materials Technology’,Mcgraw-hill publishers
      3. Neil Jackson and Ravindra K.Dhir, ‘Civil Engineering Materials’, Palgrave Foundations
      4. Don A Watson, ‘Construction Materials and Processes ’,Career Education
      5. F.Young,S.Mindess,RJGrayandABentur,‘TheScienceandTechnologyofCivilEngineeringMaterials’
          Prentice Hall
      6. M.V Gandhi and B.S Thompson, ‘Smart Materials and Structures ’,Chapmann & Hall, London
Question paper:
Duration:3 Hours
The question paper consists of Part A and Part B.
Part A is for 40 marks. There will be 8 compulsory short questions of 5 marks each covering the entire
Part B is for 60 marks. There will be two questions from each module. The candidate has to answer one
question from each module.
                                                                                         L    T     P/D    Cr
08. 506. 2. Elective-I                      GEOMATICS
                                                                                         3    0      0     3
Module I
Fundamentals of GIS : Definition-components of GIS-GIS operations-Coordinate systems-Geographic
coordinate systems-Map projections-Projected coordinate systems-Spatial data modelling-Raster and vector data
representation-Data Input methods-Geometric Transformation-RMS error, Vector data Analysis-buffering,
overlay, Modelling surfaces-DTM, Triangulated irregular network (brief description only)-GIS output.
Module II
Introduction to Remote Sensing : Definition- Electromagnetic spectrum-Energy interactions with atmosphere
and earth surface features-spectral reflectance of vegetation, soil and water- Classification of sensors-spatial
resolution-spectral resolution-radiometric resolution-Temporal resolution- Optical Infra red sensors-Active and
Passive sensors-Multi spectral scanning-Along track scanning, across track scanning, IRS LISS Camera-
Thermal detection-Microwave sensing (brief description only)-Visual Image Interpretation –Indian Remote
Sensing System.
Module III
GPS Basics- system overview-working principle of GPS-Satellite ranging-calculating position- Ranging errors
and its correction-code phase and carrier phase measurements-application of GPS Surveying methods-Static,
Rapid static , Kinematic methods -Real time and post processing DGPS-GPS Survey planning and observation-
horizontal and vertical control-data sheet-visibility diagram-GPS data processing-WAAS system-Hydrographic
surveying with GPS.
     1. Arora K.R., “Surveying-Vol 3”, Standard Book House
     2. Satheesh Gopi, Madhu N & Sathikumar R., “Advanced Surveying”, Pearson Education, 2004
     3. Barry F K, “Geomatics”, Pearson Education Ltd.
     4. Satheesh Gopi, “The Global Positioning System and Surveying”, Pearson Education ,2004
     5. Heywood, Cornelius and Carver, “ An introduction to GIS”, Pearson Education Ltd
     6. Chang,K , “Introduction to Geographic Information Systems”, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. Ltd,
     7. Anji Reddy M., “ Remote sensing and Geographical Information Systems”, B S Publications,
         Hyderabad, 2001
     8. George Joseph, “Fundamentals of Remote Sensing”, University Press, 2003
     9. Lillesand M and Kiefer W, “Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation”. John iley and Sons,Inc.,2000
     10. Iliffe, C.J., Datums and Map Projections for Remote Sensing, GIS and Surveying, Whittles Publishing,
     11. Burrough P , Principles of Geographical Information systems, Oxford University Press
     12. Kang-tsung chang, ‘Introduction to GIS’ , Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. Ltd
Question paper
Duration: 3 Hrs
The Question paper consists of Part A and Part B.
 Part A carries 8 compulsory questions (short answer questions) covering the entire syllabus and is for 40
 Part B is for 60 marks. There will be two questions from each module. The candidate has to answer one
question out of two.
Note: No charts, tables, codes are permitted in the Examination hall .If necessary relevant data shall be given
along with the question paper by the question paper setter.
                                                                                            L    T       P/D     Cr
 08. 506. 3. Elective -1                   FREE SURFACE FLOW                                3    0        0      3
Module I
Open channel flow-Velocity and pressure distribution- energy & momentum correction factors- Pressure
distribution in curvilinear flows. Energy and Momentum principle-critical flow, Application of specific energy
principle to channel transitions with hump or change in width. Uniform flow-composite sections, Hydraulic
exponents N and M.-computation of uniform flow.
Module II
Design of channels for uniform flow-Non erodible channel-Minimum permissible velocity-channel slopes-best
hydraulic section. Erodible channels which scour but do not silt-Methods of approach-Method of permissible
velocity-Tractive force –Method of tractive force-stable hydraulic section.
Profiles on channels with break in grade-computation of GVF profile-Bresse’s method,., standard step method-
flow profiles in divided channels.
Module III
Hydraulic jump-jumps in non rectangular channels-exponential channels-jump on a sloping floor-location of
jump, use of jump as an energy dissipater. Ogee spillway-uncontrolled crests-profile. Standing wave flume,
parshall flume, sluice gate. Stilling basin-practical features to be considered in the design of stilling basin-jump
position, tail water conditions, and jump types-USBR Type II (Description only). Rapidly varied unsteady flow
–Positive surges, Negative surges.
          1. Ven Te Chow, ‘Open Channel Hydraulics’, Tata Mc Graw Hill Book Co
          2. K.Subramanya, ‘Flow in Open Channels’, Tata Mc Graw Hill Series.
          3. Ranga Raju, ‘Flow through Open Channel’, Tata Mc Graw Hill.
          4. M Hanif Chaudhary, ‘Open Channel Flow’, Prentice Hall India Private Ltd.
          5. Henderson FM , ‘Open Channel Flow’, MacMillan, Newyork.
 Question paper:
 Duration: 3 hrs.
The question paper consists of Part A and Part B.
Part A is for 40 marks. There will be 8 compulsory short answer questions of 4 marks each covering the entire
Part B is for 60 marks. There will be two questions from each module. The candidate has to answer one
question from each module.
Note: No charts, tables, codes are permitted in the Examination hall .If necessary the same shall be given along
with the question paper by the question paper setter.
                                                                                             L    T      P/D    Cr
08. 506. 4. Elective -I ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND                                            3    0      0      3
Module I
Man and Environment – Health and Environment – Environmental Ethics – Interdisciplinary nature of
Environment – air, water and land.
Natural resources of Environment – water, land and energy.
Module II
Ecology – Ecosystem – Types, Functions, Productivity, Energy Flow and Food chains
Material cycling – Hydrologic cycle, Carbon Cycle, Nitrogen Cycle, Phosphorous Cycle, Sulphur Cycle.
Sustainable development – Social, economical and environmental dimensions
Global environmental issues – Green house effect, ozone layer depletion, Global warming, Acid rain,
Module III
Waste Management – Air Pollution – Sources, Types, Effects, Air Quality Standards
Water Pollution – Characteristics of water pollution – Water Quality Standards.
Waste Management hierarchy – Benefits of Pollution Prevention
Resource conservation – Good house keeping practice, Applications of remote sensing and GIS in
environmental management.
      1. Kurian Joseph & R. Nagendran “Essentials of Environmental Studies”, Pearson Education(Singapore)
          Pte. Ltd, Indian branch, 482.FIE Patparganj – New Delhi - 110092
      2. S.C. Bhatia, “Environmental Pollution and Control in Chemical Process Industries”, Khanna
          Publishers, Naisarak - Delhi
      3. P. Aarne Vesilind and Susan M Morgan, “Introduction to Environmental Engineering”
      4. Dr. Suresh K Dhameja, “Environmental Engineering and Management”, S.K. Kataria & Sons, 4424/6
          Guru Nanak Market, Naisarak, Delhi – 110006
      5. M. Anji Reddy, “Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System”, B.S. Publications, 4-4-309,
          Giriraj Lane, Hyderebad.
      6. S.T Misra&S.N Pandey, “Essential environmental studies”. ANNE Books INDIA Publications New
Question paper : Duration : 3 Hrs
The question paper consists of Part A and Part B.
Part A is for 40 marks. There will be 8 compulsory short answer questions of 5 marks each covering entire
Part B is for 60 marks. There will be 2 questions form each module. The candidate has to answer one question
from each module.
Note: No charts, tables, codes are permitted in the Examination hall .If necessary the same shall be given along
with the question paper by the question paper setter.
                                                                                          L    T       P/D     Cr
08.506. 5. Elective -I               ADVANCED CONCRETE
                                            TECHNOLOGY                                    3    0        0      3
Module I
Cements: Review of cements including blended cements, chemical composition; tests on chemical and physical
properties; process of hydration.
Aggregates: Review of types; production of artificial aggregates; sampling and testing; effects on properties of
concrete; special aggregates.
Chemical Admixtures: Review of types and classification; actions and interactions; usage; effects on properties
of concrete; methods of test; applications.
Mineral Admixtures: Flyash, ground granulated blast furnace slag, metakaolin, rice-husk ash and silica fume;
chemical composition; physical characteristics; effects on properties of concrete; methods of test; applications
Module II
Special concrete: Lightweight concrete; autoclaved aerated concrete; no-fines concrete; lightweight aggregate
concrete and foamed concrete.
High strength concrete; refractory concrete; high density and radiation-shielding concrete;
Polymer concrete; fibre reinforced concrete; Ferro-cement; recycled aggregate concrete; Prepacked concrete.
High-performance concrete, Self compacting concrete, Pumpable concrete, Ready mixed concrete
Module III
Non-destructive testing of concrete-Surface Hardness, Ultrasonic, Penetration resistance, Pull-out, pull-off and
break-off methods, Chemical testing for chloride and carbonation
Mix Design : Factors considered in the design of mix design of low and medium strength mixes. Introduction to
ACI, FM, Road Note No.4 Methods, Mix design of High strength, High density concrete, Light weight concrete
and Ready mix concrete
     1. A. R. Santhakumar ‘ Concrete Technology’, Oxford University Press
     2. Shetty M.S., ‘Concrete Technology’, S.Chand &Co.
     3. Neville,’Properties of Concrete’, Prentice Hall, Newyork
     4. Mehta and Monteiro, ‘Concrete-Micro structure, Properties and Materials’, McGraw Hill
     5. John Newman and Ban Seng Choo , ‘Advanced Concrete Technology’, Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd.
     6. Orchard , ‘Concrete Technology Vol.1 & 2’,Applied Science Publishers Ltd.
     7. Satish Chandra ,’Waste materials used for concrete manufacturing’, William Andrew Publishing
     8. Malhotra and Ramezanianpour , ‘Fly ash in Concrete’, Kluwer Academic Publishers
     9. Lea, ‘Chemistry of Cement and Concrete’, Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd.
     10. Aitcin , ‘High performance concrete’ , E & FPON, NewYork .
     11 Bungey, Millard, Grantham – The Testing of Concrete in Structures- Taylor and Francis
     12 IRC Highway Research Board – State of the Art: Non-Destructive Testing Techniques of Concrete
Question Paper:
 Duration: 3 hours
The question paper consists of Part A and Part B.
 Part A is for 40 marks. There will be 8 compulsory short answer questions of 5 marks each covering entire
Part B is for 60 marks. There will be two questions from each module. The candidate has to answer one
question of 20 marks from each module.
Note: No charts, tables, codes are permitted in the Examination hall .If necessary relevant data shall be given
along with the question paper by the question paper setter.
                                                                                          L    T       P/D     Cr
                                                                                          0    0        2      2
08 . 507                     PRACTICAL SURVEYING - II
        Theodolite survey
        1. Problems in heights and distances using :                      -7 classes
         (a) Tangential and stadia tacheometry
        (b) Trigonometric levelling
        2. Three point problem
        3. Setting out of Simple curve using Theodolite
        Total Station Survey, GPS survey & Data processing                 - 4 classes
        Class Test                                                         - 2 classes
         Note:--University examination only for survey using theodolite
         Examination: 100 marks.              Duration: 3 Hours
                                                                        L  T       P/D Cr
08. 508                    CONCRETE LABORATORY
                                                                        0  0       2   2
Tests on cement
        Standard consistency of cement
        Initial and final setting time of cement
        Compressive strength of cement
        Fineness of cement (Air permeability test -Demonstration only)
Tests on aggregates (Fine aggregate & coarse aggregate)
        Particle size distribution and grading
        Fineness modulus, bulk density, void ratio and porosity
        Bulking of fine aggregate
        Specific gravity of aggregate
Tests on fresh concrete
        Slump test
        Compaction factor test
        Vee- bee test (Demonstration only)
        Flow test (Demonstration only)
Tests on hardened concrete
        Compressive strength of concrete
        Modulus of elasticity of concrete
        Flexural and split tensile strength of concrete
        Rebound hammer test
Tests on bricks and tiles
        Compressive strength of burnt bricks
        Water absorption tests on bricks
        Transverse strength test on tiles (M P tiles and mosaic tiles)
Examination: 100 marks Duration: 3 Hours
                                      Syllabus for VI Semester
                                                                                              L    T      P/D    Cr
08. 601                      DESIGN OF STEEL STRUCTURES                                       3    2    0        5
Module I
Properties of structural steel, Structural steel sections, Limit state and working stress design concepts, Types of
connections - Design of welded and bolted connections, Design of tension members and compression members,
Design of laterally supported and unsupported beams - Built up beams, Simple beam to column connections.
Module II
Plate girders- design of section, curtailment of flange plate, bearing and intermediate stiffeners, connections,
flange and web splices, Gantry girders (only design concept).
Columns- Design of axially and eccentrically loaded compression members, simple and built up sections, lacing
and battening, Column bases- slab bases and gusseted bases.
Module III
Light gauge steel structures – Types of sections, Flat width ratio, Buckling of thin elements, Effective design
width, Form factor, Design of tension, compression members and beams.
Plastic design- basic assumptions - shape factor, load factor- Redistribution of moments - upper bound lower
bound and uniqueness theorems- analysis of simple and continuous beams, two span continuous beams and
simple frames by plastic theory - static and kinematic methods.
     1. Subramanian N., Design of steel structures, Oxford University Press
     2. Arya A.S. and J. L. Ajmani, Design of Steel Structures, Nemchand & Bros
     3. Dayaratnam P., Design of Steel Structures, Wheeler
     4. Ramachandra, Design of Steel Structures, Standard books
     5. Duggal S.K., Design of Steel Structures, T.M.H. Publications
     6. IS. Codes: IS:800-2007, IS:811-1987, IS:801- 1975
Question Paper:
Duration: 3 hours
The question paper consists of Part A and Part B.
Part A is for 40 marks. There will be 8 compulsory short answer questions of 5 marks each covering entire
Part B is for 60 marks. There will be two questions from each module. The candidate has to answer one
question of 20 marks from each module.
Use of IS. Codes: 800-2007, 811-1987, 801- 1975 and Structural Steel Tables is permitted in the Examination
Note: No other charts, tables, codes are permitted in the Examination hall .If necessary relevant data shall be
given along with the question paper by the question paper setter
                                                                                              L    T       P/D    Cr
08.602                    GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING-I                                          3    1       0      4
Module I
Soil formation - Major soil deposits of India - Basic soil properties - Weight-volume relationships - Void ratio,
porosity, degree of saturation, air content, percentage air voids, moisture content, specific gravity, bulk,
saturated and submerged unit weights - Relationship between basic soil properties
Index properties - Sieve analysis – Well graded, poorly graded and gap graded soils - Stoke’s law - Hydrometer
analysis – Relative density – Consistency - Atterberg Limits - Practical Applications - Field identification of
soils - I.S. classification of soils
Compaction of soils - Standard Proctor, Modified Proctor, I.S. light & Heavy Compaction Tests – OMC - Zero
Air voids line - Control of compaction - Field methods of compaction[Brief discussion only].
Module II
Permeability of soils - Darcy’s law – Factors affecting permeability - Constant head and falling head
permeability tests - Average permeability of stratified deposits
Principle of effective stress - Total , neutral and effective stress variation diagrams - Quick sand condition -
Critical hydraulic gradient - Estimation of quantity of seepage using flow nets[only for the case of seepage
around a single row of sheet piles] – Definition of phreatic line and exit gradient.
Compressibility and Consolidation - Void ratio versus pressure relationship - Coefficient of compressibility and
volume compressibility – Compression index - Change in void ratio method - Height of solids method -
Normally consolidated, under consolidated and over consolidated states - Estimation of pre consolidation
pressure - Estimation of magnitude of settlement of normally consolidated clays – Terzaghi’s theory of one-
dimensional consolidation(no derivation required) - average degree of consolidation – Time factor - Coefficient
of consolidation - Square root of time & logarithm of time fitting methods-
Module III
Shear strength of soils - Mohr’s circle - Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion - Direct shear test, triaxial compression
test, vane shear test, unconfined compression test - Merits and drawbacks of the tests - UU and CD tests[Brief
discussion only] - Sensitivity - Thixotropy - Liquefaction - Critical void ratio
Stability of finite slopes - Toe failure, base failure, slip failure - Swedish Circle Method – Friction circle method
– Factor of safety with respect to cohesion and angle of internal friction - Stability number - Stability charts -
Methods to improve slope stability
1. Gopal Ranjan & A.S.R Rao --- Basic and Applied Soil Mechanics – New Age International (P) Limited, New
Delhi, 2002
2. K.R. Arora --- Geotechnical Engineering – Standard Publishers Distributors, New Delhi, 2006
3. Venkatramaiah --- Geotechnical Engineering – Universities Press (India) Limited, Hyderabad, 2000
4. Terzaghi and Peck --- Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice – John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1967
5. D.W.Taylor --- Fundamentals of Soil Mechanics – Asia Publishing House, New Delhi, 1948
6.P.Purushothamaraj --- Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering – Pearson Education, Delhi, 2008
Question Paper:
Duration: 3 hours
The question paper consists of Part A and Part B.
Part A carries 40 marks. There will be 8 compulsory short answer questions covering entire syllabus.
Part B is for 60 marks. There will be 2 questions from each module. The candidate has to answer one question
of 20 marks from each module.
 Note: No other charts, tables, codes are permitted in the Examination hall .If necessary relevant data shall be
given along with the question paper by the question paper setter
                                                                                          L    T      P/D    Cr
08.603                 WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING                                        3    1      0      4
Module I
Hydrology-Hydrologic cycle - Precipitation types, forms, measurements-Computation of mean precipitation- -
rain gauge density and optimum number of rain gauges-water losses-Infiltration-measurement by double ring
infiltrometer- Horton’s equation- infiltration indices. Evaporation,-measurement by IMD Land pan. Runoff-
Computation of runoff by different methods. Hydrograph (Sherman), Unit hydrograph and its applications-S-
Module II
Planning of irrigation schemes-types of irrigation-lift and flow irrigation-Mode of irrigation water application-
duty of water-soil water plant relationships-consumptive use (methods of estimation not required).-depth and
frequency of irrigation water application-irrigation efficiencies.
Irrigation canals-types-canal alignment- Typical cross sections of unlined canals-Balancing depth.
Design of canals on alluvial soils based on Kennedy’s theory (no numerical problems) and Lacey’s silt theory-
canal lining-design of lined canals-Economics of canal lining-
Stream flow measurement- velocity measurements-Computation of discharge(Area-velocity method)-rating
curve (stage-discharge curve).
Module III
Groundwater –vertical distribution of groundwater-Types of aquifer-Aquifer properties- Darcy’s law-Steady
radial flow to a well-unconfined and confined aquifers-Types of wells-open well, artesian well and tube well-
Estimation of yield of an open well-Types of tube wells (only description, no design)
River Engineering-meandering-river training –objectives, classification, river training methods-levees, guide
banks, groynes, artificial cut-offs, pitching, pitched islands (Design not necessary).
Reservoir-various types-zones of storage-storage capacity and yield-analytical and mass curve method-reservoir
sedimentation-control of sedimentation-useful life of reservoir.-computation.
       1. Biswas,’’Water resources: Environmental planning and development’’, Tata Mc Graw Hill
       2. B.C.Punmia & BB Pande,’’Irrigation and Water Power Engineering’’, LaxmiPublications (P) Ltd.
       3. K.Subramanya,’’Engineering Hydrology’’, Tata Mc Graw Hill Series, New Delhi..
       4. P.N.Modi and S.M.Seth ,’’Irrigation Engineering’’-,S.B.H Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi.
       5. Ven Te Chow,’’Hand book of Applied Hydrology’’, Tata Mc Graw Hill
       6. P Jayarami Reddi,’’A Text Book of Hydrology’’, Laxmi publications (P) Ltd.
       7. 7.S.K. Garg,Hydrology and Water Resources,- Khanna Publishers
       8. D.K Todd, “Ground Water Hydrology”, Wiley International Ed; Toppan &Company Ltd, Tokyo,
       9. S.P. Garg , “Ground Water and tube wells’’, Oxford &IBH Publishing Company
Question Paper:
Duration: 3 Hrs.
The question paper consists of Part A and Part B.
Part A is for 40 marks. There will be 8 compulsory short answer questions covering the entire syllabus.
Part B is for 60 marks. There will be two questions from each module. The candidate has to answer one
question from each module.
Note: No charts, tables, codes are permitted in the Examination hall .If necessary the same shall be given along
with the question paper by the question paper setter.
08.604            TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING- II                                       L  T      P/D    Cr
                                                                                       3  1      0      4
                                           HIGHWAY ENGINEERING
Module 1
Introduction-Historical Development of Roads-Development of Roads in India, Classification of roads.
Highway Alignment: Requirements of highway alignment-factors controlling alignment. Engineering surveys
for highway location, preparation of project reports. Highway aesthetics.
Geometric Design: Design controls and criteria, design speed, camber, sight distance, super elevation, widening
of pavements on curves, horizontal curves, transition curve, gradient- vertical curves
Module II
Highway materials- Desirable properties of aggregates and bitumen- Tests on aggregate and bitumen
Pavement Design- types of pavement structures, Design of flexible pavements, CBR method only.
Westergaard’s analysis of wheel load stresses and temperature stresses in rigid pavements.
Construction- WBM, Bituminous concrete and cement concrete roads.
Failures in flexible and rigid pavements- causes of failures- Maintenance of bituminous and cement concrete
Highway drainage- Importance, surface and sub surface drainage systems
Module III
Planning and Design of Airports- Aircraft characteristics which affect planning and design of airports- Airport
site selection
Imaginary Surfaces- Approach zone, Clear Zone, and Turning zone.
Runway Design- Orientation, Wind rose diagram-Basic runway length computation, correction due to
elevation, Temperature and gradient, runway geometric design features, Taxiway design requirements
Terminal building, facilities required in a terminal building.
Apron: Size and gate positions-parking configurations, parking system.
Typical airport layouts-Runway configurations.
Airport Landing Aids- Airport markings- Airport lighting-Air traffic control aids- landing Aids- ILS.
          1. Rao,G.V, Transportation Engineering,Tata Mc-Graw Hill
          2. Khanna S.K. & Justo C.E.G., Highway Engineering, Nem Chand & Bros, Roorkee.
          3. Kadiayali,L R.,Traffic Engineering and Transport Planning, , Khanna Publication.
          4. Khanna, S.K & Arora, M.G., Airport Planning and Design, Nemchand & Bros
          5. Horonjeff,R & Francis, M., Planning and Design of Airports, Mc-Graw Hill
          6. Partha Chakraborthy and Animesh Das, Principles of Transportation
              Engineering, Prentice Hall India Private Ltd.
Question Paper:
Duration: 3 hours
The question paper consists of Part A and Part B.
 Part A is for 40 marks. There will be 8 compulsory short answer questions of 5 marks each covering entire
Part B is for 60 marks. There will be two questions from each module. The candidate has to answer one
question of 20 marks from each module.
Note: No charts, tables, codes are permitted in the Examination hall .If necessary relevant data shall be given
along with the question paper by the question paper setter.
                                                                                            L   T       P/D   Cr
08.605                 PROGRAMMING AND NUMERICAL
                                        METHODS                                             3   1      0      4
Module I
C++ programming language – Character set, tokens, data types, variables, operators, expressions, Input &
Output, Selection statements – if, switch statements, Looping statements - for, while, do-while statements, Jump
statements – break, continue, goto exit(), Arrays - single and multi-dimensional arrays, initializing array
elements, Functions – Arguments, returning function results, call by value, call by reference, functions calling
functions, functions and arrays - Global variables, automatic, static and register variables, pointers & arrays
,recursive functions, function overloading.
Module II
Character arrays, Unformatted console I/O functions, Unformatted Stream I/O functions, string functions.
Structures - functions and structures - Arrays of structures - structures within structures, Structures containing
Files - Input & Output, sequential & random access
Basic concepts of object oriented programming, advantages of object oriented programming, Implementation of
object oriented programming concepts in C++, Definition of a class, members of a class, data members and
member functions, Declaration of objects, array of objects, Constructors and Destructors, Inheritance.
Module III
Roots of transcendental equations - Successive approximations, Regular - falsi , Newton Raphson Methods,
Functional approximation - Fitting straight line & parabola , Numerical Integration - Trapezoidal, Simpson’s
rule & Gauss quadrature. Solution of simultaneous linear equations – Gauss elimination method, Gauss - Siedel
Iteration method
Note: Programs & Numerical Problems may be included in the question paper.
          1.       Programming in ANSI C – S. Balaguruswamy, Tata McGraw Hill
          2.       Programming in C - Stephen J Kochan, Macmillan Computer Pub
          3.       Programming in C - Byron Gottfried, McGraw-Hill
          4.       Programming with ANSI & TurboC- Kamthane ,Pearson Education
          5.       C++ Programming - Robert Lafore, Sams publishers
          6.       Programming in C++ - Maria Lithian
          7.       Introduction to Computers - Jose S
          8.       Applied Numerical Analysis- Gerald, Pearson Education
          9.      Object Oriented programming with ANSI & TURBO C++ - Kamthane, Pearson Education
          10.     Object Oriented programming with C++ - . Balaguruswamy, Tata Mcgraw Hill
Question Paper: Duration: 3 hours
The question paper consists of Part A and Part B.
Part A is for 40 marks. There will be 8 compulsory short answer questions covering entire syllabus.
Part B is for 60 marks. There will two questions from each module. The candidate has to answer one question
of 20 marks from each module.
Note: No charts, tables, codes are permitted in the Examination hall .If necessary relevant data shall be given
along with the question paper by the question paper setter.
                                                                                       L   T       P/D  Cr
08.606.1 ElectiveII                  SOIL EXPLORATION
                                                                                       3   1       0    4
Module I
Objectives of soil exploration – Planning of a sub-surface exploration programme –Collection of existing
information – Reconnaissance – Detailed investigation - Number, size, spacing and depth of boreholes –
Different methods of exploration - Open pits and borings – Methods of boring – Auger boring, auger and shell
boring, wash boring, percussion drilling, rotary drilling – Comparison of the methods
Geophysical methods – Seismic refraction method – Procedure, uses, limitations – Electrical resistivity method
– Electrical profiling and electrical sounding – Procedure, uses - Field determination of permeability by
pumping out test[no derivation required]
Module II
Sounding methods – Standard Penetration Test – Procedure –Various corrections to be applied to observed N
values – Factors influencing the SPT results and precautions to obtain reliable results – Merits/drawbacks of the
test – Correlations of N value with various engineering and index properties of soils
Static Cone Penetration Test – Procedure – Merits/drawbacks – Correlation of static CPT results with various
soil properties - Dynamic Cone Penetration Test – Procedure – Merits/drawbacks – Critical comparison of SPT,
static CPT and dynamic CPT
Plate load test – Procedure, uses and limitations - Pressure meter test - Procedure –Uses
Module III
Soil sampling – Undisturbed, disturbed, and representative samples – Chunk and tube samples – Factors
affecting sample disturbance and methods to minimize them – Area ratio – Inside clearance – Outside clearance
– Recovery ratio – Ball check valve – Handling and transportation of samples – Extrusion of samples
Types of samplers – Thin walled sampler – Piston sampler – Split spoon sampler - Core retainers – Liners –
Rock cores – Types of drill bits – Rock Quality Designation –Bore log – Soil profile – Sub-soil investigation
1. Gopal Ranjan & A.S.R Rao, ‘Basic and Applied Soil Mechanics’, New Age International (P) Limited, New
Delhi, 2002
2. K.R. Arora, ‘Geotechnical Engineering’, Standard Publishers Distributors, New Delhi, 2006
3. Venkatramaiah, ‘Geotechnical Engineering’, Universities Press (India) Limited, Hyderabad, 2000
4. Joseph E. Bowles, ‘Foundation Analysis and Design’, Mc. Graw Hill Inc., New York, 1988
Question Paper:
Duration:3 hours
The question paper consists of Part A and Part B.
Part A carries 40 marks. There will be 8 compulsory short answer questions covering entire syllabus.
Part B is for 60 marks. There will be 2 questions from each module. The candidate has to answer one question
of 20 marks from each module.
                                                                                         L    T      P/D   Cr
08 606.2 ElectiveII             SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT                                   3    1      0     4
Module I
Definition-Sources- Categories of wastes-Municipal, Industrial, Medical, Universal, Construction and
demolition debris, Radioactive, Mining, Agricultural waste Generation rate- Measure of quantities, methods
used to generation rate. Composition- Physical and chemical (simple problems). storage of solid waste-
Container location.
Module II
Collection. – collection services- collection systems, collection routes-Need for transfer operation.
Processing techniques- Mechanical volume reduction mechanical size reduction- chemical volume
reduction -component separation Drying ( simple problems) Resource conservation and recovery.
Module III
Disposal of solid waste; Sanitary land fill- area method, trench method-advantages and dis advantages.
Incineration- types of incinerators -parts of an incinerator-incinerator effluent gas composition- advantages
and dis advantages .
Composting- types of composting-Indore process, Bangalore process(advantages and disadvantages).
1. George Tchobanoglous, Frank Kreith et al “Hand book of solid waste management.” Mc Graw hill
      publications -Newyork.
2. John Pichtel “ Waste management Practices” Taylor& Francis publishers
3. David . A . Cornwell, Mackenzie . L .Davis “Introduction to Environmental Engineering” Mc Graw Hill
    International Edition .
4. Daniel . B. Botkin, Edward .A. Keller “Environmental Science” (Earth as a living plant) IV Edition ,John
    wiley& Sons Inc.
5. Robert . A. Corbitt “Hand Book of Environmental Engineering” Mc Graw hill publishing Company .
6. Arcadio .P .Sincero “ Environmental Engineering” -A design approach
   Prentice Hall of India Private Limited – New Delhi.
Question paper:
Duration : 3 Hrs
The question paper consists of Part A and Part B.
 Part A is for 40 marks. There will be 8 compulsory short answer questions of 5 marks each covering entire
Part B is for 60 marks. There will be 2 questions form each module. The candidate has to answer one question
from each module.
Note: No charts, tables, codes are permitted in the Examination hall .If necessary the same shall be given along
with the question paper by the question paper setter.
                                                                                           L    T      P/D    Cr
                                                                                           3    1      0      4
08.606.3 ElectiveII                 WAVE HYDRODYNAMICS
Module I
Review of fundamental principles and its relative significance – (no questions to be asked). Classification of
ocean waves, Definition of wave parameters (wave length, period, Celerity). Regular and irregular waves.
Linear Wave theory (Airy’s theory)-Assumptions- Boundary Conditions, solution of Laplace equation with
Boundary Conditions - Derivation of wave surface profile, wave length, wave celerity, orbital motion of water
particles and orbital displacement of water particles in shallow water condition, transitional water condition and
deep water conditions-related problems.
Module II
Wave kinematics, pressure field under wave system, wave energy, Energy propagation (Energy flux or wave
power), group velocity in deep and shallow water conditions-related problems.
Wave Transformations- Shoaling, refraction – refraction patterns on different bed configurations- problems
considering shoaling and refraction effects, wave reflection wave diffraction, wave breaking in deep water,
transitional water and shallow water, types of breakers.
Module III
Finite amplitude theory-Stokes theory, Trochoidal theory and solitary wave theory, Region of validity of various
Wave loads on vertical walls and Caissons - Sainflou method (problems) - Brief study of Minikin Method and
Goda's method (Problems not required).
Wave measuring techniques-pressure wave gauge, Rider buoys, Wave direction measuring techniques.
          1. Turgut Sarpkaya & Michael Issacson , Mechanics of Wave forces on offshore structures , Van
              Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1981
          2. Robert G. Dean & Darlymole, Water wave mechanics for engineers and scientists, Prentice Hall
              Publishers-New Jersey
          3. A.T.Ippen ,Estuary & Coastline hydrodynamics, Mc Graw Hill publication
          4. U.S Army Corps of Engineers, Shore protection manual (Vol. I &. II),1984 Coastal Engineering
              Research Centre
          5. Robert M Sorenson, Basic Coastal Engineering, Springer,2005
          6. Harbour and Coastal Engineering-NIOT Chennai
          7. S.K Chakrabarthi ,Hydrodynamics of offshore structures, Computational Mechanics
          8. U.S Army Corps of Engineers, Coastal Engineering Manual, 2006, U.S Army Engineer Research
              and Development Centre.
          9. Baba M and Kurian N.P (ed), Ocean Wave Mechanics for Engineers and Scientists, Allied
              publishers Ltd
Question Paper:
 Duration: 3 hours
The question paper consists of Part A and Part B.
Part A is for 40 marks. There will be 8 compulsory short answer questions of 5 marks each covering entire
Part B is for 60 marks. There will be two questions from each module. The candidate has to answer one
question of 20 marks from each module.
Note: No charts, tables, codes are permitted in the Examination hall .If necessary the same shall be given along
with the question paper by the question paper setter
                                                                                         L   T       P/D   Cr
08 606.4 ElectiveII                   ADVANCED COMPUTATIONAL                             3   1      0      4
Module I
Errors in numerical computation – System of linear algebraic equations –factorization methods – Multiple right
hand sides - Ill-conditioned systems – Symmetric and Banded systems .
Eigen value problems – Power method – Jacobi Method – Practical examples.
System of non linear equations – Newton-Raphson Method.
Module II
Lagrangean and Hermitian interpolation – Quadratic splines - cubic splines (Examples with equal intervals only)
- Data smoothing by least squares criterion – Parabolic and non-polynomial models like exponential model and
power equation – Multiple linear regression.
Taylor series expansion of functions – Solution of first-order ordinary differential equations by use of Taylor
series – Euler’s method and its modifications – Runge-Kutta method.- – Predictor-corrector methods – Milne’s
method and Hamming’s method – Stability of solution.
Higher-order equations of initial value Runge-Kutta method.
Module III
Ordinary differential equations of the boundary value type – Finite difference solution.
Weighted residual methods for initial value problems and boundary value problems – Collocation method –
Subdomain method – Method of least squares – Galerkin’s method.
Partial differential equations in two-dimensions – Parabolic equations – Explicit finite difference method –
Crank-Nicholson implicit method.
Elliptic equations – Finite difference method –- Problems with irregular boundaries.
Note: Importance must be given to structural engineering problems wherever possible.
        Assignments must be computer oriented.
References :
     1. Chapra S. C. and Canale R. P, Numerical Methods for Engineers,Mc Graw Hill
     2. Smith G. D, Numerical Solution to Partial Differential Equations, Oxford University Press.
     3. Ketter and Prawel, Modern methods of Engineering Computation Mc Graw Hill .
     4. Rajasekharan S , Numerical Methods in Science and Engineering. S.Chand.
     5. Numerical Methods for Initial and Boundary value Problems, Rajasekharan S,A.H.Wheeler & Co. Pvt.
     6. Terrence J. Akai , Applied Numerical Methods for Engineers, John Wiley & Sons
     7. B.S Grewal, Numerical methods for Engineers & scientists, Khanna Publishers
Question paper:
Duration: 3 Hrs.
The question paper consists of Part A and Part B.
Part A is for 40 marks. There will be 8 compulsory short answer questions of 5 marks each covering the entire
syllabus .
Part B is for 60 marks. There will be two questions from each module. The candidate has to answer one
question from each module.
                                                                                             L T     P/D   Cr
08 606.5 Elective II                 TRAFFIC ENGINEERING                                     3 1     0     4
Module I
Traffic Engineering: Definition, Functions.
Road User, Vehicle and The Road: Human factors governing road user behaviour - Vehicular characteristics.
Traffic Surveys: Speed, Journey time and delay study – Methods-Moving observer method, Presentation of
data- grouping of speed data, cumulative frequency curve, problems. Vehicle volume counts and classifications
- methods Parking surveys. Uses of photographic techniques in traffic survey.
Origin- Destination Surveys- methods, zoning and presentation of results.
Module II
Traffic Controls: Different types of traffic signs and markings. Traffic signals - design, coordinated signals-
time-distance diagram -area traffic control-Other traffic control aids and street furniture.
Intersections And Interchanges –Types-Planning and layout
Traffic Safety: Accidents-causes and prevention.
Parking: Zoning and parking space requirements-On street and off street parking.
Traffic Management-Concept and techniques.
ITS, GIS And GPS- Introduction to Intelligent Transportation Systems, Geographic Information System and
Global Positioning System
Street Lighting- Necessity, methods, arrangement- at carriageways, T, rotary, bend, bridge, tunnels.
Module III
Highway Capacity And Level Of Service: Definitions - PCU-LOS concept, Factors affecting capacity and
LOS. Capacity of highways, urban streets, rotary, weaving sections and intersections.
Theory Of Traffic Flow: Fundamental diagram of traffic flow-Relationship among the variables.
         1.  Traffic Engineering & Transport Planning- Kadiyali L R, Khanna Publishers.
         2.  Traffic Planning and Engineering- Hobbs, F .D., Pergamon Press
         3.  Traffic Engineering- Mc. Shane, William R., Roess, Roger P., Prentice Hall ,New Jersey.
         4.  An Introduction Transportation Engineering - Jotin Khisty C., Kent Lall B., Prentice Hall.
         5.  Principles of Transportation Engineering - Partha Chakraborthy, Animesh Das, Prentice Hall India.
         6.  Recommended Practice for Traffic Roataries - IRC 65-1976
         7.  Guidelines for capacity of roads in rural areas -IRC 64-1990
         8.  Traffic studies for planning By-passes around towns -IRC 102-1988
         9.  Guidelines for Capacity of Urban roads in plain areas- IRC 106-1990
         10. Guidelines for design and installation of Road Traffic Signals -IRC 93- 1985
         11. Road accident forms- IRC 53-1982.
         12. Traffic Census on Non-urban roads -IRC 9-1972.
Question paper:
Duration: 3 Hrs.
The question paper consists of Part A and Part B.
Part A is for 40 marks. There will be 8 compulsory short answer questions of 5 marks each covering the entire
syllabus .
Part B is for 60 marks. There will be two questions from each module. The candidate has to answer one
question from each module.
Note: No charts, tables, codes are permitted in the Examination hall .If necessary relevant data shall be given
along with the question paper by the question paper setter.
                                                                                          L    T       P/D    Cr
08 606.6 Elective II           VALUATION OF REAL PROPERTIES                               3    1       0      4
Module I
Basic principles of valuation- Cost price and value- kinds of properties-Different purposes of valuation- kinds of
values and definition-Factors affecting the value in general-Sources of valuation-Procedure to become a valuer-
Report writing.
 Different methods of Valuation- Valuation by land and building method- Valuation of flats- Composite rate
method- Valuation of commercial complex-Rent capitalization method.
Module II
Valuation of land-Market value-Guideline value-FSI and plot coverage- Land locked land-Recess land-
Valuation by belting method-Land measurement units- case studies.
Depreciation –Types, Methods of calculating depreciation- Obsolescence- Valuation of buildings-Replacement
value- Depreciation value- case studies.
Module III
Valuation for banks- Different purposes-Collateral security and primary security- Valuation formats- Legal
aspects of valuation.
Valuation for taxation-Income tax, wealth tax, capital gain-Probate.
         1    S.C Rangwala, ‘ Valuation of Real properties’, Charotar publishing House Pvt.Ltd.
          2 Chakrabarthi.M, ‘Estimating costing and specifications in Civil Engineering, USB publishers
              and distributers Ltd.New Delhi
         3 Duglas Scarett, ‘Property valuation-The 5 methods, Spon press,Taylor and Francis
         4 D.N.Banerjee, ‘Parks valuation’-5th Edition(1998),Eastern Law House,Calcutta
         5 Roshan H Namavati,‘Theory and practice of valuation’Lakhani Book Depot,Bombay
         6 Asok Nain,‘Professional Valuation Practice’Tata Mc. Graw Hill,New Delhi
Question paper:
Duration: 3 Hrs.
The question paper consists of Part A and Part B.
Part A is for 40 marks. There will be 8 compulsory short answer questions of 5 marks each covering the entire
syllabus .
Part B is for 60 marks. There will be two questions from each module. The candidate has to answer one
question from each module.
Note: No charts, tables, codes are permitted in the Examination hall .If necessary relevant data shall be given
along with the question paper by the question paper setter.
                                                                                            L    T       P/D    Cr
                                                                                            3    1      0       4
08 606.7 Elective II              SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT
Module I
Concepts of sustainability : Energy and Global environment, Energy use and Climate change – Its impact,
Types of Energy systems, Concept of Sustainability - Principles of conservation -synergy with nature,
Bioregionalism - community basis shelter technology within bioregional patterns and scales, Ethical-
environmental degradation.
Module II
Sustainable Building Materials and Construction : Properties, Uses and Examples of -Primary, secondary
and Tertiary Sustainable Materials, Principles to improve the energy efficiency - siting and vernacular design,
shade, ventilation, earth, shelter, thermal inertia and air lock entrances. Techniques of sustainable construction -
technologies, methods of effectiveness, and design synthesis – Green buildings - alternative materials and
construction methods: solar water heating panels; photovoltaic electricity generation; use of local materials and
on site growth of food, fuel and building materials.
Module III
Recycling and Reuse : Pre building, Building, Post building stages - Architectural Reuse, Waste prevention,
Construction and Demolition recycling- Conservation of natural and building resources- Energy and material
savings – types of wastes - Elimination of waste and minimize pollution- various Decomposing methods –
Innovative reuse of various wastes.
References :
1) B.C.Bose, “Integrated approach to sustainable Development”, Rajat Publications, Delhi
2) Laurie Baker’s, “Chamoli Earthquake hand book”, Costford, Centre of science and technology for rural
3) Fuller Moore, “Environmental control systems Heating, Cooling, Lighting”. McGraw Hill, Newyork.
4) Caring A.Langston, Grace K.C.Ding, “Sustainable practices in built environment”, second edition,
Butterworth-Heinmann Linacre House Jordan hill Oxford.
5) R.N.Trivedi, “Environmental Sciences”, Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd, New Delhi.
Question paper:
Duration: 3 Hrs.
The question paper consists of Part A and Part B.
Part A is for 40 marks. There will be 8 compulsory short answer questions of 5 marks each covering the entire
syllabus .
Part B is for 60 marks. There will be two questions from each module. The candidate has to answer one
question from each module.
                                                                                           L   T       P/D     Cr
08.606.8 Elective II HYDROLOGY AND WATER RESOURCES                                         3   1       0       4
Module I
Basic concept of Hydrology and Hydrology cycle- Graphical representation of rainfall data- Analysis of rain fall
data- Correlation of rainfall records- intensity duration and frequency relation ship-DAD curves-Design storm
and PMP –Consistency of rainfall data- double mass analysis. Water losses-interception-evaporation-method of
estimation-Evapotranspiration- method of estimation-infiltration-method of estimation.
Module II
Runoff – stream network-ordering, characteristics – estimation of runoff- Rational method SCS method - Unit
hydrograph analysis(Sherman&Bernard distribution graph)- S hydrograph-unit hydrograph from Complex
storms- synthetic unit hydrograph- instantaneous unit hydrograph-Linear reservoir model.
Stream gauging- Area velocity method- current meter- rating of current meter- Stage discharge rating curve-
Extension of stage discharge rating curve- Adjustment of stage discharge rating curve- selection of site for a
stream gauging station.
Module III
Floods and their estimation- definition, causes, design flood, chance flood, estimation of design flood, and flood
frequency- empirical formula such as Dicken’s, Ryves- statistical method – California method- Gumbel’s
Flood routing-Hydraulic and hydrologic routing (concepts only)-reservoir routing- I-S-D method -channel
routing- Muskingum method.
Flood control methods- Flood control reservoirs- retarding basins – construction of levees- channel
improvement- soil conservation method- flood forecasting and warning.
 1. E. Subrahmanya Engineering Hydrology’’,Tata McGraw-Hill publishing Company Ltd,New Delhi.
 2. H. M. Reghunath,’’Hydrology’’,Wiley Eastern Ltd,New Delhi.
 3. Hydrology & Water resources engineering, S. K. Garg, Khanna Pubblishers
 4. Ven. Te Chow,’’Hand book of applied Hydrology’’, Tata Mc Graw Hill
 5. Linsley R. K., Kohier, M. A. and Paullus, J. L., “ Applied Hydrology’’, Mc Graw Hill.
 6. B. C. Punmia,’’Irrigation and Power Engineering’’, Laxmi publications (P) Ltd
Question Paper:
Duration: 3 hours
The question paper consists of Part A and Part B.
Part A is for 40 marks. There will be 8 compulsory short answer questions of 5 marks each covering entire
Part B is for 60 marks. There will be two questions from each module. The candidate has to answer one
question of 20 marks from each module.
Note: No charts, tables, codes are permitted in the Examination hall .If necessary the same shall begiven along
with the question paper by the question paper setter
                                                                                    L    T      P/D  Cr
                                                                                    3    1     0     4
Module I
Definition of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology -Historical development of nanotechnology - Nano and nature-
Nanoscale investigation methods:
Electron microscopies-Scanning Electron Microscopy and Transmission Electron Microscopy.
Scanning Probe Microscopies-Scanning Tunneling Microscopy, Atomic Force Microscopy and Scanning Probe
Optical Microscopies-Confocal Microscopy and Scanning Nearfield Optical Microscopy.
Module II
Photoelectron Spectroscopy and X-Ray Diffraction methods-
Nanomaterials: Synthesis , properties and uses of Fullerenes, Carbon Nanotubes , Semiconductor Quantom
Dots , Core-shell Nanoparticles and Nanoshells - Nanomanufacturing: Bottom Up and Top Down methods
Module III
Nanointerfaces: Nanosensors, Molecular Nanomachines and Nanotribology-
Nanotechnology in Construction- Nanotechnology in Aerospace-Nanotechnology and Environment-
Nanotechnology in Water treatment and Air purification-
Societal Implications of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology- Basic concepts of Nanoethics and Nanoeconomics-
Nanotechnology in Development- Health effects of Nanoparticles.
1. Pradeep.T (2007)- ‘NANO : The Essentials’. McGraw-Hill Education, New Delhi
2. David Rickerby and Mark Morrison(2007)-Report from the Workshop on Nanotechnologies for
Environmental Remediation,
3. Ineka Malsch (Ed.)( 2007)- Nanotechnology in Aerospace; Nanoforum Report,
4. Nanoscience and Nanotechnologies: Opportunities and Uncertainties.(2004)-Report of the Royal Society&
The Royal Academy of Engineering,
5. Surinder Mann (2006)- Nanotechnology and Construction; Nanoforum Report,
Question Paper:
Duration: 3 hours
The question paper consists of Part A and Part B.
 Part A is for 40 marks. There will be 8 compulsory short answer questions of 5 marks each covering entire
Part B is for 60 marks. There will be two questions from each module. The candidate has to answer one
question of 20 marks from each module.
                                                                                           L   T      P/D     Cr
08.606. 10 Elective II              NATURAL DISASTER                                       3   1      0       4
Module I
Earth processes and natural disasters-significance of earth processes, natural hazards, risks and disasters. Basic
principles of disaster management. Case histories of important natural disasters. Vulnerability assessment for
earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, landslides and volcanoes. Human induced disasters.
Module II
Preparedness and mitigation measures for earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, landslides and volcanoes with special
reference to construction of residential buildings and public utility buildings. Disaster mitigation planning of
human settlements and townships for earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, landslides and volcanoes.
Module III
Issues in the prediction of natural disasters, land use practices and disaster mitigation. Integration of rural
development programmes with natural disaster mitigation and planning. Information systems and decision
making tools in disaster management. Disaster management in India.
 1.Abbott, P.L(2001) Natural Disasters. 3rd Ed., McGraw Hill Company
 2 Bryant,E.A(1991) Natural hazards. Cambridge University Press.
 3.Murty, C.V.R. IITK-BMTPC Earthquake Tips, National Information centre of Earthquake Engineering,
  IIT-Kanpur ,P.56
 4 Ramakant G aur(2008) Disaster management. GNOSIS, New Delhi, P. 172.
Question paper:
 Duration: 3 Hrs
The Question paper consists of Part A and Part B.
 Part A carries 8 compulsory questions (short answer questions) covering the entire syllabus and is for 40
 Part B is for 60 marks. There will be two questions from each module. The candidate has to answer one
question out of two.
Note: No charts, tables, codes are permitted in the Examination hall .If necessary relevant data shall be given
along with the question paper by the question paper setter.
                                                                                                L    T      P/D     Cr
08.606. 11           COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH AND                                                  3    1      0       4
                              TECHNICAL WRITING
Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing skills.
Listening Skills: Listening for general content- Intensive listening-Listening for specific information.
Speaking Skills: Oral practice-Describing objects/situations/people-Role play-Just A Minute/Group Discussion-
informal letters-essentials of telephonic conversation-invitations-minutes of a meeting.
Reading Skills: Skimming the text- exposure to a variety of technical articles, essays, graphic representation,
and journalistic articles.
Writing Skills: Skills to express ideas in sentences, use of appropriate vocabulary -sentence construction-
paragraphs development-note making-editing a passage and essay writing.
Basics of Technical Communication.
Technical communication- features, Distinction between general and technical communication- language as a
tool of communication- levels of communication-interpersonal, organizational, mass communication-the flow of
communication: upward, downward and lateral-importance of technical communication- barriers to
Forms of Technical communication.
Business letters-sales and credit letters, letter of enquiry, letter of quotation, placing order. Job application and
resume. Official letters-govt. letters, letter to authorities. Reports-types, significance, structure and style, writing
reports, condensing .Technical proposals-writing a proposal –the steps involved. Technical papers- projects-
dissertation- thesis writing. Preparing audio-visual aids.
Module III
A non-detailed study of the autobiography: “Wings of Fire-an autobiography by APJ Abdul Kalam”.
Students should read the book on their own and selected topics may be discussed in the class.
1.   Basic Communication Skills for Technology-Andrea J Rutherford. Pearson Education.
2.   Business Correspondence and Report Writing- Mohan K and Sharma R C, TMH New Delhi.
3.   Effective Technical Communication-Barun K Mitra. Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
4.   Everyday Dialogues in English-Robert J Dixson, PHI.
5.   English For Technical Communication, Vol. I &II. K R Lakshmi Narayanan-Sci Tech Publications.
6.   Wings of Fire-an autobiography APJ Abdul Kalam.- Universities Press (2004)
University Examination:.
Six short questions to be answered out of 8 questions from Module I. Each answer carries 5 marks. (30 marks).
Questions to be limited to the topics Writing Skills& Basics of Technical Communication. 2 questions out of 4
has to be answered from Module II. Each answer carries 15 marks. (30 marks).Two essays out of Four has to be
answered from module III.. Each answer carries 20 marks. (40 marks).
                                                                                 L T P/D Cr
                                                                                 0 0 2   2
1. Tests on Aggregates
          (i) Crushing Value
          (ii) Los-Angeles Abrasion Value
         (iii) Impact Value
         (iv) Specific Gravity
         (v) Water Absorption
         (vi) Shape Test – Flakiness Index, Elongation Index & Angularity Number
2. Tests on Bitumen
         (vii) Viscosity Test with BrookField viscometer
         (viii) Ductility Test
         (ix) Softening Point Test
         (x) Specific Gravity
         (xi) Flash Point Test
3. Tests on Soil
         (xii) Modified Proctor Compaction Test
          (xii) CBR Test
    Khanna S. K. & Justo C. E. G ,Highway Engineering, Nem Chand & Bros., Roorkee.
Examination: - Duration: - 3 hrs.      Max.Marks – 100
                                                                                          L   T     P/D     Cr
08.608                 COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN AND                                          0   0      2      2
                                 DRAFTING LAB
    1.    Preparation of Civil Engineering Drawings – plan, section and elevation of buildings.
    2.    Application of spreadsheets in Civil Engineering:
            (i)      BM and SF diagrams of cantilever, simply supported and overhanging beams.
            (ii)     Analysis of continuous beams by moment distribution method.
            (iii)    Design of singly/doubly reinforced sections by limit state method.
    3.    Use of structural analysis software for analysis of simple two dimensional structures like continuous
          beam, portal frame and plane truss. (Not to be included for examination)
    4.    Application of GIS in Civil Engineering – preparation of database and GIS analysis. (Not to be
          included for examination)
Any standard software packages can be used for drafting, spreadsheet, structural analysis and GIS.
          The manuals of the software packages used.
Examination: - Duration: - 3 hrs. Max.Marks-100
Question for examination:
Question on Civil Engineering Drawing is compulsory.
One full question on CAD drawing or a CAD drawing (simple figures) and a Spread sheet analysis may be
In Evaluation 50% credit may be given to the output.
Note:- The printouts of the drawings and spreadsheets should be attached in the lab record maintained by the
                                    Syllabus for VII Semester
                                                                                             L   T       P/D  Cr
08.701                      ADVANCED STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS                                     3   2       0    5
Module I
Introduction to matrix analysis of structures – Concept of flexibility and stiffness influence coefficients –
Concept of development of flexibility matrix by physical approach – Equivalent joint loads – Concept of
element approach – Development of equilibrium matrix – Element flexibility matrices for truss, beam and plane
frame elements - Development of structure flexibility matrix by element approach – Evaluation of
displacements in statically determinate beams, rigid jointed and pin-jointed plane frames by flexibility matrix
approach – Analysis of statically indeterminate beams, rigid jointed and pin-jointed plane frames by flexibility
matrix approach.
Module II
Concept of development of stiffness matrix by physical approach – Concept of element approach –
Development of compatibility matrix – Element stiffness matrices for truss, beam and plane frame elements -
Development of structure stiffness matrix by element approach– Analysis of statically indeterminate beams,
rigid jointed and pin-jointed plane frames by stiffness matrix approach – Concept of direct stiffness method –
Transformation of element stiffness matrices from local to global co-ordinates – Application of direct stiffness
method to two span continuous beams- Advantages of direct stiffness method – Comparison of flexibility matrix
and stiffness matrix methods.
Module III
Introduction to finite element analysis – Concept of discretization of continuum-Finite element analysis
procedure – Relevant basics of elasticity – Stress-strain relation(Constitutive relation)- Strain-displacement
relation – Concept of strain-displacement matrix – Types of 1-D, 2-D and 3-D finite elements – Plane stress and
plane strain problems – Displacement function – Convergence and compatibility requirements - Development of
shape functions for truss element (2-noded and 3-noded), beam element and CST element – Derivation of
expressions for element stiffness matrix and nodal load vector (Derivation of equilibrium equation) –
Development of stiffness matrix for truss element alone.
     1. William Weaver Jr. and James M. Gere, Matrix analysis of framed structures, CBS Publishers, New
     2. Pandit G. S. and Gupta S. P., Structural analysis – A Matrix Approach , Tata McGraw Hill, New
     3. Rajasekharan S. and Sankarasubramanian G., Computational Structural Mechanics, Prentice Hall of
        India, New Delhi.
     4. Hibbeler R. C., Structural Analysis, Pearson Education, New Delhi.
     5. Ghali A., Neville A. M. And Brown T. G., Structural Analysis – A unified classical and matrix
        approach, Spon Press, London and Newyork.
     6. Cook R.D. et al., Concepts and applications of Finite Element Analysis, John Wiley & Sons.
     7. Krishnamoorthy C. S., Finite Element Analysis – Theory and programming, Tata McGraw Hill,
        New Delhi.
     8. Rajasekharan S., Finite Element Analysis in Engineering Design, Wheeler Publishers.
     9. Chandrapatla T. R. and Belegundu A. D., Introduction to Finite Elements in Engineering, Prentice
        Hall of India, New Delhi.
Question Paper: Duration:3 hours
The question paper consists of Part A and Part B.
Part A carries 40 marks. There will be 8 compulsory short answer questions covering entire syllabus.
Part B is for 60 marks. There will be 2 questions from each module. The candidate has to answer one question
of 20 marks from each module.
                                                                                           L   T      P/D     Cr
                                                                                           3   0       2      5
Module I
Dams-Gravity dams, arch dams, buttress dam, forces acting on dam-theoretical and practical profiles of gravity
dam-low dam, high dam-stability of dam-stress in elementary profile of gravity dam. Function of shafts,
galleries, keys and water seal.
Arch dams-types, forces acting-design methods (Thin cylinder theory only)-Earth dam-Types-criteria for safe
design-causes of failure. Spillways-Different types (Design not necessary).
Module II
Diversion head works, layout, functions of components-cause of failure of weirs on permeable soils- Bligh’s
theory-design of vertical weir-Khosla’s theory of independent variables-use of Khosla’s charts and Blench
Cross drainage works-different types-Canal falls-classification (brief description only).
Module III
Design and drawing emphasizing the hydraulic aspects of the following structures:
1. Aqueduct 2.Syphon aqueduct 3.Canal Syphon 4.Notch type canal fall 5.Sarda type fall 6.Canal regulators
(Khosla’s theory)
1. L.W.Mays,’’Water Resources Engineering’’, McGraw Hill Co.
2. B.C.Punmia & B B Pande, “ Irrigation and Power Engineering’’Laxmi publications (P) Ltd.
3. S.K. Garg,’’Irrigation Engineering’’, Khanna publishers, Delhi.
4. P.N.Modi and S.M.Seth, ‘’Irrigation Engineering’’, S.B.H Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi.
5. Priyani,’’Irrigation Engineering’’. Charotar Books, Anand, India, 1967
6. Varshney,’’Theory & Design of Irrigation Structures Vol III’ Nem Chand& Bros., Roorkee,1982
7. Sathyanarayana Murty Challa ’Water Resources Engineering-Principles and Practice’New age
  international publishers.
Question paper:Duration: 4 hrs
The question paper consists of Part A , Part B and Part C
Part A(Compulsory) is for 20 marks(4x5) covering the entire syllabus
Part B is for 20 marks covering modules I and II. There will be 2 questions from each module. The candidate
has to answer one question of 10 marks from each module
Part C is for 60 marks covering module III. Candidate has to answer one out of two questions from this part.
The question consists of design and drawing parts.
In the drawing part maximum of two views only be asked.
 Khosla’s charts and Blench curves are permitted.
Note: No other charts, tables, codes are permitted in the Examination hall .If necessary the same shall be given
along with the question paper by the question paper setter.
                                                                                           L   T       P/D     Cr
                                                                                           3   1        0      4
Module I
Stresses in soil due to loaded areas - Boussinesq’s and Westergaard’s formulae for point loads – assumptions
[no derivation required] – Comments - Vertical stress beneath loaded areas of strip, rectangular and circular
shapes - Newmark’s charts - Isobars - Pressure bulbs
Earth pressure – At-rest, active and passive earth pressures – Practical examples - Rankine’s and Coulomb’
methods - Comparison[no derivation required] - Influence of surcharge, inclined backfill and water table on
earth pressure - Earth pressure on layered soils
Bearing capacity of shallow foundations – Ultimate, safe and allowable bearing capacity. - Terzaghi’s
formula[no derivation required] for isolated strip, circular and square footings - Bearing capacity factors - Local
and general shear failure - Factors affecting bearing capacity – Influence of water table
Settlement - Total and differential settlement - Causes - Methods of reducing differential settlement - Soil
improvement through installation of vertical drains and preloading - Use of compaction piles
Brief introduction to site investigation – Guidelines for choosing spacing and depth of borings [brief discussion
only] - Auger boring and wash boring methods - Standard Penetration Test- - Soil investigation report
Combined footings- Rectangular and Trapezoidal combined footings – Raft foundations - Allowable Bearing
capacity of Rafts on sands and clays - Floating foundation.
Pile foundations - Point bearing and friction piles - Bearing capacity of single pile in clay and sand[I.S. Static
formulae] - Dynamic formulae(ENR and Modified Hiley only) - I.S. Pile load test [conventional]- Negative skin
friction. on a single pile - Capacity of Pile groups - Group action
Brief introduction to well foundations - Elements of a well foundation – Problems encountered in well sinking
– Methods to rectify tilts and shifts - Brief introduction to Machine foundation –Mass spring model for
undamped free vibrations - Natural frequency of foundation-soil system – Coefficient of uniform elastic
compression – Methods of vibration isolation
1. Gopal Ranjan & A.S.R Rao ,Basic and Applied Soil Mechanics , New Age International (P) Limited,
   New Delhi, 2002
2. K.R. Arora ,Geotechnical Engineering , Standard Publishers Distributors, New Delhi, 2006
3.Venkatramaiah,GeotechnicalEngineering, Universities Press (India) Limited,Hyderabad, 2000
4. Peck ,Hansen and Thornborn ,Foundation Engineering ,John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1947
5. W.E.Teng, Foundation Design, Prentice Hall , New Jersey, 1962
6. P.Purushothamaraj, Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering,Pearson Education, Delhi, 2008
Question Paper: Duration:3 hours
The question paper consists of Part A and Part B.
Part A carries 40 marks. There will be 8 compulsory short answer questions covering entire syllabus.
Part B is for 60 marks. There will be 2 questions from each module. The candidate has to answer one question
of 20 marks from each module.
                                                                                          L    T     P/D     Cr
                                                                                          3    1      0      4
08.704                  ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING- I
Module I
Introduction of environment- sources of water supply-quantification of water demand through population
forecasting –Factors affecting consumption-Fluctuations in demand-Types of intakes-Conveyors, pumps and
location of pumping station-Quality of water-Drinking water standards-Physical, chemical and biological
Module II
Treatment of water-Theory and principles of Sedimentation tanks-Stoke’s law-Types of settling (Type I & Type
II only)-Coagulation-Mixing-Flocculation, Clariflocculator-Filtration-Types of filters-Rapid sand, Slow sand,
and Pressure filters-Design of Sedimentation tanks (circular and rectangular)-Clariflocculators-Rapid sand filter-
Slow sand filter
Module III
Disinfection of water-Methods of Disinfection, Chlorination-Types of Chlorination, Factors affecting
Chlorination-Chlorine demands-Miscellaneous treatment-Ion exchange, Lime-soda process, Electro dialysis-
Colour, Taste and Odour removal-Adsorption-Aeration-Fluoridation-Defluoridation-Lay out of water
distribution network-Methods of distribution-Hardy cross method-Equivalent pipe method-Pipe appurtenances.
1. S.K.Garg, “Water Supply Engineering”, Khanna Publishers.
2. Dr. B.C Punmia, “Water Supply Engineering”, Laxmi Publications Pvt. Ltd.
3. Dr. P.N. Modi, “Water Supply Engineering”, Standard Book House, NewDelhi.
4. Metcalf & Eddy , “Waste Water Engineering”, Tata Mc Grawhill Publishing Co Ltd
Question Paper: Duration: 3hrs
The question paper consists of Part A and Part B.
Part A is for 40 marks. There will be 8 compulsory short answer questions of 5 marks each covering entire
Part B is for 60 marks. There will be 2 questions form each module. The candidate has to answer one question
from each module.
                                                                                             L   T       P/D     Cr
03.705.1 Elective III                  THEORY OF ELASTICITY                                  3   1        0      4
Module I
Analysis of stress and strain in three dimensions –stress at a point, transformation, principal stress, surface force
and body forces, equations of equilibrium. Homogeneous deformation, strain at a point, principal axes of strain,
compatibility equations. Invarients of stress and strain. Equation of theory of elasticity, Generalised Hook’s law-
reduction in number of elastic constants for orthotropic, transversely isotropic and isotropic media. Stress strain
Module II
Equations of equilibrium in terms of displacements conditions of compatibility in terms of stresses. Method of
solution of the elasticity problems. Stress displacement and mixed methods. The principle of superposition. St.
Venant’s principle.
Two-dimensional problems in rectangular coordinates Generalized plane stress and plane strain, Basic
equations, stress functions, solutions by polynomials, Bending of a cantilever loaded at free end and bending of
a beam by uniform load. Solution in the form of Fourier series for a simply supported beam subjected to
continuous loads.
Module III
Two-dimensional problems in polar co ordinates, Basic equations in polar co ordinates, Axi-symmetric stress
distribution curved beams, thick cylinders, rotating disc. General solution bending of a curved bar by a force at
the end, effect of circular holes on stress distribution in plates. Concentrated force at a point of a straight
boundary, circular disc subjected to diametrical compression.
Torsion of prismatic members, circular cross section, non-circular rectangular and elliptic section, membrane
          1 S. P. Timoshenko and J.N. Goodier,“Theory of elasticity”-, McGraw-Hill
          2 I.N. Sokolnikoff, “ Mathematical theory of elasticity”,McGraw-Hill Inc.,US
          3 Ernest E Sechler, “Elasticity in Engineering” - Wiley: Chapman & Hall, New York
Question Paper: Duration: 3 hours
 The question paper consists of Part A and Part B.
Part A is for 40 marks. There will be 8 compulsory short answer questions covering entire syllabus.
Part B is for 60 marks. There will two questions from each module. The candidate has to answer one question
of 20 marks from each module.
Note: No charts, tables, codes are permitted in the Examination hall .If necessary relevant data shall be given
along with the question paper by the question paper setter.
                                                                                           L    T       P/D   Cr
                                                                                           3    1       0     4
08.705.2. Elective-III              EARTH DAM ENGINEERING
Module I
Earth dam – types – selection – requirements of foundation – materials of construction - seepage through dams
– determination of phreatic line – Casagrande’s solution – Kozheny’s parabola - entrance and exit corrections –
flow nets for homogeneous earth dams .
Module II
Stability analysis – method of slices - pore pressure during construction, steady seepage and sudden drawdown
– approximate analysis for the above conditions using Taylor’s stability charts
Embankment construction – compaction control – placement water content
Module III
Failure of earth dams – types of failure and damages – embankment compressibility and swelling – settlement of
foundations – movement of crest –Adverse effects of seepage – liquefaction and its prevention -
instrumentation in earth dams -
 Control of seepage – cut off trenches – grout curtains – sheet pile walls – upstream blankets – relief wells
1. Sherard, Woodward, Gizienzki and Clevenger --- Earth and Earth-Rock dams, John Wiley & Sons, New
York, 1963
2. Bharat Singh & Punmia --- Earth and Rockfill dams - Standard Publishers Distributors, New Delhi, 1988
Question Paper: Duration:3 hours
The question paper consists of Part A and Part B.
Part A carries 40 marks. There will be 8 compulsory short answer questions covering entire syllabus.
Part B is for 60 marks. There will be 2 questions from each module. The candidate has to answer one question
of 20 marks from each module.
08.705.3 Elective-III                  DEEP FOUNDATIONS                                      L   T      P/D    Cr
                                                                                             3   1      0      4
Module I
Classification of piles based on mechanism of load transfer, method of installation , material. used – Concrete
piles - Ultimate skin friction and end bearing capacity of single pile in clay and sand by the I.S.code method –
Critical depth concept - Ultimate skin friction and end bearing capacity of single pile installed in granular soils
based on SPT and CPT values – Basis of dynamic formulae - The rational pile formula –Modified Hiley
formula – General comments on the reliability of dynamic formulae - Pile driving stresses - Conventional and
cyclic pile load tests –Piles for resisting uplift - Tension piles of uniform diameter in clays and sands - Tension
piles with enlarged base in clays.
Module II
Single pile versus pile groups – Pile group configurations - Group action – Efficiency of pile groups - Group
capacity – Minimum spacing of piles in a group – Negative skin friction of pile groups – Settlement of pile
groups in clays – Equivalent raft approach - Settlement of pile groups in sands - Skempton’s and Meyerhof’s
methods - Brief discussion on drilled piers.
Module III
Well foundations – Components of a well foundation– Procedure for construction and sinking of wells –
Thickness of well steining for sinking under self weight - Grip length - Problems encountered in well sinking –
Tilts and Shifts – Causes – Permissible tilts and shifts - Methods to rectify tilts and shifts – Forces acting on a
well foundation –Allowable bearing pressure – Lateral stability of well foundations - Terzaghi’s analysis.
1. Gopal Ranjan & A.S.R Rao , Basic and Applied Soil Mechanics,New Age International (P) Limited,
   New Delhi, 2002
2. K.R. Arora, Geotechnical Engineering, Standard Publishers Distributors, New Delhi, 2006
3.Venkatramaiah, Geotechnical Engineering, Universities Press (India) Limited, Hyderabad, 2000
Question Paper: Duration:3 hours
The question paper consists of Part A and Part B.
Part A carries 40 marks. There will be 8 compulsory short answer questions covering entire syllabus.
Part B is for 60 marks. There will be 2 questions from each module. The candidate has to answer one question
of 20 marks from each module.
                                                                                         L     T     P/D    Cr
08.705.4 Elective-III               STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS FOR                              3     1     0      4
                                          DYNAMIC LOADS
Review: Dynamic Systems - parameters, Single degree of freedom (SDOF) systems, Equation of motion,
Natural frequency, Free and forced vibration.
Module I
SDOF system subjected to harmonic loading - steady state amplitude, Dynamic magnification factor,
Impulse response function, Response of SDOF system subjected to general dynamic loading – Duhamel
integral, Response of SDOF system to rectangular and triangular loads.
SDOF system subjected to support motion, Vibration isolation, Transmissibility.
Module II
Multi-degree of freedom (MDOF) systems, Lumped mass systems, Shear building frames, Equation of motion
of MDOF systems, Natural frequencies and mode shapes, Orthogonality of mode shapes, Free and forced
vibration analysis - Mode superposition method.
Module II
Systems with distributed parameters – equation of motion for beam flexure (elementary case), Natural
frequencies and mode shapes of simply supported beams.
Earthquake analysis – response spectrum, Response spectrum analysis of MDOF system subjected to support
Calculation of design lateral forces due to earthquake – IS code method (IS:1893-2002).
     1.   M. Mukhopadyay, Structural Dynamics - Vibrations & Systems, Ane Books India, New Delhi.
     2.   R.W. Clough and J. Penzien, Dynamics of Structures, McGraw-Hill Inc., New York.
     3.   Mario Paz, Structural Dynamics - Theory and Computation, CBC Publishers and Distributors, New
     4.   A.K. Chopra, Dynamics of Structures- Theory and Applications to Earthquake Engineering, Prentice
          Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
     5.   J.W. Smith, Vibration of Structures, Chapman and Hall, London.
     6.   IS:1893-2002, Criteria for earthquake Resistant Design of structures.
Question Paper: Duration: 3 hours
The Question paper contains Part A and Part B.
Part A carries 8 compulsory questions (short answer questions) covering the entire syllabus and is for 40 marks.
 Part B is for 60 marks. There will be two questions from each module. The candidate has to answer one
question out of two.
Note: IS:1893-2002 is permitted in the examination hall. No others charts, tables and codes are permitted. If
necessary relevant data shall be given along with the question paper by the question paper setter.
                                                                                        L   T      P/D   Cr
08.705.5 Elective-III            WIND LOADING ON STRUCTURES
                                                                                        3   1       0    4
Module I
Wind and its characteristics-nature of winds-types of winds-Extreme wind conditions-aerodynamics of civil
Engineering structures.
Characteristics of wind-gradient wind speed-maximum Windspeed, mean wind speed, wind as a random process
Module II
Static wind effects-drag coefficient ,lift coefficient.
Dynamic wind effects-along wind load-across wind load,flutter,galloping,buffeting,other wind effects
Various national codes on wind engineering-comparison.
Module III
Examples on wind load calculations as per IS 875 (part 3)-wind load calculation on special structures such as
cooling towers,rail/roadsbrides and tall chimneys
     1 J.D.Holmes,”Wind loading of structures”,Spon, Press,London , 2001
     2 .IS 875 (Part3)
     3 Other relevant IS codes
Question Paper:          Duration:3 hours
The question paper consists of Part A and Part B.
Part A carries 40 marks. There will be 8 compulsory short answer questions covering entire syllabus.
Part B is for 60 marks. There will be 2 questions from each module. The candidate has to answer one question
of 20 marks from each module.
Use of IS 875 (Part 3) is permitted in the examination hall.
                                                                                            L    T      P/D     Cr
08.705.6 Elective-III               AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT                                  3    1       0      4
Module I
Introduction- Components of Environment- Definition –Air Pollution- Scales of air pollutant measurement -
Sources of Air pollution – Definition- Air Pollutant- Types of Air Pollutant- Industrial Processes causing Air
Pollution - Effect of air pollutants on health, vegetation, animals and materials - Indoor Air Pollution (Definition
Module II
Meteorological aspects of Air Pollutant Dispersion - Temperature and Pressure relationships-Atmospheric
Stability- Temperature Lapse Rate- Inversions- Effect of Wind velocity and turbulence-Plume behaviour
Dispersion of Air pollutants-Plume dispersion theory- Gaussian plume model (Derivation not required)-
Assumptions-Advantages and Disadvantages- Pasquill's stability curves - -Application of specific dispersion
problems involving point source and line source - Estimation of plume rise.
Module III
Air Quality monitoring - Ambient air sampling - Collection of gaseous air pollutants-Collection of particulate
Pollutants- Ambient Air Quality standards- Control of Air Pollutants- Particulate emission control-Scrubbing-
Cyclones- Filtration- Electrostatic Precipitation-Gaseous emission control- Adsorption- Absorption-
Condensation -Air pollution disasters
      1. Stern.A, “Air Pollution” (Volume I ,II & III) ,Academic Press Newyork
      2. Wark Kenneth and Warner C F, “Air Pollution it’s Orgin and Control – Harper and Row Publishers,
      3. C.S.Rao, “Environmental Pollution Control Engineering” Wiley Eastern Ltd, Delhi
      4. Perkins H.C, “Air Pollution” Mc GrawHill
      5. Peavy H S, Rowe, D.R. Tchobanaglous “Environmental Engineering” Mc GrawHill
Question paper : Duration : 3 Hrs
The question paper consists of Part A and Part B.
 Part A is for 40 marks. There will be 8 compulsory short answer questions of 5 marks each covering entire
Part B is for 60 marks. There will be 2 questions form each module. The candidate has to answer one question
from each module
Note: No charts, tables, codes are permitted in the Examination hall .If necessary the same shall be given along
with the question paper by the question paper setter.
                                                                                         L    T      P/D     Cr
08.705.7 Elective-III            PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT                                    3    1      0      4
Module 1
Definition of management – managerial functions – inter relationship between managerial functions -
managerial skills – roles of managers.
Personnel management in organizations – definition – functions - role and functions of personnel manager
Staffing process – recruitment and selection – induction and placement – training and development.
Module II
Work and productivity analysis – factors influencing productivity – benefits from increased productivity – data
gathering for on-site productivity-improvement studies – questionnaires, interviews, activity sampling,
recording of work-face practices like still photographs, time studies, video techniques – presenting and
implementing productivity-improvement findings – crew balance charts, flow diagram, process charts.
Performance rating – allowances.
Module III
Behavioural science aspects – Motivation of individuals – definition – theories of motivation - Maslow’s theory
–Herzberg’s model – McClelland’s three need model – Vroom’s expectancy theory – Mc Gregor’s theory.
Leadership – definition – leaders vs. managers – styles of leadership - Theories of leadership – Personality
theories – behavioural theories – situational theories.
Communication – importance and process – directions of communication – media and types of communication -
factors affecting communication – barriers to communication – improving interpersonal and organizational
     1. Personnel , Human Resource Management , Robert L Mathis,John H Jackson,Tata Mc -GrawHill
          Publishing Company Limited,New Delhi.
     2. Productivity Improvement in Construction, Clarkson Oglesby, Henry Parker, Gregory Howell
     3. Organizational Behaviour,Stephen P Robbins , Prentice Hall of India Pvt Ltd,NewDelhi.
     4. Human Resources Management,saiyadain, Tata Mc -GrawHill Publishing Company
          Limited,New Delhi.
     5. Management of Organizational Behaviour,Paul Hersey,Kenneth H,Blanchand, Prentice Hall of India
          Pvt Ltd,NewDelhi.
Question paper : Duration : 3 Hrs
The question paper consists of Part A and Part B.
 Part A is for 40 marks. There will be 8 compulsory short answer questions of 5 marks each covering entire
Part B is for 60 marks. There will be 2 questions form each module. The candidate has to answer one question
from each module
Note: No charts, tables, codes are permitted in the Examination hall .If necessary the same shall be given along
with the question paper by the question paper setter.
                                                                                           L    T      P/D     Cr
08.705.8 Elective III              DESIGN OF OFFSHORE
                                                                                           3    1       0      4
Module I
Introduction to Ocean oil gas and other resources – near shore structures - Different types of ocean structures
and systems - Gravity, fixed, floating semi submersibles, compliant structure-Tension legged platform and
guyed tower. Design of fixed offshore Jacket Platform-Steps in design. Environmental load calculation (wind,
wave, current and tidal) and design parameters. Problems on checking the sufficiency of tubular members under
different loading conditions in conformity with the API-Code. Tubular Joints-different types. Analysis of Joints,
Stress concentration factor, fatigue failure-SN curves
Module II
Basic principles of design of concrete offshore platforms - Jack up platforms, Wave forces on large structures-
Froude-Krylov Forces-General theory. Design of compliant structures forces & bending moments in floating
platforms Design principles of - Tension leg platform Sizing and mechanics –weight estimate of TLP.
Module Ill
Mechanics of mooring lines-steady state forces in mooring line due to current. Equation of static equilibrium.
Integration of equilibrium equations –heavy and short cables-neutrally buoyant cables, Profile of cable line
under all forces considered- Critical angle.
Sub sea pipeline-pipeline safety .Design Process –internal pressure-external pressure. On bottom stability-
objective- static analysis. Laying Pipe line - different methods
     1. Thomas H. Dawson. , “Offshore structural Engineering’’
     2. Subrata K Chakrabarti, “Wave Hydrodynamics’’.
     3. Subrata K Chakrabarti, “Hand book of Offshore Engineering (Vol. I & II)’’. Elsevier Science, 2005. ,
          Prentice Hall Inc. Englewood Cliffs, N.J. 1983
     4. Hsu Teng H., “Applied offshore Structural Engineering’’, Gulf Publishing Company Book Division,
          Houston, Texas, 1984.
     5. Henri O. Berteaux. , “Buoy Engineering’’. Umi Research Pr., 1976.
     6. George A Antaki, “Piping and pipeline Engineering’’, CRC Press / Marcel Dekker Inc., 2003.
Question paper:Duration: 3 Hrs.
The question paper consists of Part A and Part B.
Part A is for 40 marks. There will be 8 compulsory short answer questions of 5marks each covering the entire
Part B is for 60 marks. There will be two questions from each module. The candidate has to answer one
question from each module.
Note: No charts, tables, codes are permitted in the Examination hall .If necessary the same shall be given along
with the question paper by the question paper setter.
                                                                                            L   T       P/D   Cr
                                                                                            3   1       0     4
                                ENVIRONMENTAL HYDRAULICS
Urban hydrology –urban flooding-causes of flooding-remedial measures-Design of urban storm water collection
system-Gutters, inlets and sewers-rational formula-limitations-Storm water pollution and control (basic
concepts)-Best management practices for urban drainage-constructed treatment wetlands(No design).
Module –II
Role of fluid mechanics in environmental planning-turbulent flow-momentum equations-dispersion-diffusion-
advection-Fick’s law-Classical solutions of pollutant transport-determination of down stream concentration-
estimation of width of plume and length required for complete mixing-simple problems-Theory of jets and
plumes-Richardson number-Types of jets-density stratification in lakes and reservoirs-Densimetric Froude
Contaminant propagation through soil-different mechanisms-hydraulic aspects of pollutant transport (basic ideas
only)-introductory knowledge about groundwater contamination-sources and remedies. Brief discussion on
environmental impacts of different types of water resources projects such as irrigation, flood control, dams.
Environmental impact assessment-Onsite and offsite impacts-Matrix, networks and other techniques-index
methods for environmental impacts on groundwater –simple quantitative approaches for watershed impacts-soil
loss equation.
1. Akan A O, ‘Urban storm water hydrology:A Guide to Engineering calculations’, Lancaster
2. Canter L W Environmental Impact assessment, McGraw Hill, New York, 1977.
3. Hari D Sharma and Krishnan R Reddy-Geo environmental Engineering, John wiley and Sons, 2004.
4. Hitel Rubin and Joseph Atkinson, Environmental Fluid Mechanics,CRC Press, London
5. Jain R K,L V Urban and G S Stacey, Environmental Impact analysis-A new dimension in decision
  making, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York.
6. Johnathan Parkinson and Mark Ole, Urban Storm water management5 in developing Countries, IWA,
  London, 2005.
7. Larry Mays, Storm water collection systems design Handbook, McGraw Hill, New York.
8. Streeter V L,Wylie E B and Bedford K W,Fluid Mechanics,WCB/McGraw Hill,1998.
9. Liggett j A, Fluid Mechanics,McGraw Hill international, Singapore,1994.
Question Paper:          Duration:3 hours
The question paper consists of Part A and Part B.
Part A carries 40 marks. There will be 8 compulsory short answer questions covering entire syllabus.
Part B is for 60 marks. There will be 2 questions from each module. The candidate has to answer one question
of 20 marks from each module.
                                                                                           L    T      P/D     Cr
08.705.10 Elective-III                  PRESTRESSED CONCRETE
                                                                                           3    1      0       4
Module 1
Introduction to basic concepts and principles of prestressing systems – Introduction to the IS code- losses in
prestress- Limit state of collapse and serviceability, comparison of IS codes with other codes.
Analysis and design of prestressed concrete sections in flexure – pretensioned and post tensioned beams- cable
profile – shear – bond – deflection – analysis and design of end block .
Analysis and design of prestressed concrete slabs, economic span, load balancing, serviceability requirement,
deflection and cracking
Analysis and design of statically indeterminate structures – Simple cases of cantilever beams and slabs-
Concordancy and linear transformation – continuous beams and portal frames
Composite construction - Elementary idea – analysis of sections – effect of shrinkage strain in composite
Uniformly prestressed members - design of poles, pipes and water tanks .Design of prestressed concrete
bridges.Design criteria and manufacturing methods of railway sleepers – Introduction to partial prestressing.
1. IS 1343: 1980 Code of practice for Prestrssed Concrete
2. IS 456 : 2000 Code of practice for Plain and Reinforced Concrete
3. Prestressed Concrete Structures-Collins, P. C., and D. Mitchell, Prentice-Hall, 1991.
4.Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures, Lin, T. Y., and N. H. Burns, Wiley, 1981.
5. Prestressed Concrete by N. Krishna Raju- Tata Mc Graw Hill Publication Co.
6. Reinforced concrete structures Vol II-B. C. Pumnia, Ashok K. Jain, Arun K. Jain, Laxmi Publications,
   New Delhi.
7. Fundamentals of Reinforced Concrete- C. Sinha, S. K. Roy, S. Chand and Co. Ltd., New Delhi
8. Advanced reinforced Concrete Design- P.C. Varghese, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
Question paper:Duration : 3hrs
The question paper consists of Part A and Part B.
Part A is for 40 marks. There will be 8 compulsory short answer questions of 5 marks each covering the entire
Part B is for 60 marks. There will be two questions from each module. The candidate has to answer one
question from each module. Use of IS 1343: 1980 and IS 456:2000 is permitted.
Note: No charts, tables or other codes are permitted in the examination hall. If necessary, relevant data shall be
given along with the question paper by the question paper setter.
                                                                                           L    T     P/D     Cr
08.705.11 Elective-III               HIGHWAY AND AIRFIELD
                                                                                           3    1     0       4
                                     PAVEMENT MATERIALS
Module - I
Properties of component layers; different types and role played by them in flexible/rigid pavement.
Mechanical response of soil and the different consititutive models, different laboratory procedures for
evaluating the mechanical properties of soils.
Road making aggregates - classification, properties of aggregates, design of aggregate gradation.
Module - II
Bituminous road binders - penetration grading, viscosity grading, emulsions, cut backs and modified binders.
Rheology of bituminous binders, modified binders, aging of bitumen.
Bituminous mixtures, Mix design- Marshall method and Superpave procedure, Design of emulsified mixes,
requirements, properties, tests for characterization, Influence of aggregate, binder type on bituminous mixtures,
mechanical properties.
Issues in constitutive modelling of binders, Introduction to linearized viscoelastic behaviour, behaviour during
fatigue, creep loading conditions, resilient modulus of pavement materials.
Module -III
Portland cement and cement concrete for use in road works, Requirements of paving concrete.
Design of mixes for recycling of bituminous and concrete pavement surfaces. Soil stabilization techniques.
     1.   A. G. Correia, Flexible Pavements, A. A. Balkema Publishers, 1996.
     2.   P. H. Wright, Highway Engineering, John Wiley & Sons, 1996.
     3.   S. K. Khanna and C. E. G. Justo, Highway Material Testing, New Chand & Bros.,1999.
     4.   Huang, Y.H. (2004). “Pavement Analysis and Design.” Pearson Prentice Hall, USA.
     5.   G. N. Durhan, W. A. Marr, and W. L. DeGroff, Resilient Modulus Testing for Pavement Components,
          ASTM International, U.S.A., 2003.
     6.   S. E. Zoorob, A. C. Collop, and S. F. Brown, Performance of Bituminous and Hydraulic Materials in
          Pavements, A. A. Balkema Publishers, 2002.
     7.   R. N. Hunter, Bituminous Mixtures in Road Construction, Thomas Telford Services
          Ltd., 1995.
     8.   ASTM, Annual Book of ASTM Standards – Section IV, Vol. 04.03, ASTM International, 2002.
     9.   D. Croney, and P. Croney, Design and Performance of Road Pavements, McGraw-
          Hill, 1998.
Question paper:Duration : 3hrs
The question paper consists of Part A and Part B.
Part A is for 40 marks. There will be 8 compulsory short answer questions of 5 marks each covering the entire
Part B is for 60 marks. There will be two questions from each module. The candidate has to answer one
question from each module. Use of IS 1343: 1980 and IS 456:2000 is permitted.
Note: No charts, tables or other codes are permitted in the examination hall. If necessary, relevant data shall be
given along with the question paper by the question paper setter.
                                                                                            L   T        P/D     Cr
08.705.12.Elective-III               ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE                                3   1        0       4
Module I
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence – Definition – Typical AI Problems – Knowledge representation and
search – philosophical issues – Requirements of knowledge representation languages – semantic Networks –
Frames – Predicate Logic – Rule Based Systems – Forward and Backward chaining – Comparison of different –
representation methods.
Module II
Expert system & Search – Heuristic – Knowledge Engineering – Expert System – Designing an Expert System –
Backward chaining – Rule based Expert systems – Expert systems for Civil Engineering problems. Explanation
facilities – Bayers’s theorem – case study of MYCIN .
Search techniques, Breadth first search, depth first search, Heuristic search – Hill climbing, Best – first – search,
A* algorithm, Problem solving as search, Planning, Game planning – Minimax and alpha – beta proving .
Different – problems in NLP, Speech Recognition, Syntactic Analysis – Grammars and Parsing, Semantics,
Pragmatics, Amingnity in NL, NL Generation.
Module III
Computer Vision – Different levels of vision processing – Low level processing edge deletion line filling –
depth & Orientation information – Object recognition – Practical vision system.
Advanced Topics – Machine Learning – Introduction – Genetic Algorithm – Neural Networks – Back
propagation – Multi layer network – Applications to Civil Engineering Problems.
      1 Alison Cawsey, The Essence of Artificial Intelligence, Prentice Hall Europe , 1998
     2 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, International Student Edition, Charniak & McDermott,
     Addison Wesley, 1998.
     3     Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems, Dan W Patterson, Prentice Hall of India,
           New Delhi 1992.
     4     Artificial Intelligence, Winston
     5 Principles of Artificial Intelligence, Nilsson, Narosa, 1998
     6 Artificial Intelligence, Elianc Rich, MCH
     7 Artificial Intelligence an Engineering Approach, Robert J. Schalkoff, MCH
Question Paper: Duration: 3 hours
The question paper consists of Part A and Part B.
 Part A is for 40 marks. There will be 8 compulsory short answer questions of 5 marks each covering entire
Part B is for 60 marks. There will be two questions from each module. The candidate has to answer one
question of 20 marks from each module.
Note: No charts, tables, codes are permitted in the Examination hall .If necessary relevant data shall be given
along with the question paper by the question paper setter.
                                                           L T P/D Cr
                                                           0 0 2   2
       Analysis of water for any eight of the following:
        1.        Acidity
        2.        Alkalinity
        3.        Hardness
        4.        Solids
        5.        Dissolved Oxygen
        7.        Sulphates and Sulphides
        8.        Iron
        9.        Jar Test
        10.       Residual Chlorine
        11.       Nitrates
        12.       Chlorides
       Examination: Duration: 3 Hrs. Max.marks: 100
                                                           L T P/D Cr
08.707       GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING LABORATORY           0 0 2   2
List of Experiments
     1. Specific Gravity Test
     2. Field Density Test
     3. Sieve Analysis
     4. Hydrometer Analysis
     5. Atterberg Limits Test
     6. Permeability Test
     7. Unconfined Compression Test
     8. Direct Shear Test
     9. Consolidation Test
     10. Compaction Test
Examination:Duration -3 hours Max. Marks-100
                                                                                              L     T      P/D    Cr
08.708            (a) Seminar & Project                                                       0     0      3      3
                  (b) Survey camp & Industrial Training
Survey Camp should be completed before the commencement of 7th semester. The minimum duration of the
survey camp should be one week The use of total station is compulsory for survey work. Total 100 marks for
08.708 can be distributed as 40+10+30+20 for seminar, preliminary work for the 8th semester project, survey
camp and industrial training respectively.
Students have to visit at least one industry relevant to civil engineering as part of industrial training and spend a
minimum of one week to understand the processes/activities. A report of the same should be submitted at the
end of 7th semester and evaluation should be based on this report.
                                    Syllabus for VIII Semester
                                                                                           L   T     P/D     Cr
                             CONCRETE STRUCTURES                                           2   0      2      4
Module I
Design of retaining walls – Limit State method - cantilever and counterfort retaining walls with horizontal and
inclined surcharge.
Water tanks – design of circular, square and rectangular water tanks at ground level and overhead, complete
design excluding supporting structure – design of domes for circular water tanks.
Drawing and detailing of structures designed.
Module II
Road Bridges – IRC specifications – Class A, Class AA loading – Design of slab bridges, T-beam and slab
Flat slabs – analysis of flat slab – direct design method – principles of equivalent frame method – design of flat
slabs for flexure and shear.
Drawing and detailing of structures designed.
     1.   P.C.Varghese, ‘LimitState Design of Reinforced Concrete’,PrenticeHall of India Ltd.
     2.   N.Krishnaraju,‘Structural Design and Drawing - Reinforced Concrete and Steel’, Universities Press
     3. Ashok K Jain ,’Reinforced Concrete Limit State Design .Nem Chand Brothers, Roorkee
     4. Unnikrishna Pillai & Devadas Menon, Reinforced Concrete Design, Tata McGraw- Hill
     5. S.N.Sinha, Reinforced Concrete Design Tata McGraw- Hill
     6. N.Krishnaraju, Prestressed Concrete Tata McGraw- Hill
     7. H. Mehra and V. N Vazirani, Limit State Design, Khanna Publishers
     8. N.Krishnaraju,Design of Bridges, Universities Press Ltd.
     9. S.Ramamrutham,RCC Design
     10. V.Johnson,,Essentials of Bridge Engineering
Question Paper:Duration : 4 hours
The question paper consists of Part A and Part B.
Part A contains 2 compulsory questions of 10 marks each covering entire syllabus.
Part B Answer one out of two questions from each module.Each question carries 40 marks; 20 marks for design
and 20 marks for drawing.
Use of IS 456:2000; 3370 (parts I- IV), IRC 6 & 21 and design charts are permitted in the examination
                                                                                       L     T     P/D     Cr
 08. 802                    DESIGN AND DRAWING OF                                      2     0     2       4
                                STEEL STRUCTURES
Module I
Water tanks- Design of rectangular steel tanks- Pressed steel tanks- Cylindrical tanks with hemispherical
bottom- Design of supporting towers and its foundation.
Roofs -Design of purlins and trusses for dead load, live load and wind loads- rolled steel angle and tubular
 Drawings of the structures designed above.
Module II
Steel chimneys-Types of chimneys, IS Specifications-Design of self supporting chimneys.
Steel bridges –Types of bridges, Railway MBG and MMG loading -Design of plate girder bridges - Truss girder
bridges (only design concept) -bracings and bearings.
Drawings of the structures designed above.
     1. Raghupathy, Design of Steel Structures, TMH.
     2. Ramachandra, Design of Steel Structures, Standard books
     3. Arya A.S. and J. L. Ajmani, Design of Steel Structures, Nemchand & Bros
     4. Ramamrutham S., Design of Steel and Timber Structures, Dhanapath Rai
     5. Vazirani V.N. and M.M.Ratwani, Steel Structures and Timber Structures, Khanna Publishers
     6. Krishna Raju N., Structural Design and Drawing, Universities Press
     7. IS. Codes 800-2007, 875 (2&3)-1987,6533-1989,1161-1979, 804-1958, 806-1968
Question paper: Duration : 4 hrs
The question paper consists of Part A and Part B.
Part A contains 2 compulsory questions of 10 marks each covering entire syllabus.
Part B Answer one out of two questions from each module Each question carries 40 marks; 20 marks for design
and 20 marks for drawing.
Use of IS. Codes 800-2007, 875-1987, 6533-1989,1161-1979, 804-1958, 806-1968 and Structural Steel
Tables are permitted.
Note: No other charts, tables, codes are permitted in the Examination hall .If necessary relevant data shall be
given along with the question paper by the question paper setter.
                                                                                      L    T     P/D     Cr
                                                                                      3    1      0      4
Module I
Waste water- Sources, Quantity-Characteristics- systems of Sewerage, Sewer appurtenances-Man holes, Catch
basin, flushing devices, Inverted siphon.
Waste water disposal systems-Self purification of streams, Dilution techniques-Oxygen sag curve-Streeter
Phelp’s Equation and its application-land treatment
Module II
Treatment of sewage-Preliminary-Theory and design of Screen and Grit chamber, Detritus chamber, Skimming
tank. Primary treatment-Sedimentation tank, Secondary treatment-Contact bed, Intermittent sand filter,
Trickling filter, Activated sludge process, Design of Trickling filter(High rate, standard),Activated sludge
process- Septic tank- Imhoff tank
Module III
Sludge treatment and disposal-Methods of thickening, sludge digestion-High rate, two stage digestion- factors
affecting digestion, Sludge drying beds-Disposal of sludge-Lagooning- Dumping, burial. Design of sludge
digestion tank, sludge drying beds, oxidation pond. Types of sewers-Design of circular sewers-Principles of
house drainage-System of plumbing
1. S.K. Garg , “Sewage disposal and Air pollution Engineering”, Khanna Publishers.
2.Metcalf and Eddy, “Waste Water Engineering”, Tata Mc Grawhill publishing Co Ltd
3. B.C Punmia , “Waste Water Engineering”, Laxmi Publications Pvt. Ltd,
4. Dr. PN Modi, “Sewage Treatment & Disposal and Waste water Engineering”, Standard Book House,
Question Paper: Duration: 3hrs
The question paper consists of Part A and Part B.
Part A is for 40 marks. There will be 8 compulsory short answer questions of 5 marks each covering entire
Part B is for 60 marks. There will be 2 questions form each module. The candidate has to answer one question
from each module.
 08.804            QUANTITY SURVEYING & VALUATION                                          L T       P/D     Cr
                                                                                           3 0      0        3
Module I
General Introduction:-
Specifications- purposes and basic principles-general specifications.
Analysis of rates- Introduction to the use of data book and schedule of rates- cost of materials at site- cost of
materials at source- conveyance charges.
Detailed specification, preparation of data and analysis of rates for various items of work connected with
building construction and culverts with reference to Indian Standard Specification.
Module II
Quantity Surveying- Basic principles-Types of Estimate- Detailed estimate including quantities, abstract and
schedule of rates of various items of works- residential buildings- workshop buildings- office/ school building,
sanitary and water supply works- soak pits, septic tanks, overhead tanks, culverts, Retaining walls, road
Bar-bending schedule-preparation of bar-bending schedule for RCC works connected with building
construction, culverts and minor irrigation works.
Module III
Valuation- Principles of valuation of old buildings and apartment structure- Methods of valuation: Depreciation-
current rates of depreciation and net values. Fixation of rent- Gross and net rent- methods.
1.B N Dutta ,Estimating and costing in Civil Engineering, USB publishers and distributers Ltd.New Delhi
2.M Chakrabarti, Estimating and costing in Civil Engineering, USB publishers and distributers Ltd.New
3.V N Vazirani & S P Chandola, Civil engineering Estimating and Costing, Khanna Publishers.
4.Rangwala S C, Elements of Estimating, Charotar Publishing House Pvt.Ltd.
5.Methods of measurement of Building & Civil Engineering works, IS 1200-1968
6. D.N.Banerjee, ‘Parks valuation’-5th Edition(1998),Eastern Law House,Calcutta
7. George E Deathrage, Construction Schedule & Control, Mc Graw Hill
Question Paper:Duration: 3 hours
The question paper consists of Part A and Part B.
Part A is for 20 marks. There will be 4 compulsory short answer questions covering entire syllabus.
Part B is for 80 marks. There will be two questions from each module. The candidate has to answer one
question from each module. Questions from module I & module III are carrying 15 marks each and questions
from module II carries 50 marks each.
Note: For analysis of rate and cost estimation, unit rate and labour requirement should be given along
with the questions by the question paper setter.
No other charts, tables, codes are permitted in the Examination Hall. If necessary, relevant data shall be given
along with the question paper by the question paper setter.
                                                                                         L   T       P/D    Cr
08.805             CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT                                               3   0       0      3
Module I
Management – definition – Evolution of management thought - Scientific management - principles of scientific
management advocated by Taylor and Fayol – relevance in construction industry.
Construction management –need- objectives – functions –stages- construction team – resources in construction
industry - Computer capabilities in management.
Construction project management – life cycle of a construction project-data collection-techno-economic
feasibility study-cost benefit analysis-rate of return analysis.
Module II
Bidding – tenders - types of tenders - tendering procedure – award of tenders – qualification of contractors –
contracts – contract documents – important clauses in construction contracts - types of contracts – execution of
works – methods of recording progress of work - payment for works
Module III
Construction planning and scheduling – different types of schedules – methods of scheduling – bar charts – mile
stone charts – networks – Critical Path Method – Programme Evaluation and Review Technique – time-cost
trade-off – basic concept of resource planning (problems not needed).
1. B. Sengupta and H.Guha ,Construction Management and Planning, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing
  Company Pvt. Ltd., New Delh
2. B. L. Gupta, Amit Gupta ,Construction Management and Accounts, Standard Publishers Distributors,
3. L.S.Srinath ,PERT and CPM- Principles and Applications, third edition , Affiliated East-West Press Pvt.
  Ltd., New Delhi.
4. Jerome D. Wiest and Ferdinand K. Levy, A Management Guide to PERT / CPM with GERT/ PDM
/DCPM and other networks, second edition, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
Question Paper: Duration: 3 hours.
The question paper consists of Part A and Part B.
Part A is for 40 marks. There will be 8 compulsory short answer questions of 5 marks each covering entire
Part B is for 60 marks. There will be two questions from each module. The candidate has to answer one
question of 20 marks from each module.
Note: No charts, tables, codes are permitted in the examination hall. If necessary, relevant data shall be given
along with the question paper by the question paper setter.
                                                                                           L   T     P/D    Cr
08.806.1 Elective-IV           DESIGN OF STEEL CONCRETE                                    2   0      2     4
                                 COMPOSITE STRUCTURES
Module I
Introduction to Steel-concrete composite construction-Theory of composite structures-Introduction to steel-
concrete-steel sandwich construction. Behaviour of composite beams-columns
Module II
Design of composite beam-concrete composite columns-Design of composite trusses-types of connections.
Design of connections in composite structures-shear connections-Design of connections in composite trusses.
Module III
Behaviour of girder Bridges-Design concepts-
Case studies on steel-concrete composite construction structures in buildings-siesmic behavior of composite
     1.   ‘Teaching resource material for structural steel design,’volume2/3jointly prepared 1)IIT,MS,2)Anna
          Unniversity, SERC ,MS4Institute for steel development and growth, Calcutta
     2.   OWENS G,W&Knowels.P ‘Steel designs Manual,’(fifth edition)Steel concrete Institute(UK)Oxford
          Blackwellscientinjc publications,1992
     3.   Johnson R.P, ‘Composite structuresof steel and concrete.’ Vol.I Blackwell scientific
          publications,(second edition)U.K1994
Question Paper: Duration: 3 hours.
The question paper consists of Part A and Part B.
Part A is for 40 marks. There will be 8 compulsory short answer questions of 5 marks each covering entire
Part B is for 60 marks. There will be two questions from each module. The candidate has to answer one
question of 20 marks from each module.
Note:No charts, tables, codes are permitted in the examination hall. If necessary, relevant data shall be given
along with the question paper by the question paper setter.
 08.806.2 Elective IV             DESIGN OF PORT, HARBOUR &                                  L   T      P/D    Cr
                                       COASTAL STRUCTURES                                    3   0      0      3
Module I
Design of Harbour / Port Structures - Loads on Wharfs, Jetties, Dolphins Live Load for different classes of
Cargo - Dead load Wind / wave loads, Loads due to Crane Lateral loads Mooring & Berthing forces - fenders -
Module II
Shore Protection Structures - Principles of design of sea walls, dikes, Groin fields, detached breakwaters.
Artificial beach nourishment. Soft methods of coastal protection Littoral drift - effect of man made structures on
the natural littoral drift. Methods for overcoming imbalance of littoral drift. - Sand bypassing groins
Environmental Impact studies
Module III
Breakwaters - Type and selection Criteria. Assessment of design input conditions. Environmental force. stability
criteria. Design of Rubble mound, Caisson type, Vertical wall type. Different types of Armor units.
     1. Shore Protection Manual, Vol. I &II, Costal Engineering Research Centre
     2. Hand Book of Costal& Ocean Engineering, Ed. Herbich
     3. Aionzo F Quinn ,’’Design and Construction of Ports and Marine Structures ‘’.
     4. Harbour and Coastal Engineering-NIOT Chennai
Question Paper: Duration: 3 hours
 The question paper consists of Part A and Part B.
 Part A is for 40 marks. There will be 8 compulsory short answer questions of 5 marks each covering entire
Part B is for 60 marks. There will be two questions from each module. The candidate has to answer one
question of 20 marks from each module.
Note: No charts, tables, codes are permitted in the Examination hall .If necessary the same shall be given along
with the question paper by the question paper setter
                                                                                            L    T      P/D      Cr
 08.806.3 Elective-IV               DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION
                                                                                            3    0       0       3
                                            OF PAVEMENTS
Module I
Types of pavements-Flexible, rigid and composite pavements-Functions of various layers of pavements-prime
coat, tack coat, seal coat-Design factors, wheel load, equivalent single wheel load, repetition of loads, Elastic
moduli, climatic variation-Comparison of Highway and Airport pavements.
Design of Flexible pavements-Analytical method-Stresses in homogeneous mass-Boussinesq’s theory-
Burmister’s layer theory-Group index method-IRC method of design
Design of overlays as per IRC
Performance based design-AASHTO method
Module II
Rigid Pavements-Westergaard’s approach-Bradbury’s stress coefficients-IRC method of design.
Temperature Stresses in Concrete pavements-Warping stress-Frictional Stress-Combination of stresses.
Joints in Concrete pavements-Necessity-requirements-Types-Expansion joints-Contraction Joints-Construction
Design of joints-dowel bars and tie bars
Design of Airport pavements-requirements of airport pavements,overview of design methodology,design of
flexible and rigid airport pavements.
Module III
Road Construction- Wet mix macadam, bituminous macadam, premix carpet, bituminous concrete.
Highway drainage-principles of surface drainage-Design of cross section of drainage channel-sub surface
drainage, base drainage, sub grade drainage
Pavement evaluation-Functional and structural evaluation-Distress-Serviceability concept-Pavement
management System-Components of PMS (introduction only).
     1. Khanna S.K & Justo C E G, Highway engineering, Nem Chand & Bros,Roorkee.
     2. Yang H. Huang, Pavement Analysis and Design, Prentice Hall
     3. Partha Chakraborthy and Animesh Das, Principles of Transportation Engineering, Prentice Hall
          India.Private Ltd.
     4. IRC codes for flexible pavements; IRC: 37-2001, IRC: 109-1997, IRC: 27-1967, IRC:29-1988, IRC:
          94-1986, IRC: 19-1997, IRC:81-1997.
     5. IRC codes for rigid pavements: IRC 58-2002, IRC 57-1974
Question Paper: Duration: 3 hours
The question paper consists of Part A and Part B.
 Part A is for 40 marks. There will be 8 compulsory short answer questions of 5 marks each covering entire
Part B is for 60 marks. There will be two questions from each module. The candidate has to answer one
question of 20 marks from each module.
Note: No charts, tables, codes are permitted in the Examination hall .If necessary the same shall be given along
with the question paper by the question paper setter
                                                                                          L   T       P/D  Cr
 08.806.4 Elective-IV                ADVANCED FOUNDATION
                                                                                          3   0       0    3
Module 1
 Meyerhof’s method for estimation of bearing capacity of isolated footings (no derivation required) – Effect of
water table and inclination of loading on bearing capacity
Footings subjected to moments – eccentric loading – Solution using the two approaches proposed by Meyerhof
Module II
Graphical methods for lateral earth pressure on retaining walls – Rebhann’s method – Culmann’s method–
Advantages – Design of gravity retaining walls
Active and passive earth pressure[ for both Ø soils and c- Ø soils] on retaining walls with earthquake forces –
Extension of Coulomb’s theory (no derivation required)
Module III
 Sheet pile walls – Types and uses – Analysis of cantilevered sheet pile wall in clays and granular soils.
Laterally loaded piles – Ultimate lateral resistance of vertical piles by Brom’s approach – Methods to improve
lateral stability of piles
     1. B.M.Das , Principles of Geotechnical Engineering, Thomson, India Edition, 2007.
     2. K.R. Arora , Geotechnical Engineering, Standard Publishers Distributors, New Delhi, 2006
     3. 3.Gopal Ranjan & A.S.R Rao, Basic and Applied Soil Mechanics, New Age International (P) Limited,
          New Delhi, 2002
     4. Joseph E. Bowles, Foundation Analysis and Design, Mc. Graw Hill Inc., New York, 1988
     5. N.V.Nayak ,Foundation Design Manual, Dhanpat Rai & Sons, 1996
Question Paper:Duration:3 hours
The question paper consists of Part A and Part B.
 Part A carries 40 marks. There will be 8 compulsory short answer questions covering entire syllabus.
Part B is for 60 marks. There will be 2 questions from each module. The candidate has to answer one question
of 20 marks from each module.
Use of [i] Brom’s charts and [ii] Meyerhof’s bearing capacity factor Table are permitted.
                                                                                          L     T    P/D   Cr
                                                                                          3     0   0      3
08.806.5 Elective IV                  FINITE ELEMENTMETHODS
Module I
Review of Matrix Structural Analysis (Direct Stiffness Method) –Element stiffness equations – Assembly of
elements – Node numbering to exploit matrix sparsity – Displacement boundary conditions.
Basics of Elasticity – Strain Displacement relations – Constitutive relations. Introduction to FEM – outline of
procedure – Displacement Models & Polynomial interpolations – Equilibrium and compatibility in the solution -
Convergence requirements.
Potential energy of an elastic body - Principle of stationary potential energy – the Rayleigh – Ritz method –
piecewise polynomial field – finite element form of Rayleigh-Ritz method - Weighted residual methods -shape
functions for C0 and C1 elements –Lagrangian and Hermitian interpolation functions for one and two
dimensional elements.
Module II
Displacement-based Elements for Structural Mechanics:- Formulas for element stiffness matrix and load vector
– overview of element stiffness matrices – Consistent element nodal load vector - Lumped loads-Patch test - -
Stress computation
Developments of shape functions for truss, beam and frame elements- Constant strain triangle -Linear strain
triangle -Bilinear plane rectangular elements.
Module III
Isoparametric formulation - Line element- Plane bilinear element- Isoparametric formulation of Quadratic plane
elements - Subparametric elements and superparametric elements - Gauss quadrature
Plate and shell elements. (Description only).
Solution Techniques for Linear Algebraic Equations – Storage schemes.
Discussion of Finite Element programs using ANSYS or NISA.
     1.   Cook, R.D., ‘Concepts and Applications of Finite Element Analysis’, JohnWiley.
     2.   .Krishnamoorthy, C.S., ‘Finite Element Analysis – Theory and Programming’, Tata Mc Graw Hill.
     3.    Rajasekaran, S., ‘Finite Element Analysis in Engineering Design’, Wheeler Pub.
     4.   .Bathe, K.J., ‘Finite Element Procedures in Engineering Analysis’, Prentice Hall of India
     5.    Zienkiewicz, O.C., and Taylor, R.L., ‘The Finite Element Method’, Vol. I and II, Mc Graw Hill.
     6.   .Desai, C.S., ‘Elementary Finite Element Method’, Prentice Hall of India.
     7.   .Madhujit Mukhodhay., ‘Matrix & Finite Element Analysis of Structures’, Ane Books.
Question paper:Duration: 3 hours
 The question paper consists of Part A and Part B.
 Part A is for 40 marks. There will be 8 compulsory short answer questions covering entire syllabus.
Part B is for 60 marks. There will two questions from each module. The candidate has to answer one question
of 20 marks from each module.
Note: No charts, tables, codes are permitted in the Examination hall .If necessary relevant data shall be given
along with the question paper by the question paper setter.
                                                                                          L    T       P/D    Cr
                                                                                          3    0       0      3
                                    CIVIL ENGINEERING
Review: Probability, Sample space and events, Axioms of probability.
Module I
Uncertainties in engineering – aleatory and epistemic uncertainties. Modelling of uncertainties, Random events,
Total probability and Baye’s theorem, Independence of events, Random variables, Discrete and continuous
random variables, probability distribution and density functions – properties, Main descriptors of a random
variable – central values, Mathematical expectation, Measures of dispersion, Measure of skewness, Kurtosis.
Uniform, normal and lognormal distributions.
Module II
Moments of a random variable, moment generating functions, multi-dimensional random variables, Joint
probability distribution, conditional and marginal distribution, covariance and correlation. (Problems on
bivariate random variables only).
Functions of random variables – function of a single random variable, functions of two random variables,
Moments of functions of random variables.
Module II
Role of probability and statistics in civil engineering, Frequency analysis – estimation of probability of
exceedence, Return period of extreme events such as flood and earthquake- Weibull’s formula, Estimation of
characteristic compressive strength from sample values.
Structural Reliability, Performance function and limit surface, Margin of safety, First Order Reliability methods
(FORM) –Cornell’s reliability index – Limitations, Geometric interpretation of reliability index – Hasofer Lind
reliability index (Concept only, no numerical problems).
Concept of Monte Carlo Simulation, Introduction to reliability based design – Determination of partial safety
factors (qualitative ideas only).
     1. A.H.S. Ang and W.H. Tang, Probability Concepts in Engineering, John Wiley&Sons Inc.
     2. R. Ranganathan, Structural Reliability- Analysis and Design, Jaico Publishing House, Mumbai.
     3. A.S. Nowak, K.R. Collins, Reliability of Structures, McGraw Hill, Boston.
     4. A. Papoulis and S.U. Pillai, Probability, Random Variables and Stochastic Process, Tata McGraw Hill,
          New Delhi.
     5. Sheldon Ross, A first course in Probability, Pearson Education.
     6. P. Jayarami Reddi, A text book of Hydrology, Laxmi Publiscation (Pvt) Ltd, New Delhi.
Question Paper: Duration: 3 hours
The Question paper contains Part A and Part B.
Part A carries 8 compulsory questions (short answer questions) covering the entire syllabus and is for 40 marks.
Part B is for 60 marks. There will be two questions from each module. The candidate has to answer one
question out of two.
                                                                                          L    T      P/D     Cr
                                                                                          3    0       0      3
08.806.7 Elective IV                GROUND WATER ENGINEERING
Module I
Vertical distribution of ground water. Types of geologic formations-properties of aquifer related to storage and
transmissivity of water. Steady unidirectional flow-steady flow in a homogeneous aquifer-aquifer with recharge-
Flow into infiltration galleries. Importance of groundwater modeling. Governing equations of ground water flow
and boundary conditions (basic ideas only). Finite Difference discretization, Solution of partial differential
equation of ground water flow for 1D steady ground water flow in homogeneous aquifers (confined and
unconfined) using finite difference method (uniform mesh interval only).
Partial differential equations governing unsteady ground water flow-unsteady radial flow towards well.
Evaluation of aquifer parameters by Jacob’s, Theis and Chow’s method.
Well flow near aquifer boundaries-Image well system. Method of images- Wells-Types.
Method of constructing shallow wells- Method of constructing shallow wells -cable tool method, rotary method
and reverse rotary method-well completion-design of gravel packed well-well development-different methods,
well rehabilitation.
 Module III
Surface investigation of ground water-different methods- electrical resistivity method, seismic refraction
method-determination of aquifer thickness of horizontal aquifers. Quality of ground water- Graphical
representations. Pollution of ground water-sources, distribution and evaluation of ground water pollution (Brief
description only). Sea water intrusion-Ghyben- Herzberg equation-seawater fresh water interface-upconing-
preventive measures. Artificial recharge of groundwater-different techniques.
     1. D.K Todd, “Ground Water Hydrology”, Wiley International Ed; Toppan &Company Ltd, Tokyo, 1995.
     2. “Ground Water Manual’’, A Water Resources Technical Publication..
     3. Karanth , “ Ground Water Assessment, Development and Management’’, Tata              McGraw Hill
          publishing company Ltd.
     4. S.P. Garg , “Ground Water and tube wells’’, Oxford &IBH Publishing Company.
     5. Herman Bouwer, “Ground Water Hydrology’’, Mc Graw Hill Kogakusha Ltd.
     6. H.M Raghunath , “ Ground Water Hydrology’’, Wiley Eastern Limited.
     7. Freeze and Cherry, “Ground Water” Prentice Hall
     8. Rastogi, A K. “Numerical groundwater hydrology”, Penram International Publishers, Mumbai
Question Paper: Duration: 3 hours
 The question paper consists of Part A and Part B.
Part A is for 40 marks. There will be 8 compulsory short answer questions of 5 marks each covering entire
Part B is for 60 marks. There will be two questions from each module. The candidate has to answer one
question of 20 marks from each module.
Note: No charts, tables, codes are permitted in the Examination hall .If necessary the same shall be given along
with the question paper by the question paper setter.
                                                                                            L    T       P/D  Cr
 08.806.8 Elective-IV               REPAIR & REHABILITATION
                                                                                            3    0        0   3
                                         OF STRUCTURES
Module 1
Causes of deterioration in concrete structures – errors in design, construction operations, earthquakes, erosion,
chemical reaction, corrosion, durability, etc.
Causes of deterioration in steel structures – corrosion, abrasion, loosening of connections, fatigue, impact,
earthquakes, environmental problems, etc.
Preventive measures, maintenance and inspection
Diagnosis and assessment of deterioration, visual inspection, non destructive tests, ultrasonic pulse velocity
method, rebound hammer method, pull out tests, Bremer test, Windsor probe test, crack detection techniques,
Module III
Methods of repair of cracks, repairing spalling and disintegration, repairing concrete floors and pavements,
repairing of corrosion damage of reinforced concrete, repair of steel structures
Strengthening of existing structures, guniting, jacketing, use of chemicals, application of polymers, ferrocement
and fibre concretes, pre-stressing, surface coatings, painting, water proofing, grouting, special repairs.
1 .Sidney M Johnson, Deterioration, Maintenance and Repairs of Structures, Mc Graw Hill Book
Company, New York
2. Dovkaminetzky, Design and Construction Failures, Galgotia Publication., NewDelhi
3.Jacob Field and Kennenth L Carper, Structural Failures, Wiley Europe
Question Paper: Duration: 3 hours
The question paper consists of Part A and Part B.
Part A is for 40 marks. There will be 8 compulsory short answer questions of 5 marks each covering entire
Part B is for 60 marks. There will be two questions from each module. The candidate has to answer one
question of 20 marks from each module.
Note: No charts, tables, codes are permitted in the Examination hall .If necessary the same shall be given along
with the question paper by the question paper setter.
                                                                              L   T       P/D     Cr
08.806.9 Elective-IV              GROUND IMPROVEMENT                          3   0       0       3
Module 1
Relevance of Ground Improvement – In-situ Densification – Deep Compaction – Dynamic Compaction –
Blasting – Sand piles
 Pre-loading with vertical drains – Stone Columns - Lime piles
Module II
Grouting – Electro chemical Stabilization – Physical and chemical aspects of stabilization – Stabilization with
cement and lime - Mechanical stabilization - Electro osmotic methods
Module III
Drainage and Ground water lowering – Well point system
Earth reinforcement – Principle of reinforced earth – Geotextiles as reinforcement – Filtration. Drainage and
Erosion control.
1. P.Purushothamaraj, Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering , Pearson Education, Delhi, 2008
2. P.Purushothamaraj Ground Improvement Techniques ,Pearson Education, Delhi, 1998
3. F.G.Bell , Foundation Engineering in Difficult Ground, Butterworth, London, 1983
Question Paper: Duration:3 hours
The question paper consists of Part A and Part B.
 Part A carries 40 marks. There will be 8 compulsory short answer questions covering entire syllabus.
Part B is for 60 marks. There will be 2 questions from each module. The candidate has to answer one question
of 20 marks from each module.
                                                                                            L    T    P/D     Cr
 08.806.10 Elective-IV              EARTHQUAKE RESISTANT
                                                                                            3    0    0       3
                                    DESIGN OF STRUCTURES
Module I
Review of structural dynamics– SDOF and MDOF systems– Free and forced vibration analysis – Base motion
 Earthquakes – Causes of Earthquakes – Seismic waves – Measurement of earthquakes – Seismic zoning .
Module II
Earthquake effects on masonry buildings - Earthquake resistant construction of masonry buildings-
Seismic effect on RC structures – Effect of architectural features and structural irregularities
Seismic design philosophy – Determination of design lateral forces – Equivalent lateral force method - Dynamic
Module III
Ductility considerations in earthquake resistant design of RC buildings – Discussion of relevant clauses in IS
code Earthquake resistant design of RC beams and columns
References :
     1. IS 1893 (Part I) : 2002 Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures Part I General
         Provisions and buildings
     2. .IS 13920 (Part I) : 1993 Ductile Detailing of Reinforced Concrete Structures subjected to Seismic
         Forces-Code of Practice
     3. IS 456 : 2000 Code of practice for Plain and Reinforced Concrete
     4. Anil K. Chopra ,Dynamics of structures,Prentice-Hall, India
     5. Pankaj Agrawal and Manish Shrinkande ,Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures, Prentice-Hall,
     6. Madhujit Mukhopadhyay , Structural Dynamics, Ane’s Books India
Question Paper: Duration:3 hours
The question paper consists of Part A and Part B.
 Part A carries 40 marks. There will be 8 compulsory short answer questions covering entire syllabus.
Part B is for 60 marks. There will be 2 questions from each module. The candidate has to answer one question
of 20 marks from each module.
Use of IS 456:2000, IS 13920 (Part 1), IS 1893 (Part1) are permitted in the examination hall.
                                                                                         L    T      P/D     Cr
08.806.11 Elective IV            ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT                                    3    0      0       3
Module I
Introduction – Evolution of EIA (Global and Indian Scenario)- Key Features of National Environmental Policy
Act- Elements of EIA – Purposes – Screening – Scoping - Terms of Reference - Public Consultation -
Environmental Clearance process in India - Key Elements in 2006 EIA(Govt. of India ) Notification
Module II
Socio-economic impacts - Impact types- Identification- Impact assessment Methodologies- Overlays, Checklist,
Matrices, Fault Tree Analysis, Event Tree Analysis- Role of an Environmental Engineer- Public Participation-
Introduction to latest softwares in water and air quality Modeling
Module III
Water Quality Analysis- Standards for Water, Air and Noise Quality - Impact of development on vegetation and
wild life-Environmental Management Plan- EIA- Case study related to Hydro electric Project.
     1. Larry W Canter, “Environmental Impact Assessment”,Mc Graw Hill Inc. , Newyork.
     2. Ministry of Environment & Forests, Govt. of India 2006 EIA Notification
     3. Rau G J and Wooten C.D “EIA Analysis Hand Book” Mc GrawHill
     4. Robert A Corbett “Standard Handbook of Environmental Engineering” McGrawHill
     5. John Glasson, Riki Therivel & S Andrew Chadwick “Introduction to EIA” University College London
          Press Limited
Question paper uration : 3 Hrs
The question paper consists of Part A and Part B.
Part A is for 40 marks. There will be 8 compulsory short answer questions of 5 marks each covering entire
Part B is for 60 marks. There will be 2 questions form each module. The candidate has to answer one question
from each module.
Note: No charts, tables, codes are permitted in the Examination hall .If necessary the same shall be given along
with the question paper by the question paper setter.
                                                                                          L    T      P/D     Cr
 08.806.12 Elective-IV              INSRTUMENTATION FOR
                                ENGINEERING MEASUREMENTS                                  3    0       0      3
Module I
The measurement system - Purpose Structure and elements Characteristics of measurement system Accuracy,
precision, repeatability Calibration Standards and evaluation. Dynamic Characteristics.
Statistical Analysis - errors in measurement - Best estimate of true value Normal Distribution - confidence level
Module II
Measurement of strain. Electrical resistance strain gauges. Vibrating wire strain gauges strain gauge bridges
Force transducers Load cells different types force balance pressure gauges.
Measurement of displacement Linear Variable differential transformer, Applications - Motion measurement –
Measurement of Acceleration, Accelerometers - Characteristics of Accelerometers. Integration technique for
displacement from acceleration
Measurement of Distance - Principle of Laser distance meter - Applications Measurement of Velocity -
Principle of Radar velocity meter.
Module III
Non Destructive Testing Methods - Ultrasonic methods - Hardness methods - Rebound Hammer - Detection of
embedded reinforcement
Acoustic Measurement- Sound level meter Indicating & recording elements - Chart recorders – Cathode
Ray Oscilloscope Computer based data acquisition systems
     1. Bently J P, “Principles of measurement systems”, Longman 1983
     2. Nakra & Chowdhry,” Instrumentation Measurement & Analysis,” , Tata McGraw Hill
     3. Adams,”Engineering Measurements & Instrumentation”, English University Press 1975
     4. Doblin E. A.” Measurement Systems Application & Design” , , Mc Graw Hill 1975
     5. Beekwith,” Mechanical Measurements”, Pearson
     6. Dally J.W & Riley W.F,”Experimental Stress Analysis, McGraw Hill
Question Paper: Duration: 3 hours
The question paper consists of Part A and Part B.
Part A is for 40 marks. There will be 8 compulsory short answer questions of 5 marks each covering entire
Part B is for 60 marks. There will be two questions from each module. The candidate has to answer one
question of 20 marks from each module.
Note: No charts, tables, codes are permitted in the Examination hall .If necessary relevant data shall be given
along with the question paper by the question paper setter.
                                                                                            L    T     P/D     Cr
08.807.1 Elective-V GEOTECHNICAL EARTHQUAKE                                                 3    0      0      3
Seismology and earthquakes (basic concepts only)-Earthquake hazards related to Geotechnical engineering-
Wave propagation-Soil liquefaction-Susceptibility, initiation and effects of soil liquefaction- Laboratory and
Field methods for estimation of liquefaction potential-CSR and CRR.
Module –II
Measurement of dynamic soil properties-Seismic reflection and seismic refraction tests-Seismic cross hole,
down hole/up hole tests-SPT-High strain element tests-Cyclic tri-axial test-shake table and centrifuge tests.
Introduction to bearing capacity and settlement analysis under earthquake loading –
Seismic design considerations- Codal Provisions - Site improvement methods for mitigation of earthquake
     1.  Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering Handbook, Mc Graw Hill Online library
     2.  Mike Jefferies and Ken Been-Soil Liquefaction –A critical state Approach, Taylor and Francis,
         London, 2006
     3.  Prakash Shamsher, Soil Dynamics, Mc Graw Hill, New York, 1981
     4.  Steven Kramer, Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, Pearson, New Delhi, 1995
     5.  Richardt F E, Hall J R and Wood R D- Vibrations of soils and foundation- Prentice Hall Inc., 1970
     6.  Swami Saran, Soil dynamics and Machine Foundations, Galgotia, New Delhi, 2006
     7.  D.D. Barkan, Dynamics of Bases and Foundations, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1952
     8.  .E.E. S.P. Timoshenko, D.H. Young and William Weaver, Jr., Vibration Problems in Engineering, John
         Wiley and Sons, 1974
     9.  P V Lade and J A Yamamuro-Physics and mechanics of Liquefaction, Taylor and Francis, London.
Question Paper: Duration:3 hours
The question paper consists of Part A and Part B.
Part A carries 40 marks. There will be 8 compulsory short answer questions covering entire syllabus.
Part B is for 60 marks. There will be 2 questions from each module. The candidate has to answer one question
of 20 marks from each module.
                                                                                   L    T     P/D     Cr
08.807.2 ElectiveV                    FOUNDATIONS ON                               3    0      0      3
                                       EXPANSIVE SOILS
Module I
Introduction – origin of expansive soils - distribution of expansive soils – damage caused by expansive soils –
recognition of expansive soils – mineralogical identification – single index method – classification method –
indirect measurement – direct measurement - physical properties of expansive soils.
Module II
Mechanics of swelling – moisture migration – swelling potential – swelling pressure – mechanics of pier uplift –
belled piers – friction piers – slabs on expansive soils
Module III
Moisture control – horizontal moisture barriers – vertical moisture barriers – subsurface drainage – peripheral
drains – surface drainage – soil replacement - soil stabilization – lime stabilization – chemical stabilization -
compaction control
     1. F.H.Chen, Foundations on expansive soils - Elsevier Science; 2nd edition , 1988
     2. Peck, Hansen and Thornborn, Foundation Engineering, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1947
     3. Tomlinson, Foundation design and Construction – English Language Book Society, Essex, 1986
Question Paper: Duration: 3 hours
The question paper consists of Part A and Part B.
 Part A is for 40 marks. There will be 8 compulsory short answer questions covering entire syllabus.
Part B is for 60 marks. There will two questions from each module. The candidate has to answer one question
of 20 marks from each module.
                                                                                            L   T     P/D      Cr
08.807.3 Elective-V           INDUSTRIAL WASTE WATER                                        3   0      0       3
Module I
Effect of wastes on streams. Stream quality criteria for aquatic life. Desirable wastes characteristics. Industrial
waste survey - organic materials - BOD, COD, TOD.
Industrial water treatment process - Waste volume reduction, types of process for neutralization, equalization
and proportioning of wastes.
Module II
Disposal into rivers - De-Oxygenation and Re-Oxygenation in rivers and streams - Development of Oxygen sag
model - application of Streeter Phelp’s equation. Removal of suspended and colloidal solids – Flotation–
problems - theory of coagulation – Sedimentation – Filtration - Discrete particle settling - Column analysis .
Module III
Removal of inorganic dissolved solids by Dialysis and ion exchange. - Membrane process - Adsorption
isotherms - breakthrough curves. Manufacturing processes and treatment of pulp and paper mill wastes -
Tannery wastes - Distillery wastes.
     1.   Nelson Leonard Nemerow., “ Theories and Practices of Industrial Waste Treatment”, Addison, Wesley
          Publishing Company, Inc USA.
     2.   Metcalf & Eddy, “Wastewater Engineering- Treatment, Disposal & Reuse”, Tata Mc Grawhill
          publishing Co Ltd.
     3.   Webber. W. J, “Physico Chemical Process for Water Quality Control”.
Question Paper: Duration: 3 Hours
The question paper consists of Part A and Part B.
Part A is for 40 marks. There will be 8 compulsory short answer questions of 5 marks each covering entire
Part B is for 60 marks. There will be 2 questions form each module. The candidate has to answer one question
from each module.
Note: No charts, tables, codes are permitted in the Examination hall .If necessary the same shall be given along
with the question paper by the question paper setter.
                                                                                            L   T      P/D Cr
                                                                                            3   0      0   3
08.807.4 Elective-V                   DESIGN OF BRIDGES
Module I
Definition: Classification, Historical developments, planning and economic aspects related to choice of bridge
Standard specification for Rural and Railway Bridges: Clearances, live loads and impact allowances- wind loads
- Longitudinal forces- Centrifugal forces- Earth pressures - Temperature effects - Secondary stresses- Erection
stresses - Seismic forces.
Foundation and substructure: Scour depth - Types of Foundation - Shallow foundations - Pile foundation.
Pneumatic caissons, Design of piers and abutments - bed blocks.
Module II
Bearings: Concrete, steel and Neoprene bearing, Design of elastomeric pad bearings, Load distribution on
Bridge Decks – Grid analysis- Courbon’s method - Orthotropic plate theory.
Reinforced Concrete Bridges: Review of the design of slab, T- beam - Principle of design of balanced
cantilever and continuous girder bridges.
Module III
Pre-stressed Concrete Bridges: Principle of design of single span bridges- composite construction.
Steel Bridges: Design of plate girders, Principles of design of trussed bridges and cable stayed bridges.
Construction: Present construction- handling and erection, connection formwork for in situ construction.
Construction joints.
     1. N. Krishna Raju ,Design of bridges,Oxford and IBH
     2. Rowe R. E ,Concrete Bridge Design, J.W. and Sons Publishers.
     3. Raina,Concrete, Bridge Practice Analysis Design Economics, TMH
     4. Johnson Victor. D ,Essentials of Bridge Engineering, Oxford and IBH.
     5. Vazirani V.N., Design of concrete Bridges, Khanna Publishers.
     6. Jagadeesh T. R and Jayaram M. A, Design of Bridge Structures, PHI
     7. IRC 6-2000,IRC 21-2000, IS 800-2007,IRC 18-1985, IRC 24-2001, IRC-83-1987 and Structural steel
Question paper:Duration: 3 Hrs.
The question paper consists of Part A and Part B.
Part A is for 40 marks. There will be 8 compulsory short answer questions of 5 marks each covering the entire
Part B is for 60 marks. There will be two questions from each module. The candidate has to answer one
question from each module.
Use of IRC 6-2000,IRC 21-2000, IS 800-2007, IRC 18-1985 , IRC 24-2001, IRC-83-1987 Structural steel
Tables and design Charts are permitted in the Examination hall.
                                                                                           L    T      P/D    Cr
 08.807.5 Elective-V                 TRANSPORTATION PLANNING
                                                                                           3    0       0     3
Module I
Transportation Planning Process- Approaches to Transportation Planning Process-System approach–Cyclic
approach-Elements of transportation planning process-Formulation of goals, objectives- collection of data -
Analysis of existing condition- prediction techniques and analysis of future condition
Collection of basic data - Study area-Zoning-sampling-Travel pattern data-Origin-destination survey-Home
interview survey, Cordon surveys, Internal cordon or screen line counts, Commercial vehicle survey –Survey of
existing transport facility-Survey accuracy.
Module II
Travel demand –concept of travel demand and its modelling based on consumer behaviour of travel choices-
independent variables –travel attributes- Assumptions in demand estimation- sequential-recursive and
simultaneous process.
Urban Transportation Planning practice- Four stage planning –Trip generation-classification of trips- Factors
influencing trip generation-Methods of forecasting trip generation rates –Multiple linear regression analysis-
Statistical validity of regression equation- Cross classification and Category analysis.
Trip Distribution - Growth factor methods- Average factor method, Fratar, Furness method- Synthetic
methods- Gravity model only.
Module III
Network Planning and Traffic Assignment-purpose, Types-All or nothing- Diversion curves, Capacity
restraint Assignments. Assignment of public transport systems.
Modal split – Factors influencing modal choice, characteristics of journey, traveller, transportation system.
Trip end modal split model –Trip interchange modal split models- Discriminant analysis.
Traffic And Environment- Detrimental effects of traffic on environment - Noise - Air pollution -Visual
intrusion and degrading aesthetics.
Introduction to Intelligent Transportation Systems and Planning softwares
     1. Hutchinson, B.G., Principles of Urban Transportation System Planning, Mc-Graw
          Hill 1974
     2. Kadiayali,L R.,Traffic engineering and Transport planning, , Khanna Publication.
     3. Dickey, J W., Metropolitan Transportation Planning,-Tata Mc- Graw Hill Publishing
          Company Ltd.
     4. Jotin Khisty ,C.and Kent Lall,B, Transportation Engineering An Introduction,Prentice
          Hall International Inc.
     5. Michael D. Mayer & Eric J. Miller,Urban Transportation Planning-A Decision
          Oriented Approach, Mc Graw Hill.
     6. Partha Chakraborty and Animesh Das, Principles of Transportation Engineering,
          Prentice Hall India Private Ltd.
     7. Vuchic, Vukan R,Urban Public Transportation Systems andTechnology,Prentice Hall.
Question Paper:Duration: 3 hours
The question paper consists of Part A and Part B.
Part A is for 40 marks. There will be 8 compulsory short answer questions of 5 marks each covering entire
Part B is for 60 marks. There will be two questions from each module. The candidate has to answer one
question of 20 marks from each module.
Note: No charts, tables, codes are permitted in the Examination hall .If necessary relevant data shall be given
along with the question paper by the question paper setter.
                                                                                           L   T   P/D     Cr
08.807.6 Elective-V                 MATERIALS MANAGEMENT                                   3   0    0      3
Module I
Importance of material management-objectives-Materials-categories-costs involved.
Purchasing principles - six rights – Organisation - Centralised - decentralised. Standardisation-Forms of
specification-different levels - How an Indian standard is born - Advantages of standardisation.
Module II
Store-coding system - benefits - store function-responsibilities and functions - stores records and stores
Cost reduction through materials management-standardisation and variety reduction-value analysis-value
function-cost and worth-selection of items for value analysis-techniques-value analysis job plan.
Computer application in material management - ideal areas for computerisation.
Module III
Inventory management-types of inventory-aims of inventory control - inventory turn-over ratio - costs
associated with inventory-ordering cost - carrying cost - under-stocking cost - overstocking cost.
Selective control - ABC analysis - Economic order quantity-order point - lead time forecast usage per unit of
time - safety stock-stock order point.
Replenishment systems - Perpetual Review system-periodic review system - Quantity to be recouped.
          1. Purchasing and materials management - Gopalakrishnan, TMH
          2. An Integrated Concept of Materials Management - N.N. Shaw
          3. Materials management and inventory control - A.K. Datta
Question paper: Duration: 3 Hrs.
The question paper consists of Part A and Part B.
Part A is for 40 marks. There will be 8 compulsory short answer questions of 5 marks each covering the entire
Part B is for 60 marks. There will be two questions from each module. The candidate has to answer one
question from each module.
Note: No charts, tables, codes are permitted in the Examination hall .If necessary relevant data shall be given
along with the question paper by the question paper setter.
08.807.7 Elective-V          OPTIMIZATION TECHNIQUES IN                                     L T     P/D    Cr
                                                                                            3 0      0     3
Module I
General Optimisation procedures - and features of mathematical programming as applicable to Civil engineering
problems. Unconstrained and constrained optimization problems - Formulation of objective function and
Module II
Non- Linear Programming problems – one dimensional minimisation. Unconstrained optimization Techniques
Direct search method. Random search Univariate pattern search. Descent methods. Fletcher & Reeves method.
Quasi Newton methods Constrained optimization Techniques method of feasible directions Penalty function
Module III
 Linear Programming - Simplex method standard form - Simplex algorithm - Two phase solution by simplex
method - Duality of linear programming Formulation of geometric programming - Dynamic programming and
integer programming problems-Minimum weight design of trusses and frames.
     1.   Optimisation methods in Engineering Design, R.L. Fox Addison Wesely.
     2.   Optimisation Theory and applications , S.S. Rao ,Wiley Eastern.
     3.   Optimisation concepts and Applications Engineering, Belegundu.
     4.   Civil Engineering Systems, Andrew B Templeman.
Question Paper:
 Duration: 3 hours
The question paper consists of Part A and Part B. Part A is for 40 marks. There will be 8 compulsory short
answer questions of 5 marks each covering entire syllabus.
Part B is for 60 marks. There will be two questions from each module. The candidate has to answer one question
of 20 marks from each module.
Note: No charts, tables, codes are permitted in the Examination hall .If necessary relevant data shall be given
along with the question paper by the question paper setter.
                                                                                           L   T       P/D    Cr
08.807.8 Elective V.            IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE                                    3   0       0      3
Module 1
Soil Plant Water relationships-soil physical properties influencing irrigation-kinds of soil water-movement of
water into soils-infiltration and measurement-soil moisture retention and movement-soil moisture tension-total
soil water potential-soil moisture characteristics-soil moisture constants-measurement of soil moisture-
tensiometer, neutron moisture probe (only concepts).
Plant water relationships- Crop response to water-moisture stress and plant response-drought tolerance–root
characteristics and moisture use-evaporation, transpiration and consumptive use-measurement of
evapotranspiration-Estimating evapotranspiration from evaporation and climatological data-methods (Blaney
criddle, Thornthwaite, Penman and Christiansen only)-Crop co-efficient and evapotranspiration of a crop.
Module II
Measurement of irrigation water-methods-velocity area method-measuring structures like weirs, parshall
flumes, orifices, and meter gates-tracer methods.
Irrigation-selection of irrigation water application methods-irrigation requirement-surface irrigation methods-
details and hydraulics design aspects of border, check basin and furrow methods
Quality of irrigation water-problems, criteria, classification-Salt problems in irrigated agriculture-influence of
salts on physical properties of soil-salt balance-leaching requirement-methods.
Module III
Drainage of irrigated land-Surface drainage and land forming- different systems for surface drainage (layout and
description only).
Subsurface drainage –benefits-drainage requirements-pipe drains, mole drains-types of system (layout and
description only)-Outlets, types-depth and spacing of drains ( Design for steady state condition only)- size of
pipe drains-design flow -hydraulic design for drain size.
Drainage Surveys-Data to be monitored, Preliminary surveys, Detailed Surveys
     1. W.R. Walker and G.V. Skogerboe, ‘’Surface Irrigation: Theory and practice’’, Prentice Hall Inc.
     2. Michael, A.M, ‘Irrigation- Theory and practice’, Vikas Publishing house.
     3. Schwab.G.O and Frevert, ‘Soil and water conservation engineering’, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
     4. Drainage principles and applications- ILRI publication 16
Question Paper: Duration: 3 hours
The question paper consists of Part A and Part B.
  Part A is for 40 marks. There will be 8 compulsory short answer questions of 5 marks each covering entire
Part B is for 60 marks. There will be two questions from each module. The candidate has to answer one
question of 20 marks from each module.
Note: No charts, tables, codes are permitted in the Examination hall .If necessary relevant data shall be given
along with the question paper by the question paper setter.
08.807.9 Elective-V               TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM                                     L  T      P/D   Cr
                                           MANAGEMENT                                       3  0      0     3
Module –1
Transportation System Management-objectives and scope-Need for TSM, TSM Process outline, TSM Strategies
–Performance Measures.
Traffic Operations Improvement: On-street parking ban, one-way streets, reversible lanes, traffic calming, Right
turn phase, right turn lanes, reroute turning traffic, Auto Restricted Zones-Traffic Diverters
Module – 2
Study of TSM actions with respect to problems addressed, conditions for applications, potential implementation
problems, evaluation & impact analysis- park and ride, Ridesharing, exclusive lanes, priority at ramp terminals,
bus transfer stations, limited and skip-stop bus services, Public transportation & HOV treatment
Demand Management: Staggered work hours, flexible work hours, high peak period tolls, shuttle services,
circulation services, extended routes.
Local Area Traffic Management-Data Requirements-pedestrian Facilities-Planning for pedestrians, Bicycle
Facilities-Design .Non Motorized Transport: pedestrian only streets, Dial a ride for elderly & handicapped
Parking Management: Benefits of good parking management, curb parking, off street parking, Parking supply
and demand. , Parking and Terminal Facilities.
1     D.Arlington, Transportation System Management in 1980: State of the Art and Future Directions,
      Transportation Research Board, 1980.
2     Institute of Transportation Engineers, Transportation and Traffic Engg. Hand Book, Prentice Hall,
3     Nicholas.J. Garber and Lester.A. Hoel,’Traffic and Highway Engineering’, PWS Publishing 4Jotin
      Khisty.CandKentLallB,’Transportation Engineering-AnIntroduction’,PrenticeHallInternational Inc.
Question paper:Duration: 3 Hrs.
The question paper consists of Part A and Part B.
Part A is for 40 marks. There will be 8 compulsory short answer questions of 5 marks each covering the entire
syllabus .
Part B is for 60 marks. There will be two questions from each module. The candidate has to answer one
question from each module.
Note: No charts, tables, codes are permitted in the Examination hall .If necessary relevant data shall be given
along with the question paper by the question paper setter.
                                                                                              L   T     P/D      Cr
08.807.10 Elective-V                     REINFORCED EARTH
                                                                                              3   0      0       3
Module I
Introduction-history –ancient and modern structures-application areas
General theory - Stress strain relationship of reinforced soil – Preferred pattern of reinforcement - Factors
affecting the performance and behaviour of reinforced soil –Properties of reinforcement, reinforcement
distribution, soil properties, soil state, construction procedure - Action and relevance of reinforcement in soils
Materials - Cohesionless fill – Cohesive frictional fill - Cohesive fill
Reinforcement - Types of reinforcing materials – Properties - Facings
Module II
Design - Conceptual design-General aspects - Overall stability of vertically faced structures - Different Methods
Analysis and design of reinforced retaining structures with metallic reinforcement - Simple problems
Bearing capacity of reinforced earth foundation-Brief discussion of Binquet and Lee’s Method
Module III
Construction methods of reinforced retaining walls - Concertina Method - Telescope method - Sliding method
Geotextiles – Functions – Separation – Filtration – Drainage – Reinforcement - Natural geotextiles
1. Earth Reinforcement and Soil Structures --- C.J.F.P. Jones – Butterworth, London, 1985
2. G.L.Sivakumar Babu --- An Introduction to Soil Reinforcement and Geosynthetics - 2007
Question Paper: Duration: 3 hours
The question paper consists of Part A and Part B.
Part A is for 40 marks. There will be 8 compulsory short answer questions covering entire syllabus.
Part B is for 60 marks. There will two questions from each module. The candidate has to answer one question
of 20 marks from each module.
Note: No charts, tables, codes are permitted in the Examination hall .If necessary relevant data shall be given
along with the question paper by the question paper setter.
                                                                                            L    T      P/D     Cr
08.807.11 Elective-V             INDUSTRIAL STRUCTURES
                                                                                            3    0       0      3
Module I
Classification of Industrial structures-Layout requirements-lighting, ventilation and fire safety-protection against
noise and vibration-factories act.
Roofing configuration-types of trusses-beams and lattice trusses-purlins-ferrocement-detailed design-spacing –
Concrete roofs-Grid floors, shells and folded plates.
Module II
Storage structures-silos and bunkers-Shape of hopper for different materials-design of vertical sides-hopper
bottom-stiffening gorder-staging-design-conveyors and supporting structures.Intz type water tanks.
Module III
Rigid industrial frames-gable frames of uniform cross sections-varying depth-pin jointed knee bracings-design-
design of joints-analysis by various methods. Power transmission lines-Load Analysis and design of
transmission line towers-substation structures-Foundation analysis-Design principle only.
     1. Lothers: “Advance Design in steel structure”, Prentice Hall,USA,1980
     2. Salmon.C,G and Johnson J.E,”Steel structure-Design and Behaviour”,Harpr and Row-1980
     3. Wiliam McGuire,” Steel Structures,”PrenticeHall of India New Jersey,1968
     4. Steel designers Manual published in UK
     5. Arya and Ajmani,”Design of steel structures”Netrichand Bros,Roorkee,1990
     6. Dayaratnam P,”Design of steel structures”Wheele &Co.,NewDelhi Second Edition 1999
Question Paper: Duration: 3 hours
The question paper consists of Part A and Part B.
Part A is for 40 marks. There will be 8 compulsory short answer questions covering entire syllabus.
Part B is for 60 marks. There will two questions from each module. The candidate has to answer one question
of 20 marks from each module.
Note: No charts, tables, codes are permitted in the Examination hall .If necessary relevant data shall be given
along with the question paper by the question paper setter.
                                                                                            L    T      P/D     Cr
08.807.12. Elective-V           GEO-ENVIRONMENTAL
                                                                                            3    0       0      3
Waste Generation – source, type, quantity, characteristics and management of waste;
Geotechnical properties of solid waste - density, particle size, temperature, pH, moisture content,
compressibility, permeability, shear parameters; qeotecnical reuse of waste materials;
Waste dump - changes occurring in waste dump, impact on environment, remedial measures for waste dump
Engineered landfill – types, selection and ranking of landfill sites based on sensitivity index – landfill planning-
components of landfill –land fill capacity-
Liner and cover system - compacted clay liner ,geomembrane liners, geosynthetic clay liner - insitu permeability
measurement of clay liners,
Leachate quality and quantity collection pipes, drainage Materials; leachate recirculation and Treatment; Gas
management and collection facilities.
Module III
Soil waste interaction; contaminant transport - advective, diffusive, dispersive and combined process -
attenuation capacity- change in engineering properties; permeability, shear strength, atterbergs limit,
compressibility and swell.
Soil remediation- soil washing, fixation, electrokinetic remediation, biological treatment, thermal treatment and
     1. Datta M, Waste disposal in engineered landfills, Narosha publication New Delhi, 1997
     2. Ramanatha Ayyar T. S, Soil in relation to Environment, L B S centre for Science and Technology,
         Trivandrum, 2000, .
     3. Gulathi S. and Datta M, Geotechnical Engineering ,Tata MC Graw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd. New
         Delhi, 2005
     4. Sharby R, Environmental geotechnology, Chapman and Hall London, 2000
     5. Daniel D. E, Geotecnical Practice of waste disposal, Chapman and Hall London, 1993
     6. Bachi,Design Construction and monitoring of landfills” ,John Wiley and Sons New York, 1993
Question Paper:Duration:3 hours
The question paper consists of Part A and Part B.
Part A carries 40 marks. There will be 8 compulsory short answer questions covering entire syllabus.
Part B is for 60 marks. There will be 2 questions from each module. The candidate has to answer one question
of 20 marks from each module.
                                                                                        L    T       P/D    Cr
 08.806.13. Elective V.             SYSTEMS ENGINEERING
                                                                                        3    0       0      3
                                     FOR CIVIL ENGINEERS
Module I
Systems engineering- System-definition and examples of civil engineering systems, system analysis, system
design and system synthesis. Steps in analysis of systems- Mathematical modeling of systems- Optimization
problems-Objective function and constraints.
Formulation of the following optimization problems for civil engineers-minimum weight design of trusses and
frames, minimum cost design of beams, Column design based on Euler’s theory of buckling load, Optimal
design of water distribution systems, single reservoir operation, Minimum cost design of lined irrigation canals.
Traffic signal time optimization, Effluent disposal to rivers.
Concavity and convexity of optimization problems- Solution of single variable optimization problems-Calculus
based methods, Newton, bisection and secant method
Module- II
Solution of multi variable optimization problems- Lagrange multiplier method-KKT conditions. Unconstrained
optimization techniques for multi variable problems-direct search methods, Random search, uni-variate and
pattern search-Hook and Jeeve’s method, Descent methods-Fletcher and reeves method, Quasi-Newton methods
(conceptual idea only),
Constrained optimization and constraint handling - penalty function approach (conceptual idea only).
Module- III
Dynamic programming (DP) - Bellman’s principle of optimality, Application of DP to a pipe network problem.
Basic ideas of integer programming and multi-objective optimization (Descriptions only).
Evolutionary algorithms for optimization- Basic principles of Genetic Algorithms, Simulated Annealing and
Swarm Intelligence Techniques (Ant colony optimization and particle swarm optimization) (conceptual ideas
Simulation-Concept of Monte Carlo Simulation (No numerical problem).
References/ Text Books
       1. Fox R L -Optimization methods for engineering design – Weily
       2. Rao S S -Engineering Optimization-theory and practice-, New Age International
       3. Belegundu and Chandrapatla-Optimization concepts and applications in engineering-, Prentice Hall
            India Ltd
       4. Deb K -Optimization for engineering design- Algorithms and Examples–, Prentice Hall India Ltd
       5. Haftka R T and Gurdal Z -Elements of structural optimization-Springer
       6. Goldberg DE-Genetic Algorithms in search, optimization and machine learning.
       7. Engelbrecht A P -Fundamentals of computational swarm Intelligence- Weily
       8. Kennedy J and Eberhart R C-Swarm Intelligence- Morgan Kaufaman
       9. Arora J S-Introduction to optimum design- Elsevier
       10. Vedula P and Mujumdar P P-Water resources systems- TMH
     Question paper: Duration: 3 Hrs
     The question paper consists of part A and part B.
     Part A consist of 8 questions of 5 marks each. Candidate has to answer all questions.
     Part B is for 60 marks. Part B is divided into three modules. Candidate has to answer one full question out
     of two, from each module.
     Note: At least one assignment should be computer oriented. The candidate should practice to solve simple
     optimization problems from civil engineering field using any commercial software.
                                                                                         L    T      P/D    Cr
                                                                                         0    0      5      5
Sessional marks 100 for 08.808 can be awarded as 80 + 20 for project and industrial visit respectively. 80 marks
for project can be distributed as 40 + 40, where 40 marks will be awarded by the guide of the project and 40
marks by the evaluation team comprising of guide and not less than two staff members. The students have to
present their work before the evaluation team and appear for a close-in examination. The marks given by the
evaluation team must be based on the quality of project, performance of the students in the presentation and
close-in examination.
Industrial visit should be completed before the commencement of 8th semester and a detailed report of the same
has to be submitted. The report should be evaluated for 20 marks.

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